· What is a breakthrough?
· What medical breakthroughs do you know?
· When did these breakthroughs happen?
researcher |
исследователь |
cap |
шапка |
succeed |
преуспеть |
breakthrough |
открытие |
human liver |
печень человека |
pluripotent stem |
полипотентная стволовая клетка |
stem cells |
стволовые клетки |
feather |
перо |
Read the text
Artificial Liver/Kidney Grown In Laboratories
In 2013, Japanese researchers succeeded in creating a functional human liver from stem cells, adding latest feather in the cap of medical achievements of 21st century. With the amazing breakthrough, the hopes of manufacturing artificial organs to save lives have risen high. The induced iPS cells (pluripotent stem) were grown into working human liver in the body of a mouse. On 14 April 2013, BBC carried a report about a kidney grown in a laboratory in USA, which was successfully producing urine.
URL: https://topyaps.com/top-10-medical-breakthroughs-of-the-21st-century/
Answer the questions
1. Who created a functional human liver?
2. When did it happen?
3. What problems will this solve?
4. How were the iPS cells grown?
5. What report was carried by BBC?
6. When did BBC carry the report?
7. Where was a kidney grown?
8. Was the kidney producing urine?
Translate into English
Японские исследователи; преуспеть в создании; стволовые клетки; медицинские достижения; удивительное открытие; искусственные органы; спасать жизни; функционирующая печень человека; отчет о выращенной почке; вырабатывать мочу
· What is the value of this breakthrough in medicine?
· Скачано с www.znanio.ru
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