· How to describe pain?
· What is abdominal pain?
· What can be the reasons of abdominal pain?
admit to |
поступать в |
altered |
измененный |
acute |
острый |
angina |
стенокардия |
onset |
начало |
on exertion |
при физической нагрузке |
constant |
постоянный |
hysterectomy |
удаление матки |
vomit |
рвать |
menorrhagia |
усиленная менструация |
Read the text
Abdominal Pain
A 70-year-old woman is admitted to hospital with acute onset of abdominal pain. The abdominal pain started quite suddenly 24 h before admission and has continued since then. It is a constant central abdominal pain. She has vomited altered food on one occasion. She has a history of occasional angina on exertion for 5 years. She has a glyceryl trinitrate spray but she has not needed this in the last 3 months. A year ago she was found to be in atrial fibrillation at 120/min, and she was started on digoxin, which she still takes. The only other medical history of note is that she had a hysterectomy for menorrhagia 30 years ago and she has hypertension controlled on a small dose of a thiazide diuretic for the last 3 years. She does not take any other medication apart from low-dose aspirin. She does not smoke and does not drink alcohol. She retired from work as a cleaner 8 years ago.
URL: https://www.moscmm.org/pdf/100_Cases_in_Clinical_Medicine.pdf
Answer the questions
1. Why is the woman admitted to hospital?
2. When did this start?
3. What is the pain in nature?
4. Has she vomited?
5. What is her medical history?
6. What medications does she use?
7. What happened 1 year ago?
8. What is other medical history?
9. What are her bad habits?
10. When did she retire from work?
· What examination and investigation should be provided?
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