· How to describe pain?
· What is loss of consciousness?
· What can be the reasons of loss of consciousness?
anorexia |
потеря аппетита |
recurrent |
повторяющийся |
unconscious |
бессознательный |
treat |
лечить |
general practitioner |
врач терапевт |
fatigue |
утомление |
cellulitis |
воспаление подкожной клетчатки |
suffer |
страдать |
insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus |
инсулинозависимый сахарный диабет |
complain |
жаловаться |
Read the text
Loss of Consciousness
A 40-year-old man is admitted to the emergency department having been found unconscious at home by his wife on her return from work in the evening. He has suffered from insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus for 18 years and his diabetic control is poor. He has had recurrent hypoglycaemic episodes, and has been treated in the emergency department on two occasions for this. Over the past few weeks he has developed pain in his right foot. His general practitioner diagnosed cellulitis and he has received two courses of oral antibiotics. This has made him feel unwell and he has complained to his wife of fatigue, anorexia and feeling thirsty. In his medical history he had a myocardial infarction 2 years ago. He has had bilateral laser treatment for proliferative diabetic retinopathy. He was a builder but is now unemployed. He smokes 25 cigarettes per week and drinks 30 units of alcohol per week. His treatment is twice-daily insulin, he checks his blood glucose irregularly at home.
URL: https://www.moscmm.org/pdf/100_Cases_in_Clinical_Medicine.pdf
Answer the questions
1. Why is the man admitted to the emergency department?
2. Who has found him?
3. What has he suffered from?
4. How long has he been suffered this?
5. Has he had recurrent hypoglycaemic episodes?
6. What has he developed over the past few weeks?
7. What was diagnosed?
8. Why has he made unwell then?
9. What is his past medical history?
10. What is his treatment?
· What examination and investigation should be provided?
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