· Why should a pregnant woman to visit a doctor?
· What information about pregnancy does a doctor specify?
· What are the common anxieties of pregnant women?
pregnant woman |
беременная женщина |
That’s a relief! |
Слава Богу! |
anxiety |
беспокойство |
delivering the baby |
рождение ребенка |
maternity leave |
декретный отпуск |
unborn babies |
будущий ребенок |
unwind |
отдыхать |
constipation |
запор |
pregnancy |
беременность |
midwife |
акушерка |
Pregnancy Anxiety
Dr Robinson: Good afternoon Mrs Pang. It’s nice to see you again. I
remember last appointment you said you were feeling a bit anxious about your
pregnancy. Did you manage to work things out with your employer yet?
Mrs Pang: Hello Doctor. Yes, things are a lot better now. My boss has finally granted me maternity leave. This morning I went to the sauna to celebrate. It felt great to unwind and have a massage.
Dr Robinson: Oh, you went to a sauna? It’s good to hear you’re feeling better about the pregnancy now, but you should know that going to saunas is not a good option during pregnancy. This is because extreme temperatures could potentially be harmful to your baby.
Mrs Pang: Really? I had no idea. That was the first time I’ve ever been to the sauna in my life. I hope I haven’t put my baby’s life at risk by making such a stupid mistake.
Dr Robinson: Well, if it’s your first time the risk is slight, so I wouldn’t worry about that.
Mrs Pang: That’s a relief. Although this week has been much better than the last, I still get anxious about delivering the baby because my mother had complications when she had me. Maybe I’m drinking too much coffee. My sister said that drinking caffeine can hurt unborn babies. Is that true?
Dr Robinson: Well, actually there have been no studies which have proven that caffeine can harm the foetus. But I would recommend limiting your consumption of beverages which contain caffeine – I’m talking about, of course, coffee, as well as tea, coke, and so on. That would be good for your general health.
Mrs Pang: Oh, I’ve also been having some trouble with constipation recently. Do you have any advice you can give me?
Dr Robinson: That’s perfectly normal. Constipation can come as a result of the hormone change that’s taking place in your body right now, and this change causes your digestive system to process food intake more slowly than usual.
Mrs Pang: Then what should I do about this? I mean, it’s not a big problem for me, but a couple of times the constipation lasted the whole night.
Dr Robinson: I wouldn’t worry too much about this, but there are three things you can do to alleviate your constipation. One is to keep your fluids up as much as you can. Two is to do more exercise – a rigorous walk each day should be fine. And three is make sure you get enough roughage – you know, eat foods which are high in fibre such as bran, cereals and fruit and vegies. If problems persist you can try a laxative.
Mrs Pang: OK, I will try to do that. But I was curious if it’s safe to work or exercise now while I’m pregnant. I work part-time as an accountant Monday to Thursday and exercise on weekends. If it’s not safe to strain myself at work I’m thinking of taking a break.
Dr Robinson: Well, let me put it this way – if you’re pregnant, you shouldn’t be running marathons any time soon. But light exercise during your pregnancy can have a number of benefits. Well, firstly it can enhance your blood circulation throughout your entire body and improve your posture, as well as improve your general sense of well-being. And if you can keep up a good exercise regime during your pregnancy, this will put you in a better shape to cope with the delivery.
Mrs Pang: I’ll be sure to keep that in mind. I’m also concerned about the burning sensation I sometimes get in the middle of my chest. It leaves an unpleasant taste in my mouth and sometimes it makes me burp really loud in public places, it’s quite embarrassing! Is there anything I can do to prevent this?
Dr Robinson: Hmm, sounds like heartburn. Try to eat small but frequent meals – say, five or six per day, instead of two or three big meals. You should also avoid drinking large amounts of fluids with your meals. Alcohol and smoking is also a no-no.
Mrs Pang: I wouldn’t worry about that. We Chinese women rarely drink alcohol. And, as for smoking, I gave that up years ago. I’d like to thank you for all the help you’ve given me. You and my midwife Kerry have worked so hard.
Dr Robinson: It’s my pleasure. You know we’re here any time if you need to schedule another appointment. Take care.
URL: https://lemongrad.com/conversation-between-doctor-and-patient/
Translate into English
Чувствовать беспокойство; беременность; декретный отпуск; являться вредным для ребенка; подвергать жизнь ребенка риску; рождение ребенка; навредить будущему ребенку; ограничить употребление напитков; запор; пищеварительная система; пить больше жидкости; делать упражнения; пища богатая клетчаткой; слабительное; неполный рабочий день; напрягаться на работе; выгода; улучшить кровообращение; улучшить осанку; справиться с родами; изжога; отрыгивать; частые приему пищи; акушерка; запланировать встречу.
True or False
Fill the gaps
· What diet a pregnant woman should follow?
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