Методологическая разработка урока английского языка по теме «Surgical nursing duties»
Оценка 4.6

Методологическая разработка урока английского языка по теме «Surgical nursing duties»

Оценка 4.6
Лекции +1
английский язык +1
10 кл—11 кл +1
Методологическая разработка урока английского языка по теме «Surgical nursing duties»
Методологическая разработка урока английского языка по теме «Surgical nursing duties»
Surgical Nursing.docx



Exercise 1. Read and answer the questions.

1.       What is surgical department?

2.       What are the main roles of the nurses in this department?

Exercise 2. Read and translate the text.


1.    theatre nurse – хирургическая сестра

2.    perioperative – периоперационный

3.    nurse practitioners – младшая медсестра

4.    nursing care – сестринская помощь

5.    skills – навыки

6.    benefit – польза, выгода

7.    danger – опасность

8.    concern – сомнение

9.    undertake – предпринимать

10.supplies – инструменты

11.pain relief – обезболивание

12.complication – осложнение

13.discharge from hospital – выписка из больницы



Theatre nurses are part of the perioperative surgical team, they work alongside surgeons, surgical technician, nurse anaesthetists and nurse practitioners.

In surgery there are 3 main phases: preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative. These phases collectively are known as the perioperative period. Perioperative nursing is the way by which nursing care is provided. Each phase is related to specific activities carried out and skills needed for different stages of nursing.

Preoperative Phase

This stage is undertaken when the patient decides to have surgery. Preoperative phase, which includes discussing to the patients about all the benefits of the procedure but also the dangers that could occur. By giving this information to the patients prior their operation, it's a good chance for the patient to discuss any concerns they may have. Also the theatre nurses must make sure that the patients are in good health, before going ahead with the surgery. While it is very important to prepare a patient physically it is also important to mentally prepare a patient prior to surgery. A surgical nurse will help prepare the patient using various methods often including family members depending on the situation. The patient will normally express any concerns about the surgery to the nurse, this information will be passed on to other hospital staff including the surgeon, the appropriate actions will be taken dependent on the situation.

Intraoperative Phase

This stage begins when the ward nurse, who has prepared the patient for surgery, delivers the patient and their notes to the theatre and/or anaesthetic nurse. Many checks are undertaken in this stage to ensure a safe environment for the patient and the theatre staff. The theatre nurse carries out activities to maintain a sterile environment and to ensure the surgical equipment is working well. The nurse also organizes all surgical instruments and ensures all supplies needed during the surgery are available.

Postoperative Phase

This phase begins when the theatre/anaesthetic nurse delivers the patients notes to the nurses and staff in the Post-Anaesthetic Care Unit (PACU). This can also be known as the recovery room. Here the nurse's immediate attention is on checking the patient's airway and breathing. In this phase nurses also attend to pain relief and any other complications following surgery. These nurses, often in day surgery cases, attend to provide patients and their caregivers with support and instructions and requirements needed for home care.

The first twenty-four hours post-surgery are critical, there are many procedures that should take place in order to monitor the patient. Observations of the patient need to be taken and recorded every fifteen minutes. General observations are inclusive of, heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, respiratory rate and oxygen saturation. Further tasks taken out by a surgical nurse post operation include; urine output, assessment of wound sites, replacing intravenous requirements and reporting any abnormalities. It is also a task of the nurse to collect information about the patient's social history or issues, mobility restrictions, nutrition and education requirements prior to discharge from hospital. When these tasks are taken out it is proven to improve recovery.

Resource: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surgical_nursing#Duties

Exercise 3. Write down duties of surgical nursing within the perioperative period.


Exercise 4. The most basic surgical instruments are shown in the picture. Write the names of the surgical instruments. The necessary words are present below.


retractor [rɪ'træktə] 

scalpel ['skælp(ə)l] 

dissecting forceps [dɪ'sektɪŋ] ['fɔːseps]

artery forceps ['ɑːtərɪ] ['fɔːseps] 

scissors ['sɪzəz]



Which of the instruments is needed for each of the following procedures?

1.    making an incision

2.    keeping the sides of the wound open

3.    cutting sutures

4.    holding the cut ends of blood vessels before they are tied

Exercise 5. Translate the text, pay attention to the underlined words.


An assistant must be able to carry out the following tasks to help the surgeon.

Firstly, he or she must help in preparing the patient and putting the drapes in place to provide sterile conditions. Expert handling of a retractor is essential to allow the surgeon to see what he is going.

The assistant must also keep the operation site free of blood, by careful use of the swabs or sucker. The surgeon also needs assistance with tying and cutting ligatures , and with the insertion of a drain , if necessary. Finally, the assistant may be asked to close the wound with sutures/stitches/staples or other devices.



Exercise 6. .Endoscopic surgery has become popular. Are the duties of endoscopic nursing equal to the duties of surgical nursing? Why?


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