Открытое внеурочное мероприятие "Halloween"
Оценка 4.9

Открытое внеурочное мероприятие "Halloween"

Оценка 4.9
Открытое внеурочное мероприятие "Halloween"

Герои мероприятия:

Black Cat


Monsters (3-4)

Ghosts (2-3)


Костюмы черной кошки, ведьмы, призраков и монстров

Черный мешок

Игрушечный паук

Яблоко, ракушка, монета, ключ, сердечко


Для поделок – бумага, ножницы


Ход мероприятия

  1. Праздник начинается со стихотворения «It’s Halloween», которое читает «черная кошка». Выход под музыку

Black Cat: It’s Halloween! It’s Halloween!
The moon is full and bright.
And we shall see what can’t be seen

On any other night!
Skeletons and ghosts and ghouls
Grinning goblins fighting duels
Werewolves rising from their tombs,

Witches on their magic brooms.
In masks and gowns we haunt the street
And knock on doors for trick or treat.
Tonight we are the king and queen,

For all tonight it’s Halloween!

       2. Видео «Halloween». 

       3. Появление ребят в костюмах под устрашающую музыку. Обучающиеся наряжены в костюмы ведьм, монстров, призраков, пиратов, черных кошек, мумий и др. Ребята выходят по одному, проходят по рядам зрителей, дотрагиваются до них. Затем все собираются в центре. За ними стоят ведущие: ведьма и её помощница - черная кошка.


A witch: Hello, my dear friends! Do you know me? I’m a witch. My name is Ms Darkness. I’m glad to see you tonight. And this is my helper Black cat. Today we will celebrate Halloween together!

I’m an English witch, so speak English, please, or I’ll turn you into a frog or a spider!

I see you are happy. I don’t like happy children. We have got a little surprise for you. I have a black bag. Now guess, what is there in the black bag? Touch it. What is it?  (В мешке игрушечный паук. Ведущая предлагает ребятам потрогать и угадать что в мешке. Затем просит достать его из мешка).

What brave children! / Ha! Ha! Ha! My joke is great! You are scared. It’s just a spider.

       4. Презентация «История Хэллоуина».

A witch: Today is Halloween night. The thirty-first of October. My friends, do you remember the history of Halloween? Let’ listen to children and remember traditions of Halloween and its customs.

A black cat: Celts celebrated Halloween many centuries ago in Ireland and Scotland. It was the end of summer and the beginning of winter. The thirty-first of October. Long ago people really believed in ghosts. They thought the dead came back to their homes once a year and walked around all night. Many Halloween stories and games are hundreds years old. Now you can see a Halloween party on the picture: traditional game “Bobbing for apples”, fortune-telling with apples, dancing and telling scary stories.

Ghost 1: At Halloween, many boys and girls, even grow-ups dress up in deferent costumes and pretend to be goblins, monsters, skeletons, witches or ghosts.

Ghost 2: The most favourite Halloween tradition is to make Jack-o’-lantern. It’s the main symbol of Halloween. Children hollow out a pumpkin and cut eyes, а nose and а mouth.

Monster 1: They light a candle inside the pumpkin to scare their friends. They set jack-o’-lanterns in the windows.

Monster 2: The main Halloween activity for children is trick-or-treating. They dress in costumes and masks and go from door to door saying “trick or treat”. The neighbors give children such treats as sweets, fruit and pennies so that children do not play tricks on them.

Monster3: Traditional colours of Halloween are: black and orange.

В презентации на английском, говорят по-англ и по – русски

       5. Гадание. Помощница выносит подносНа подносе лежат яблоко, монета, ракушка, ключ и сердечко.

A witch: My little friends, never stay at home along at Halloween time and don’t open the doors to strangers. That was a scary story.

Monster4: It’s time for fortune-telling. Do you want to know your future?  Bring me an apple. What а magic fruit! At Halloween time people use apples to tell the future.

Ghost 1: Let’s predict your future. I’ve got 5 things: these are an apple, a seashell, a heart, a coin and a key. Who wants to predict the future? Come to me. Black cat, blindfold him/her. Now you can choose one.

 (An apple – you will be happy.  A coin  means a lot of money or treasure. A key is for good business/luck. A heart means a close friend. A seashell is for traveling round the world.)

Дублируем по-русски  

6. Поделки на тему праздника: летучая мышь

        12. Подведение итогов.

A witch: Well, it’ time to say goodbye.

Black cat: And remember: everything can happen at Halloween. It’s a magic time! 

Monster2: I hope you liked this evening. It was really funny. Goodbye.


Герои мероприятия : Black

Герои мероприятия : Black

A witch: Hello, my dear friends!

A witch: Hello, my dear friends!

An apple – you will be happy.

An apple – you will be happy.
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