Открытый урок "Внешность, черты характера
Оценка 4.7

Открытый урок "Внешность, черты характера

Оценка 4.7
Открытый урок "Внешность, черты характера
открытый урок Внешность, черты характера.docx

Открытый урок по английскому языку

 «Внешность, черты характера»

-Teacher:  Hello everyone

                  I am very glad to see you

                  But unfortunately I don’t know your interests. And you don’t know

me. Almost nothing about each other. That’s why I want us now to find some common interests.

                  Well, do you understand the meaning of the world combination common interest what you like, what I like do you understand me, because if people have the same interests they become friends and I want us to be friends (a real team). Do you know the meaning of the world «team» and I want us to become a real team during our lesson that’s why let’s try to find out if we have the common likes or dislike.

Доска:                like                                   dislike                                     me and you

1.     Do you like to listen to music?

2.     To read books

3.     MacDonald’s

4.     To spend your time in face book and VK

5.     To travel

Let’s imagine that we are in a game. If you don’t like to play computer games. I like to play computer games. I like to play quests. Have you ever heard about such game?

Слайд 1:


Do you know the meaning of the world quests? Well, the main idea of quests when we try to find some key words in the room. If you don’t like to play computer. Let’s do it right now, not in computer, but here in this room. Let’s imagine we are in a computer game. Close your eyes. Let’s imagine that smth happens here. One two three open your eyes. You don’t know but smth has changed.

First of all, my first quest on. I am going to give you a key and you will try to find this item, thing in this room and you will have the key. 

This is the thing you use right now but I don’t use it now. What’s this?( It’s a chair)

So, one of the key is under your chairs. What’s this? (It’s a message)

The next is on the board. Slide

The next is on the board. Slide

This table is the boss table (The teachers table)

We have got a mirror, a selphy, a message.

So? What are we going to speak about?

We are going to speak about “How do we look? How do we communicate?

Before we start to speak about this topic I want to ask you some question: Why should people know how to communicate? Is your appearance important?

When we speak with people we should characterize them.

Учитель раздает листы со словами и суффиксами

На доске:

  Reli                                     ed

Bore                           ing

  Act                             able

 Sense                         ible

 Bore                           ive

  Look at these words; we have got different words .I want you to divide into 2 groups. Slide

The first group is suffixes, the second is words

 Optimist                Slide















           What part of speech do you know?



Физкультминутка    Slide

Why do we need these words? To characterize a person.

But also we need phrasal verbs. Slide

 Учитель раздает  ключи, согласно цвету ключа учащийся должен выбрать стол, за которым будет работать. На столах лежат картинки людей и детям необходимо предположить возраст человека, его или ее интересы, профессию, черты характера, внешность.

Keys.  Let’s take your seats according to the color. Look at me. You have a very big picture.

   На слайдах картинки людей: Do you know these people? I want to look at these people.

   When  we speak about appearance. Let’s try to guess, to suppose.

-         What’s their age?

-         To describe their appearance

-         Character

-         Profession

-         Interest

Работа в группах

    3 группы

Окончание урока

My last question for you. We started our lesson with it. Слайд.

Why should people know how to communicate? Is your appearance important?

What do we use today to communicate?

Is your appearance important when we meet a person?

Yes| But the first impression and after that when you see a person.

When do we communicate with this person? What happens? You need to speak, to communicate, to know this person.


Открытый урок по английскому языку «Внешность, черты характера» -Teacher:

Открытый урок по английскому языку «Внешность, черты характера» -Teacher:

So? What are we going to speak about?

So? What are we going to speak about?

What part of speech do you know?

What part of speech do you know?
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