Passive Voice упражнения
Оценка 5

Passive Voice упражнения

Оценка 5
Passive Voice упражнения
8 passive voice распечатка.docx

I.      Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form:      Passive Voice

1.     Documents usually (deliver) every morning.

2.     The wonderful costumes (make) for show last week.

3.     This museum (visit) by many people every day.

4.     His birthday (celebrate) last Sunday.

5.     This country (populate) by 24 million people.

6.     Many towns (destroy) by the earthquake in Japan some years ago.

7.     Our baggage (examine) at the Customs yesterday.

8.     The dogs (take out) three times yesterday.

9.     Our village (surround) with a forest.


II. Active or passive? Choose the correct verb form.

 1. The book (wrote/was written) by M. Twain.

2. I (like / am liked) this place.

3. A famous architect (was built/built) the bridge.

4. The house (bought/was bought) by a pop star.

5. I (arrived/was arrived) last Friday.

6. They (make/ are made) spoons from the wood.

7.  This house (built/was built) in 1930.

8. He (worked/were worked) yesterday.


III. Make up sentences using passive constructions.

1.     Popov invented radio in Russia.

2.     Shakespeare wrote “Romeo and Juliet”.

3.     She keeps all books on the shelves.

4.     My mum made a delicious cherry pie for dinner.

5.     The postman delivered my letter by the door.

6.     They speak Spanish in Peru.

7.     Yuri Dolgoruki founded Moscow in 1147.

8.     We usually pick apples in September.


IV.Translate into English

1.Мне дают сок каждое утро.

2. Дверь была открыта другим ключом.

3. Мне посоветовали посетить этот музей.

4. Вкусный хлеб продают в этом магазине.

5. Его научили плавать прошлым летом.

6. Тесты сдали учителю после звонка.

7. Пиццу готовят каждый день.

8. Эта статья написана известный журналист.

9. Мой номер был убран вечера.


I. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form:

I. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form:
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