Рассказ о березе.
Birch is our national tree. They are everywhere in our village, in our region and in our country.
In winter you can’t see any leaves on them.
In spring the leaves appear. They are little and light-green.
In summer the birch’s leaves are not very big and green.
In September leaves become yellow. And in the end of autumn there are no leaves on the trees.
Plants 5 grade.docx
Plants 5 grade
Work in a small group or in pairs. Complete the mind map and talk about it.
Present your ideas to the group. Listen to the feedback and set your own learning aims.
Рассказ о березе.
Birch is our national tree. They are everywhere in our village, in our region and in our country.
In winter you can’t see any leaves on them.
In spring the leaves appear. They are little and lightgreen.
In summer the birch’s leaves are not very big and green.
In September leaves become yellow. And in the end of autumn there are no leaves on the trees.
Рассказ о клене.
Maple is a beautiful tree. It has interesting leaves. They are of origin form. In summer the leaves are
green. But in September they become yellow and red. In October all leaves are red. It’s very beautiful. I
like to look at the maples in autumn.
Рассказ о ели.
I want to tell about famous tree in all over the world, about the fir tree. This tree is famous because we
take it on Christmas and on New Year at home. We take it because it is always green. It has so small
leaves that they don’t fall in winter. It is always green and smells good.
The natural zones of Kazakhstan.
Forests are in the north of Kazakhstan forest large area with trees? bush
steppes large area without trees steppes are in the central part of Kazakhstan
desert large area with sand Deserts are in the south of Kazakhstan
mountains are in the south of Kazakhstan
Plants 5 grade (разработка урока)
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