Оценка 4.8


Оценка 4.8




Мишенева Елена Васильевна, учитель английского языка,

МБОУ "Дедовичская СШ №1 "

Данное пособие в виде карточек к материалам урока по разделу 1 УМК «Rainbow English» поможет ученикам 8 класса быть более уверенными в себе и закрепить пройденный материал по карточкам, составляя разные предложения. Материал авторский, такого Вы нигде не найдете, пособие разработано с учетом того, что поможет ученикам отработать лексику и подтянуть устную речь на английском языке. В первых карточках рассказ составлен, можно выучить и использовать на тестовых занятиях по устной речи, в последних карточках предлагается самим составить рассказ, 25 карточка - предлагается составить и рассказ, и саму карточку по разделу «Спорт» из тех слов, которые могут быть упущены. Данный материал можно использовать в качестве тестовых заданий по устной речи, где ученик вытягивает карточку со словами и рассказывает свой собственный рассказ.

Материал может быть использован, как семинар или мероприятие по завершению обучающего блока темы «Sport».

Цель – повысить навыки осуществления устной речи.

 Планируемые результаты – повысится лексический запас, отработка результатов обучения на практике.

Тип урока/мероприятия – урок развивающегося контроля.

Формы работы – можно использовать как в группах: состав предложений и прочтение друг другу, так и в паре, время для подготовки (1-5 минут).

Ход занятия – ученики изначально должны быть ознакомлены с лексикой и карточками до наступления занятия, отработка идет также в ходе изучения под тем урока и на результативном уроке (уроке развивающегося контроля) все карточки перешиваются и каждый подходит и тянет любую карточку, садится на место и готовится 1 минуту, отвечает перед всем классом. Остальные считают сколько слов он/ она сказал(а) и правильно ли все составлено, проставляют баллы себе в ведомость за данного ученика (которая каждому выдана до начала урока со списком учеников). Данная ведомость сдается в конце урока, а учитель отмечает, кто сколько баллов набрал. В результате ученики сами оценивают свои знания и оценивают подготовку своих коллег.

Карточки.Unit 1. Sport

Карточка 1

1.                  To show

2.                  To spend

3.                  To stay

4.                  Holidays

5.                  Resort

6.                  Tendency

7.                  Older (people)

The tendency shows that the older people spend their holidays on resorts or stay at home but younger people spend their holidays in foreign countries.

Карточка 2

1.                  Younger people

2.                  To organize

3.                  To go out

4.                  Excursions

5.                  To laze about

6.                  Campfire

7.                  Backpacking

Travel agencies can organize campfire or backpacking for younger people. Younger people prefer to go out excursions or laze about on the beaches.

Карточка 3

1.                  To prefer

2.                  To stay (in a tent)

3.                  To sing (songs)

4.                  Beaches

5.                  To be happy

6.                  Travel agencies

7.                  Sometimes

The younger people prefer to organize their holidays by travel agencies. They like to organize campfire where they can stay in a tent and sing songs. Sometimes they are happy to laze about on the beaches.

Карточка 4

1.                  To skate

2.                  To write

3.                  to read

4.                  Competition

5.                  (ice) hockey

6.                  To ride

7.                  Sportsman

If you want to be a sportsman or take part in various sports competition you should not only to do everyday exercises but you should know how to write grammatically properly and read. You could chose different  kind of sports such as ice hockey, skating where you could skate on the skating rink or riding where you could ride a horse.

Карточка 5

1.                  Big

2.                  Windsurfing

3.                  Rugby

4.                  Weightlifting

5.                  To organize

6.                  Trainer

7.                  To laze

Many trainers make big efforts to teach sportsmen in such kind activities as weightlifting, rugby or windsurfing. They don’t like when sportsmen laze so they organize many local competition.

Карточка 6

1.                  Advantage

2.                  To climb

3.                  Excited (fans)

4.                  Race

5.                  To score ( a goal)

6.                  To support

7.                  Common

8.                  Rock climbing

Going in for sports gives you a lot of advantages. You know some sports and games are common such as football, basketball and are less common such as rock climbing, motor racing and others.

Rock climbing means  the competition among people who climb a mountain or rock.

Football game means when two teams competing between each other to score goals. Also the excited fans support their teams.

Карточка 7

1.                  Taste (to be not to everyone’s taste)

2.                  Team

3.                  Though

4.                  To excite

5.                  A lot of

6.                  To go in for

7.                  At stadium(s)

Nowadays there are many people go in for sports. A lot of people love sport though not all go to the stadiums to watch competitions and support their teams at stadiums. The great play of different football teams excite the fans. But there are many sports are not to everyone’s taste such as motor racing or rock climbing.

Карточка 8

1.                  Best-known

2.                  Dangerous

3.                  Ski cap

4.                  Swimsuit

5.                  A ski suit

6.                  To wear

7.                  To go (skiing)

8.                  To go (mountaineering)

Some people go in for skiing. They wear ski cap, ski suit, mittens or gloves and a scarf.  This kind of sport is very best-known in the north-west countries. Also you know such kind of sport as swimming  where the boys should wear swimming trunks and girls wear swimsuits. Not all the people go mountaineering. This kind of sport is dangerous and less common.

Карточка 9

1.                  A sport jacket

2.                  Mittens and gloves

3.                  To play rugby

4.                  A t-shirt

5.                  Knee-length socks

6.                  Competition

7.                  To believe

In England is very popular kind of games is rugby. When teams play rugby they wear special mittens or gloves, knee-length socks and  t-shirts. During competition fans who believe in their teams they could wear a special sport jacket or t-shirts with the name of their favorite team.

Players keep ball in your hands

Карточка 10

·                    Probably

·                    Crew (plane)

·                    To work

·                    To develop (bodies)

·                    As well as

·                    Brain

·                    Serious

Sport helps people develop their bodies as well as brains. Pilots who work in a crew plane should have excellent physical form. Probably they should do serious physical exercises every morning.

Карточка 11

1.                  To become

2.                  Heroes

3.                  Powerful

4.                  To take part in

5.                  A running race

6.                  A (football) team

7.                  A winner

To become heroes in a running race or local football team you should have powerful energy and you should do everyday physical exercises. Only such way could help you to become a prize winner or take part in the Olympics.

Карточка 12

1.                  To leave (office) (left-left)

2.                  To get on (a bus) (got-got) садиться в (автобус)

3.                  To finish

4.                  Careless

5.                  Harmful

6.                  Dishonest

7.                  Cyclist (s)

My mother had left her office and had got on a bus by the time it started raining. I had finished my work by the time supper was ready. While walking near my house I saw a cyclist was broken by car. Dishonest people could create harmful and careless activities.

Карточка 13

1.                  To choose (chose-chosen)

2.                  To build (built-built)

3.                  To take (took-taken)

4.                  By bed time

5.                  crew

6.                  Spaceship

7.                  Painless

I had chosen a toy  of spaceship crew and had built a sandy tower by bed time. I took my toys to the birthday party yesterday. My toys were funny and painless.

Карточка 14

1.                  To win (won-won)

2.                  To hide (hid-hidden)

3.                  To include

4.                  Painful

5.                  Tasteless

6.                  Once

7.                  Basketball

Once upon time basketball team won the game. This game included dishonest and painful activities. The players could rule and hid the ball very successfully.  After such game they went to the café where them were given  tasteless drinks.

Карточка 15

1.                  Battle

2.                  To end

3.                  Event

4.                  Honour

5.                  To join

6.                  Noble

7.                  Peace

It’s very important to keep peace and have battles which ends successfully. To support peace it’s necessary to increase sports events and teenagers should join in the sports competitions. So the quantity of noble people will be enlarged and will be raised the quantity of honour’s men.

Карточка 16

1.                  To return

2.                  To clean

3.                  To have (breakfast)

4.                  As soon as

5.                  Dishes

6.                  Floor

7.                  Home

I had had breakfast by the 7 a.m. yesterday. As soon as I had washed the dishes and had cleaned the floor my mum returned home.

Карточка 17

1.                  After

2.                  Disadvantage

3.                  To get down приступать, спускаться

4.                  Beginning

5.                  War

6.                  Trainers (sneakers)

7.                  to come back

The war has many disadvantages. One of them is the beginning of reducing the production such as sports production, for example, the sales of trainers (or sneakers) will be stopped. After ending the war the level of production will come back to the level before the war.

Карточка 18

1.                  To wash up

2.                  To fly (flew-flown)

3.                  great

4.                  To fight ( a battle)

5.                  Badly

6.                  game

7.                  Match

Today my mum should wash up and after that should fly to the great football match in Spain.  But in Spain was a battle when Syrian teenagers fight with Spanish government for upholding their rights. The football match was a wonderful game, however government very badly control fans.

Карточка 19

1.                  to join

2.                  club

3.                  football (field)

4.                  athletic

5.                  courts

6.                  to make (friends)

7.                  to live (in peace)

All people would like to live in peace and don’t have wars. If you want to make friends you could go in for sports or join the different sports clubs, for example, football club. If you want to keep good fit or be athletic you should do sports or go for sports fields and play on the various courts.

Карточка 20

1.                  Ceremony

2.                  To change

3.                  Winner(s)

4.                  Huge (success)

5.                  Peaceful (battles)

6.                  To support

7.                  All over the world

Карточка 21.

1.                  Event

2.                  To fight

3.                  To enjoy

4.                  Original

5.                  Opening

6.                  Honour

7.                  To become

The 22 Olympics in Sochi were a huge success. The Olympic games are probably the most important international event. Millions of people watch them all over the world. They support their Olympics teams and favourite athletes who fight peaceful battles in honour of sport. A lot of people enjoy the opening and the closing ceremonies of the Olympics, they are colourful and original. Many things have changed but as in ancient times winners of the Olympics become the national heroes in their countries.

Карточка 22 Составьте сами рассказ

1.                  In the field

2.                  On the battlefield

3.                  To return from (competition)

4.                  At the end of the war

5.                  To fight a battle

6.                  To cry for help

7.                  great

Card 23. Create your own story

1.                  To cry

2.                  Else

3.                  Equipment

4.                  Nation

5.                  Prize

6.                  Silver

7.                  To smile at (smb,smth)

Card 24. Create your own story

1.                  Spectator

2.                  To cry with pain or happiness

3.                  To cry over (about)  something

4.                  To cry on somebody’s shoulder

5.                  uncomfortable

6.                  Hungry

7.                  To cry in surprise

Card 25. Create your own card and story




To go out 2.

To go out 2.

To score ( a goal) 2.

To score ( a goal) 2.

Players keep ball in your hands

Players keep ball in your hands

To win (won-won) 2.

To win (won-won) 2.

To fight ( a battle) 2.

To fight ( a battle) 2.

At the end of the war 2.

At the end of the war 2.
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