Проверочная работа (с ответами открытого типа) по теме "Защита и сохранение подводного мира", 8 класс, Going Green
Оценка 5

Проверочная работа (с ответами открытого типа) по теме "Защита и сохранение подводного мира", 8 класс, Going Green

Оценка 5
Проверочная работа (с ответами открытого типа) по теме "Защита и сохранение подводного мира", 8 класс, Going Green



1.     Fill in the gaps with the words of your own.

I want to ___________ you about Project AWARE. It was ___________ in 1989 by the Professional Association of ____________ Instructors. Its main ___________ is the training and education of divers. PADI believes that we need to __________ the aquatic __________ and endangered species from ____________. In this way, ____________ generations will be able to enjoy the ___________ of our seas and oceans. ___________ AWARE provides education for ___________ and children on _____________ life. It also organises underwater photography _______________. Every year, divers and volunteers ___________ part in Earth Day. ___________ to them, our coastlines, beaches and the ____________ world will keep their natural beauty.

  https://www.americandivers.net/assets/imgPageThumb/Donate%20to%20Project%20Aware.jpeg    https://i.mycdn.me/i?r=AzEPZsRbOZEKgBhR0XGMT1Rkv8q_ZtIrdIqYlTEQpcZeNqaKTM5SRkZCeTgDn6uOyic      https://www.americandivers.net/assets/imgPageThumb/10%20Tips.jpg


2.     Answer the question with 3-4 sentences. “What is your opinion about project AWARE?”




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Name_______________________________ 1

Name_______________________________ 1
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