Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
Оценка 4.8
Разработки курсов
английский язык
Рабочая тетрадь для практических занятий по дисциплине Иностранный язык (английский) предназначена для аудиторных занятий студентов 2 курс СПО, среднего профессионального образования.
Рабочая тетрадь содержит весь необходимый набор практических заданий по всем изучаемым темам, предусмотренным календарно- тематическим планом дисциплины и рабочей программой рассматриваемой дисциплины.
РТ по ЛПЗ 2к.лог..docx
ОГАПОУ «_____________колледж»
для практических занятий
по дисциплине Иностранный язык
Специальность 38.02.03 Операционная деятельность в логистике
Студента курс____ группа___________
Фамилия, имя Одобрена предметноцикловой
комиссией общеобразовательных
Протокол № __
от «__»___________20 г.
_______________________, преподаватель ОГАПОУ « колледж»
Рабочая тетрадь для практических занятий по дисциплине Иностранный
язык (английский) предназначена для аудиторных занятий студентов среднего
профессионального образования.
Рабочая тетрадь содержит набор практических заданий по всем темам,
предусмотренным календарно тематическим планом и рабочей программой
2 Содержание
Пояснительная записка……………………………………………………………4
1. Перечень общих компетенций…………………………………………….5
2. Критерии оценок к ЛПЗ……………………………………………………5
Перечень практических занятий………………………………………….6
4. Задания к ЛПЗ………………………………………………………………8
Список используемой литературы и интернет источников…………………..34
Рабочая тетрадь для практических занятий по дисциплине Иностранный
язык (английский) является частью УМК по иностранному языку. К каждому
уроку предлагаются задания для аудиторных занятий студентов, направленные
на совершенствования знаний и формирования умений и навыков.
Рабочая тетрадь содержит практикоориентированные задания,
которые нацелены на совершенствование коммуникативной компетенции в
деловой и выбранной профессиональной сфере, а также на повторение и
закрепление грамматических и лексических структур, которые наиболее часто
используются в деловой и профессиональной речи.
Рабочая тетрадь может использоваться другими образовательными
учреждениями профессионального и дополнительного образования,
реализующими образовательную программу общего образования.
4 1. Перечень общих компетенций
ОК1понимать сущность и социальную значимость своей будущей профессии,
проявлять к ней устойчивый интерес.
ОК2организовать собственную деятельность, выбирать типовые методы и способы
выполнения профессиональных задач, оценивать их эффективность и качество.
ОК 3 принимать решения в стандартных и нестандартных ситуациях и нести за них
ОК 4 осуществлять поиск и использование информации, необходимой для
эффективного выполнения профессиональных задач, профессионального и личностного
ОК5использовать информационнокоммуникативные технологии в профессиональной
ОК6работать в коллективе и в команде, эффективно общаться с коллегами,
руководством, потребителями.
ОК7брать на себя ответственность за работу членов команды (подчиненных), за
результат выполнения заданий.
ОК8самостоятельно определять задачи профессионального и личностного развития,
заниматься самообразованием, осознанно планировать повышение квалификации.
ОК9ориентироваться в условиях частой смены технологий в профессиональной
2. Критерии оценок к ЛПЗ
«5» коммуникативная задача решена, если студент полностью понял содержание в
соответствии с программными требованиями.
«4» содержание понято за исключением отдельных подробностей, не влияющих на
«3» студент понял только основной смысл иноязычной речи.
«2» студент не понял основной смысл иноязычной речи.
«5» Коммуникативная задача решена, если студент точно выразил свои мысли на
иностранном языке в правильном языковом оформлении и его устная речь полностью
соответствует программным требованиям.
«4» Студент выразил свои мысли на иностранном языке с незначительными отклонениями от
языковых норм, а в остальном его устная речь соответствует программным требованиям.
«3» Студент выразил свои мысли на иностранном языке с некоторыми отклонениями от
языковых норм, не мешающими пониманию содержания высказывания, а в остальном его
устная речь находится в пределах основных программных требований.
5 «2» Студент выразил свои мысли на иностранном языке с такими отклонениями от языковых
норм, которые не позволяют понять содержание сказанного, а устная речь не соответствует
программным требованиям.
«5» Студент полностью понял содержание прочитанного иноязычного текста в объеме,
предусматриваемым заданием, а его чтение соответствует программным требованиям.
«4» Студент понял содержание прочитанного иноязычного текста за исключением деталей и
частностей в объеме, предусматриваемым заданием, а его чтение соответствует программным
«3» Студент понял основное содержание прочитанного иноязычного текста, а его чтение в
основном соответствует программным требованиям.
«2» Студент не понял содержание прочитанного иноязычного текста и чтение не
соответствует требованиям программы.
3. Перечень практических занятий
2 курс
разделов и тем
Тема 1.
Наша Родина.
Роль сельского
хозяйства в
нашей страны.
Тема 2.
я. Внедрение
технологий в
Содержание учебного материала, практические занятия,
Объем часов
самостоятельная работа обучающихся
Содержание учебного материала
Практические занятия
№1. Лексика «Наша Родина. Роль сельского хозяйства в экономике
нашей страны».
№2. Teкст «Москва».
№3. Текст: « Сельское хозяйство в России»
№4. Текст «Белгород».
№5. Текст «Россия»
№ 6. Будущее совершенное время. Текст «Из истории нашей страны»
№7. Микротексты «Сельское хозяйство и экономика страны»
№8. Проектная работа «Моя Родина».
Содержание учебного материала
Практические занятия
№9. Лексика: «Великобритания. Внедрение новых технологий в
№10. Teкст «Лондон – столица Великобритании».
№11. Teкст: «Достопримечательности Великобритании».
№12. Отглагольное существительное. Teкст: «Мобильность мира и
новые технологии».
№13. Teкст: «Профессиональное образование в Великобритании».
Субъектный инфинитивный оборот.
№14. Текст: «Компьютерные технологии».
№15. Микротексты: «Города Великобритании». Независимый
причастный оборот.
№16. Teкст: «Соединённое Королевство». Объектный причастный
№17. Текст: «Экономика Великобритании».
№18.Текст: «Внедрение новых технологий в производство».
Лексика: «Вклад знаменитых людей Великобритании в развитие науки и
6 Тема 3.
Вклад знамени
тых людей
кобритании в
развитие науки
и техники.
Тема 4.
Из жизни мо
лодежи, сотруд
ничество в про
Тема 5.
Содержание учебного материала
Практические занятия
№19. Согласование времен. Текст: «Чарльз Дарвин».
№20. Сослагательное и повелительное наклонение. Текст: «И.Ньютон»
№21. Tекст: «И.Ньютон» (2ч.). Сложносочиненные предложения.
№22. Teкст: «Шекспир». Сложноподчиненные предложения.
№23. Микротeксты: «Английские учёные». Придаточные предложения.
№24. Teкст: «А. Смит». Придаточные определительные предложения.
№25. Конференция: «Учёные Великобритании в науке и технике».
Содержание учебного материала
Практические занятия
№ 26. Лексика: «Из жизни молодежи, сотрудничество в
производственной сфере». Придаточные обстоятельственные.
№27. Текст: «Молодёжь Великобритании». Прямая и косвенная речь.
№28. Микротексты: «Европейское сообщество. Партнёрские
отношения». Придаточные условные
№29. Беседа: «Студенческое сотрудничество в производственной
Содержание учебного материала
Практические занятия
№30. Презентация лексики: «Будущее начинается сегодня».
№31. Текст: «Выбор профессии».
№32. Текст: «Путь в карьеру».
№33. Текст: «Мировая экономика».
№34. Тестирование «Твой вклад в будущую профессию». Зачёт.
4. Задания к практическим занятиям
Ex.1: Read and translate the words into Russian:
World, cover, locate, border, wash, east, north, south, east, river, lake, fresh, contain, water, forest,
Ex.2: Fill in the blanks:
1. Russia ______________ (занимает) half of Europe.
2. Russia ______________ (граничит) on Belarus, Poland and other countries.
3. There are several mountain __________ (цепи) in Russia.
4. The ______________ (столица) of Russia is Moscow.
5. It is rich in mineral deposits, such as __________ (каменный уголь), oil and others.
Ex.3: Translate into English:
1. Она занимает половину Европы и третью часть Азии.
7 ________________________________________________________________________________
2. Россия омывается Тихим океаном на востоке и Северным Ледовитым океаном на севере.
3. Оно содержит около 20 процентов мировых запасов пресной воды.
4. Большая часть России покрыта лесами.
5. Россия богата природными ресурсами, включая обширные площади плодородных земель и
лесов, глубокие озёра и широкие реки.
Ex.4: Complete the sentences:
1. Russia borders on ______________________________________________________________ .
2. The main rivers are _____________________________________________________________ .
3. On the vast territory of Russia
_______________________________________________________________________________ .
4. The central part of Russia has ____________________________________________________ .
5. It is rich in mineral deposits, such as
Ex.5: Answer the questions:
1. Where is Russia located?
2. What countries does Russia border on?
3. What oceans is Russia washed by?
4. What are the main Russian rivers?
5. What lake is the deepest lake in the world?
Ex.1: Read and translate the text into Russian:
Moscow is the capital of Russian Federation, the biggest state in the World. It is a political,
economic, commercial and cultural centre of the country.
It is one of the youngest capitals of Europe. It is believed that Yuriy Dolgoruky founded
Moscow in 1147.
Gradually, the city became increasingly powerful. At the beginning of the 13th century,
Moscow, like the rest of Russian territory, was kept under the yoke of Mongols for more than two
centuries. As the 13th century drew to an end, Moscow became the capital of the principality of
Moscovia. That time the ruler of this principality became Ivan Kalita, named the first Grand Prince
of Moscow by Khan and forced to move to Moscow from Vladimir. That time, the head of the
8 Russian Church moved to Moscow from Vladimir too. This way Moscow was becoming the
political and religious centre of Russia.
In the 15th century, after almost 250 years of Mongol domination Moscow became the most
powerful of the Russian city states. In 1453, after Constantinople, the centre of the Orthodox
Church, was taken by the Turks, Moscow was declared the Third Rome and true heir of
In 1546, Ivan the Terrible was crowned in Moscow as the first Tsar of All Russia and
Moscow became the capital of the new state.
In 1712, Peter the Great moved the capital to St Petersburg, but Moscow remained for some
time the heart of Russia. That is why it became the main target of Napoleon’s attack. The great fire
destroyed the most territory of the city, but by the mid 19th century, Moscow had been completely
After the Socialist Revolution of 1917, Moscow became the capital of the USSR.
Now, Moscow is one of the largest cities in Europe. Its total area is more than 9 hundred
square kilometers and still is growing up. The population of the city is about 9 million people.
Moscow is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The heart of Moscow is the Kremlin
and Red Square. They have more historical association than any other place in Moscow.
There are a lot of beautiful places, old cathedrals, churches and monuments in Moscow.
Now Moscow is being reconstructed, becoming more and more beautiful.
There are more than 80 museums in Moscow. The largest museums are the Pushkin
Museum of Fine Arts and the State Tretyakov Gallery. Other unique museums are the Andrey
Rublev Museum of early Russian Art and many others.
Moscow is famous for its theatres. The best known of them is the Great Opera Theatre.
Drama theatres are very popular too.
Moscow is a city of students. There are over 80 higher educational institutions, including
several universities; the most famous of them is MGU, Moscow State University.
Moscow is the seat of the Russian Parliament and the President of the country.
1. Who founded Moscow?
2. When did Moscow become the capital of the principality of Moscovia?
3. How was Moscow becoming the political and religious centre of Russia?
4. When did Moscow become the most powerful of the Russian citystates?
5. Why was Moscow declared the Third Rome and true heir of Christianity in 1453?
6. Who was the first Tsar of All Russia?
7. Why did Moscow become the main target of Napoleon’s attack?
8. When had the city been completely restored after the great fire?
9. What is the population of the city now?
10. How many museums are there in Moscow?
to found — основывать, учреждать
yoke — иго
principality — княжество
Grand Prince — Великий князь
to force — заставлять, принуждать
to declare — объявлять
the Third Rome — Третий Рим
heir — наследник
to crown — короновать
target — цель, мишень
9 to destroy — разрушать
to restore — восстанавливать
unique — уникальный
to include — включать
Ex.1: Read and translate the text into Russian:
The agriculture has been and remains a very important sector of Russian economy. Many
our agriculture products are well known in other countries. Russia can cultivate practically all
known farm crops due to various climatic parameters on its large territory. Our country cultivates
different kinds of cereals (rye, oats, wheat, barley, maize, etc.), vegetables (potatoes, beets, carrots,
tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, cabbage, etc.), fruits (apples, pears, plums, peaches, etc.) and very
many kinds of berries.
Animal breeding is a very important field of our agriculture. Cattle farming and poultry
farming give us various kinds of meat (beef, lamb, pork, turkey, etc.), eggs and milk.
There are many big agricultural enterprises and many small private farms in Russia. The
number of these private farms tends to increase.
The modern agriculture in Russia has many critical problems. The deficit of agricultural
machinery belongs to the most difficult problems. The condition of agricultural machinery in Russia
is very poor and the high cost makes the rate of its replacement week and slow. But the citizens of
Russia believe that the Russian agriculture will solve all existing problems in the future.
Ex.1: Read and translate the text into Russian:
Belgorod is one of the oldest cities in Russia. It has a long and exciting history which dates
back to the ancient times. People settled on the Seversky Donets River in the Stone and Bronze
Belgorod is first mentioned in the annals of history in the 10th century. In 1996 Belgorod
celebrated its 1000th anniversary jubilee. Originally it was a very small settlement of Slavs atop the
chalky hill overlooking the Seversly Donets river which was then a deep and navigable river.
The White Hill gave its name to the future fortress town into which the little settlement had
grown up by the 16th century.
The people of Whitetown were occupied with fishing and hunting wild deer, brown bears
and wild goats.
After the Polish and Lithuanian invasion which took place at the beginning of the 17th
century Belgorod was destroyed. As a result all its wooden buildings were burnt.
In 1626 the new fortress of Belgorod was built on the left bank if the Seversky Donets river,
opposite the old site.
The Kremlin, with its 8 towers, made of oak, was built at a distance of 622 meters from the
river. It was fortified by an oak fence with 15 towers which had three gates: the Vozhesky Gate in
the North, the Donetsky Gate in the South and Rasuminsky Gate in the East. The area of 400 meters
wide formed a defence against the raiding enemy. But the new site of the fortress was rather
inconvenient: it was low and swampy. In spring the fortress was overflown and the wooden
buildings became rotten.
A new site for the third fortress of Belgorod was found on the right bank of the Seversky
Donets River. The wooden fortification was 1,298 meters in circumference with 10 towers and a
fosse in front. Later on a bridge of 365 sagenes long (a sagene is equal to 2,13 meters) was erected
across the Seversky Donets river.
10 At the end of the 17th century and the beginning of the 18th century Belgorod had a
monastery of Snt. Nicolas founded by order of Boris Godunov, 9 churches and 353 houses.
Gradually Belgorod grew stronger and stronger and in 1727 it became the chief
administrative center of the region comprising the Belgorod, the Oryol and the Kursk provinces
with their 33 towns and cities and a population of 1,146 thousand inhabitants.
Ex.1: Read and translate the text into Russian:
The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world. It occupies about oneseventh
of the earth's surface. It covers the eastern part of Europe and the northern part of Asia. Its total
area is about 17 million square kilometres.
The country is washed by 12 seas of 3 oceans: the Pacific, the Arctic and the Atlantic. In
the south Russia borders on China, Mongolia, Korea, Kazakhstan, Georgia and Azerbaijan. In
the west it borders on Norway, Finland, the Baltic States, Byelorussia and Ukraine. It also has a
seaborder with the USA.
There is hardly a country in the world where such a variety of scenery and vegetation can
be found. We have steppes in the south, plains and forests in the midland, tundra and taiga in the
north, highlands and deserts in the east.
There are two great plains in Russia: the Great Russian Plain and the West Siberian
Lowland. There are several mountain chains on the territory of the country: the Urals, the
Caucasus, the Altai and others. The largest mountain chain, the Urals, separates Europe from
There are over two million rivers in Russia. Europe's biggest river, the Volga, flows into
the Caspian Sea. The main Siberian rivers — the Ob, the Yenisei and the Lena — flow from the
south to the north. The Amur in the Far East flows into Pacific Ocean.
Russia is rich in beautiful lakes. The world's deepest lake (1600 meters) is Lake Baikal. It
is much smaller than the Baltic Sea, but there is much more water in it than in the Baltic Sea.
The water in the lake is so clear that if you look down you can count the stones on the bottom.
Russia has onesixth of the world's forests. They are concentrated in the European north of
the country, in Siberia and in the Far East. On the vast territory of the country there are various
types of climate, from arctic in the north to subtropical in the south. In the middle of the country
the climate is temperate and continental.
Russia is very rich in oil, coal, iron ore, natural gas, copper, nickel and other mineral
Russia is a parliamentary republic. The Head of the State is the President. The legislative
powers are exercised by the Duma.
The capital of Russia is Moscow. It is its largest political, scientific, cultural and industrial
centre. It is one of the oldest Russian cities.
At present, the political and economic situation in the country is rather complicated. There
are a lot of problems in the national economy of the Russian Federation.
But in spite of the problems Russia is facing at present, there are a lot of opportunities for
this country to become one of the leading countries in the world.
Ex.1: Read and translate the text into Russian:
Russians are impressed with size and numbers, and much that they do is on a grand scale
(высокий уровень). This is not unusual for such a vast country. Russians think and act big.
11 Russians think of themselves as members of the community rather than as individuals. The
origin of the Russian communalism lies deep in the vastness of the Great Russian Plain (Великая
Русская равнина).
Nature has not been kind to Russia. Much of European Russia and Siberia is very cold most
of the year. In Old Russia, people could do little during winter months. But in spring there was
much to be done, and in a short period of time. This explains why Russians often are inactive for
long periods of time and then show bursts of energy. The harsh climate explains the Russians’
strength, their ability to overcome hardships (трудности), as well as their patience and submission
(покорность). Climate has also made them cautious.
Their cruel climate, harsh history, and skeptical outlook (взгляд) on life have made Russians
value (ценить) stability, security (безопасность), social order, and predictability
(предсказуемость), and to avoid (избегать) risk.
To understand the Russians, one must know from where they come.
Ex.1: Read and translate the text into Russian:
It is the growing of crops and the rearing of animals.
Farming contributed £5.6 billion to the UK economy in 2006. The total area of agricultural
land in 2006 was 18.7 million hectares, about 77 per cent of the total land area in the United
Kingdom (excluding inland water).
Farming in Britain has changed a great deal in the last 30 years. Farming used to employ a
great many people in Britain but nowadays, with machinery, a few people can run a huge farm of
thousands of hectares.
Agriculture provides around 60 per cent of Britain’s food needs even though it employs just
1.4 per cent of the country’s labour force. Britain’s agriculture is under pressure to change at the
moment. Farmers are under pressure to adopt more environmentally friendly methods such as
organic farming. Organic farming does not use artificial chemicals that can damage the environment
and human health. Its popularity has grown rapidly in recent years.
arable (growing of crops and cereals)
pastoral (rearing and production of animals including pigs, chickens, hill farming sheep,
beef and dairy cattle)
mixed farming (combination of arable and pastoral)
horticulture (production of flowers, fruit, vegetables or ornamental plants)
market gardening (production of fruit and vegetables)
viticulture (grapes).
Principal crops:
wheat, (the most widely grown arable crop in the UK)
sugar beet, (The UK is the fifth largest producer of sugar beet)
oil seed rape,
Livestock products:
Make up the project about Russia.
Find some interesting photos or draw the pictures yourselves.
You can use the following information:
Is Russia a large country which is situated in Europe and Asia?
2. Do you know any of Russia’s symbols? (white birch)
Is Russia rich in natural resources including fertile lands and forests, deep lakes and long
Is our country rich in mineral deposits?
Is Moscow the capital of Russia? Have you ever been to Moscow? Moscow is a hero city,
isn’t it?
6. How many districts are there in it?
Is Moscow the seat of the Russian Government, important industrial centre of the country?
If you are in Moscow where would you like to go?
Ex.1: Read and translate the words into Russian:
to be considered, custom, to attach, proud, to keep (past kept, p.p. kept) up, to crown, folk, to wear
(past wore, p.p. worn), exciting, event, countryside, origin, All Halloween’s Eve, Bonfire Night, to
blow up, to catch (caught), firework, competition, to convince, essential.
13 ________________________________________________________________________________
Ex.1: Read and translate the text into Russian:
London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and cultural centre. It is one of
the largest cities in the world. Its population is more than 9 million people. London is situated on
the river Thames. The city is very old and beautiful. It was founded more than two thousand years
Traditionally London is divided into several parts: the City, the West End, the East End and
Westminster. The City is the oldest part of London, its financial and business centre. The heart of
the City is the Stock Exchange.
Westminster is the most important part of the capital. It's the administrative centre. The
Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British Government, are there. It's a very beautiful building
with two towers and a very big clock called Big Ben. Big Ben is really the bell which strikes every
quarter of an hour. Opposite the Houses of Parliament is Westminster Abbey. It's a very beautiful
church built over 900 years ago. The tombs of many great statesmen, scientists and writers are
To the west of Westminster is West End. Here we find most of the big shops, hotels,
museums, art galleries, theatres and concert halls. Picadilly Circus is the heart of London's West
End. There are wide streets with beautiful houses and many parks, gardens and squares in the West
To the east of Westminster is the East End, an industrial district of the capital. There are no
parks or gardens in the East End and you can't see many fine houses there. Most of the plants and
factories are situated there.
London has many places of interest. One of them is Buckingham Palace. It's the residence
of the Queen. The English are proud of Trafalgar Square, which was named so in memory of the
victory at the battle. There in 1805 the English fleet defeated the fleet of France and Spain. The last
place of interest I should like to mention is the British Museum, the biggest museum in London.
The museum is famous for its library one of the richest in the world.
All London's longpast history is told by its streets. There are many streets in London which
are known all over the world. Among them Oxford Street, Downing Street and a lot of others can be
mentioned. And tourists are usually attracted not only by the places of interest but by the streets too.
In conclusion I should say if you are lucky enough to find yourself in London some day you
will have a lot to see and enjoy there.
1. When was London founded?
2. Into which parts is London divided?
3. What is the heart of the City?
4. Do you know any places of interest in London?
5. All London's history is told by its streets, isn't it?
tower башня
tomb могила
14 battle битва
in conclusion в заключение
Ex.1: Read and translate the text into Russian:
Britain is rich in its historic places which link the present with the past.
The oldest part of London is Lud Hill, where the city is originated. About a mile west of it
there is Westminster Palace, where the king lived and the Parliament met, and there is also
Westminster Abbey, the coronation church.
Liverpool, the "city of ships", is England's second greatest port, ranking after London. The
most interesting sight in the Liverpool is the docks. They occupy a river frontage of seven miles.
The University of Liverpool, established in 1903, is noted for its School of Tropical Medicine. And
in the music world Liverpool is a wellknown name, for it's the home town of "The Beatles".
StratfordonAvon lies 93 miles northwest of London. Shakespeare was born here in 1564
and here he died in 1616.
Cambridge and Oxford Universities are famous centres of learning.
Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument, presumably built by Druids, members of an order of
priests in ancient Britain. Tintagel Castle is King Arthur's reputed birthplace. Canterbury Cathedral
is the seat of the Archbishop of Canterbury, head of the Church of England.
The British Museum is the largest and richest museum in the world. It was founded in 1753
and contains one of the world's richest collections of antiquities. The Egyptian Galleries contain
human and animal mummies. Some parts of Athens' Parthenon are in the Greek section.
Madam Tussaud's Museum is an exhibition of hundreds of lifesize wax models of famous
people of yesterday and today. The collection was started by Madam Tussaud, a French modeller in
wax, in the 18th century. Here you can meet Marilyn Monroe, Elton John, Picasso, the Royal
Family, the Beatles and many others: writers, movie stars, singers, politicians, sportsmen, etc.
1. What is the oldest part of London?
2. What is Westminster Palace?
3. What is called "city of ships"?
4. Why is StratfordonAvon famous?
5. What are the famous centres of learning?
6. What is Stonehenge?
7. Who is the head of Church of England? What is his seat?
8. What is the largest and the richest museum in the world? What unique collections does it
9. What can one see in Madam Tussaud's Museum?
Lud Hill — Лад Хилл
church — церковь
frontage — фасад
prehistoric — доисторический
order — орден
priest — священник
Tintagel — Тинтайджэл
Canterbury Cathedral Archbishop — архиепископ Кентерберийский
antiquity — антиквариат; древность
mummies — мумии
wax — воск
15 Ex.1: Read and translate the text into Russian:
Computer is an electronic device that can receive a set of instructions called program and
then carry out them. The modern world of high technology could not be possible without
computers. Different types and sizes of computers find uses throughout our society. They are used
for the storage and handling of data, secret governmental files, information about banking
transactions and so on. Computers have opened up a new era in manufacturing and they have
enhanced modern communication systems. They are essential tools in almost every field of
research, from constructing models of the universe to producing tomorrow’s weather reports. Using
of different databases and computer networks make available a great variety of information sources.
There are two main types of computers, analog and digital, although the term computer is
often used to mean only the digital type, because this type of computer is widely used today.
That is why I am going to tell you about digital computers.
Everything that a digital computer does is based on one operation: the ability to determine:
on or off, high voltage or low voltage or — in the case of numbers — 0 or 1 or socalled binary
code. The speed at which the computer performs this simple act is called computer speed. Computer
speeds are measured in Hertz or cycles per second. A computer with a «clock speed» of 2000 MHz
is a fairly representative microcomputer today. It is capable of executing 2000 million discrete
operations per second. Nowadays microcomputers can perform from 800 to over 3000 million
operations per second and supercomputers used in research and defense applications attain speeds
of many billions of cycles per second.
Digital computer speed and calculating power are further enhanced by the amount of data
handled during each cycle.
Except two main types of computers, analog and digital there are eight generations of digital
computers or processing units. The first generation was represented by processing unit Intel 8086.
The second generation central processing unit was represented by processing unit Intel 80286, used
in IBM PC AT 286. The third generation is Intel 80386, used in IBM PC AT 386. The
microprocessors of the fourth generation were used in computers IBM PC AT 486. There are also
central processing units of the fifth generation, used in Intel Pentium 60 and Intel Pentium 66,
central processing units of the sixth generation, used in computers Intel Pentium 75, 90,100 and
133. Few years ago appeared central processing units of seventh and eighth generations. They are
much more powerful and can perform from 2000 to over 3000 million operations per second.
1. What is computer?
2. What is the main purpose of all computers?
3. Where are computers used?
4. What is the index of computer speed?
5. What speeds do modern computers have?
6. How many generations of digital computer are there?
7. What is the first generation processing unit?
electronic device — электронное устройство
to receive — получать, принимать
set ofi nstructions — набор / свод инструкций
to carry out — выполнять
society — общество
storage — хранение
handling — обработка
16 transaction — операция
to enhance — повышать, увеличивать
essential — существенный
tool — инструмент, орудие
network — сеть
source — источник
analog — аналоговый
digital — цифровой
ability — способность, возможность
to determine — определять
voltage — напряжение
discrete operation — дискретное действие
to perform — выполнять, осуществлять
defense — оборона, защита
to attain — достигать
amount of data — объем данных
except — за исключением, кроме
processing unit — вычислительное устройство
Ex.1: Read and translate the text into Russian:
What Skills Do You Need to Get a Good Job?
Making a positive career choice is a problem which worries many people nowadays. What
am I good at? How can I find a wellpaid job? What kind of knowledge and what traits of
character should I have to succeed? These are the questions that people often ask themselves.
Nowadays employers demand perfect knowledge, work experience, a range of transferable skills
and such qualities as efficiency, punctuality, practicality, creativity and many others. If you want
to get a good job, you must convince your employer that you are the best candidate for it.
Choosing your future job you should take into consideration your interests, abilities and
opportunities. Besides, you should know your employer's requirements.
If you want to become a good specialist, to keep your job and to get a promotion, you should
be competent. Competence is a requirement for a person to properly perform a specific job. In
other words, it is a combination of knowledge, skills and behavior, the ability to perform a
specific role. Today executives and managers don't only speak of skills and qualifications of
their employees, but of their competencies that measure a person's appropriateness for a
particular job. There are a lot of competencies but as a rule they are divided into two large
groups: technical competencies and personal competencies. Technical competencies comprise
the skills and knowledge that are essential in order for a person to do a particular job
appropriately (for example word processing). Personal competencies include characteristics that
people use together with their technical competencies in order to do their work well (for
example, initiative and sociability). Competence development is a long process that requires
training and personal development. Competence grows through experience.
The ability to make the right decision is crucial in the world of business. A well considered
decision will lead your team to success; a poor decision can result into failure. A good employee
should demonstrate problemsolving capability and think about what is to be achieved and how
it is to be achieved. Many companies need people who can work effectively in different
countries and cultures, in other words, people who can function in a global context. Therefore it
is important to develop intercultural competence. This requirement stems from the mass
globalization of business and the development of crosscultural contacts. Intercultural
competence is the ability to understand people of other cultures and to work effectively with
17 them. A person must remember that the traditions and customs that he or she is used to may be
inadmissible in another country. That is why one should be aware of intercultural differences to
avoid mistakes, misunderstanding or offence and to achieve one's business goals.
Negotiating is part and parcel of working life that is why negotiating skills are essential no
matter what kind of job a person has. The most important thing is to take into consideration your
personal style and your partner's expectations and reaction. You should be calm, reasonable,
selfconfident and convincing. You should try to win your partner's favour and make him trust
you. It is useful to take into account all details: your speech, body language, physical contact,
eye contact, etc.
Relationshipbuilding is a new popular term that means building good relationships with
partners and clients. You should understand their needs and respect their rights. You should also
maintain good relationships with supervisors and peers. It is very important to handle
appropriately criticism and complaints, to deal respectfully with cultural and racial diversity and
never to engage in harassment of any kind.
Modern life is full of stress that is why it is essential to be able to cope with stress and fatigue.
When a person is busy achieving his aspirations, he often forgets about worklife balance. Many
people suffer from the conflict between work and family. They are too much preoccupied with their
career and they have no time for rest, pleasure and spiritual development. Don't forget that if you
want to make a career, you should be healthy and happy. And if you want to be healthy and happy,
you should not forget a simple rule: don't overwork, take breaks and remember that we work to live
but not vice versa.
Ex.1: Read and translate the text into Russian:
The Internet has already entered our ordinary life. Everybody knows that the Internet is a
global computer network, which embraces hundreds of millions of users all over the world and
helps us to communicate with each other.
The history of Internet began in the United States in 1969. It was a military experiment,
designed to help to survive during a nuclear war, when everything around might be polluted by
radiation and it would be dangerous to get out for any living being to get some information to
Invention of modems, special devices allowing your computer to send the information
through the telephone line, has opened doors to the Internet for millions of people.
Most of the Internet host computers are in the United States of America. It is clear that the
accurate number of users can be counted fairly approximately, nobody knows exactly how many
people use the Internet today, because there are hundreds of millions of users and their number is
Nowadays the most popular Internet service is email. Most of the people use the network
only for sending and receiving email messages. They can do it either they are at home or in the
internet clubs or at work. Other popular services are available on the Internet too. It is reading news,
available on some dedicated news servers, telnet, FTP servers, etc.
In many countries, the Internet could provide businessmen with a reliable, alternative to the
expensive and unreliable telecommunications systems its own system of communications.
Commercial users can communicate cheaply over the Internet with the rest of the world. When they
send email messages, they only have to pay for phone calls to their local service providers, not for
international calls around the world, when you pay a good deal of money.
18 But saving money is only the first step and not the last one. There is a commercial use of this
network and it is drastically increasing. Now you can work through the internet, gambling and
playing through the net.
1. What is the Internet?
2. When and where did the history of Internet begin?
3. Why was the Internet designed?
4. What is modem?
5. Where are most of the Internet host computers?
6. What is the accurate number of internet users?
7. What is the most popular Internet service today?
8. What are other popular services available on the Internet?
network — сеть
to embrace — охватывать, окружать
to design — задумывать, придумывать, разрабатывать
to survive — выжить
nuclear war — ядерная война
to pollute — загрязнять
dangerous — опасный
available — доступный, имеющийся в распоряжении, наличный
invention — изобретение
accurate — точный
to count— считать, сосчитать
approximately — приблизительно, примерно
to receive — получать
to provide — снабжать, доставлять, обеспечивать
reliable — надежный
alternative — альтернативный
provider — провайдер, поставщик
1. What is the Internet?
a) The Internet has already entered our ordinary life.
b) The Internet helps us to communicate with each other.
c) The Internet is a global computer network.
2. When and where did the history of Internet begin?
a) The history of Internet began in the United States in 1959.
b) The history of Internet began in the United States in 1969.
c) The history of Internet began in the United Kingdom in 1969.
3. Why was the Internet designed?
a) It was a military experiment, designed to help to survive during a nuclear war.
b) It was designed to get some information.
c) It was designed to send the information.
4. What is modem?
a) Modem is a special device allowing your computer to send the information through the telephone
b) Modem is a global computer network.
c) Modem is the most popular Internet service.
5. What is the most popular Internet service today?
a) Nowadays the most popular Internet service is phone call.
19 b) Nowadays the most popular Internet service is email.
c) Nowadays the most popular Internet service is international call.
Ex.1: Read and translate the text into Russian:
The centre of everything in Great Britain is the city of London. It is situated at the centre of
a vast national and international network of communication. London consists of four main districts,
which differ from each other. These are the City, Westminster, the West End and the East End.
London's industries are extremely varied. Among them an extensive system of docks and
port industries, electrical engineering, the motor car industry and others.
The other towns, situated to the north of the Thames are Oxford and Cambridge.
Oxford was first mentioned in recorded history in the tenth century and later became an
important trade centre in medieval times, then it developed into leading educational centre.
Cambridge is also best known for its ancient university. Its industries are mostly concerned
with electronics which has an international reputation.
Bristol dominates Southwest England, both as the region's largest seaport and as its largest
city. It is a major centre of metallurgy, aircraft and chemical industries.
Of the towns situated in the south of England the largest ones are Southampton, Portsmouth
and Brighton.
and wonderful beaches.
Southampton is primarily a seaport, the most important on the south coast.
Brighton is one of the most popular seaside resorts of Britain. It has mild climate, warm sea
Manchester is a city of ancient origin. By the 17th century it was great commercial city, a
centre of textile industry. Now engineering along with clothing manufacture are most important
industries there.
Sheffield, situated in South Yorkshire, produces almost twothirds of the country's alloy
steel, it is famous for itstools and cutlery. Other industries include paper making machinery and
food processing.
In North Yorkshire the largest town is York. Its leading industries are engineering and
manufacture of confectionery. York attracts many tourists because of its famous medieval city
1. Are London industries varied?
2. Oxford is an important trade centre, isn't it?
3. What can you tell about Bristol?
4. Where is Sheffield situated?
5. What other cities of Great Britain do you know?
extensive обширный
recorded history письменная история
resort курорт
alloy steel нержавеющая сталь
Ex.1: Read and translate the text into Russian:
20 There are two large islands and several smaller ones, which lie in the northwest coast of
Europe. Collectively they are known as the British Isles. The largest island is called Great Britain.
The smaller one is called Ireland. Great Britain is separated from the continent by the English
Channel. The country is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Great Britain is separated from
Belgium and Holland by the North Sea, and from Ireland – by the Irish Sea.
There are two states in the British Isles. One of them governs of the most of the island of
Ireland. This state is usually called the Republic of Ireland. The other state has authority over the
rest of the territory.
The official name of this country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland. But it is usually known by a shorter name – «The United Kingdom». The total area of Great
Britain is 244,000 square km.
They say that the British love of the compromise is the result of the country’s physical
geography. This may or may not be true, but it certainly true that the land and climate in Great
Britain have a notable lack of extremes. The mountains in the country are not very high. It doesn’t
usually get very cold in the winter or very hot in the summer. It has no active volcanoes, and an
earth tremos which does no more than rattle teacups in a few houses which is reported in the
national news media. The insular geographical position of Great Britain promoted the development
of shipbuilding, different training contacts with other countries.
1. Where is Great Britain situated?
2. What is total area of Great Britain?
3. What is the official name of this country?
4. Is Great Britain a mountainous country?
5. What’s the result of the country’s physical geography?
British Isles – Британские острова
the govern – управлять
to rattle – болтать
volcano – вулкан
earth tremos – землетресение
to be separated – быть отделенным
insular – островной
Ex.1: Read and translate the text into Russian:
In 1896 Ernest Rutherford began investigations of radioactivity at Cambridge. Four years
later he continued them in Canada. He studied the radiations from the element thorium and showed
that atoms were splitting up. This was a great shock to the chemists of the time as the atoms had
always been regarded as the smallest indivisible units.
Further research showed that the atom was made up of smaller particles and that its structure
was very complex: it resembled the solar system with a central nucleus and a number of electrons,
very much smaller than the nucleus and revolving around it. Rutherford’s results made a great
impression on the scientific world because the splitting of the atom opened to man a new and
enormous source of energy. The most important results have been obtained by splitting the atom of
World War I interrupted much of the scientific work in England. In 1918 the work on
radioactivity was resumed with additional workers from England, the United States and the soviet
Russia. Rutherford died in 1937, but the work which he began was continued by many wellknown
21 Ex.1: Read and translate the text into Russian:
As the age of technology advances around us we are getting more and more accustomed to
seeing an increasing number of robots taking over household chores such as vacuuming, cutting the
grass, cleaning the pool or even creating gourmet meals!1 However one mostly overlooked field is
robotic pets, which intend to simulate real pets without all the hassle of looking after them. A
couple examples of robotic pets are the Sony AIBO2, a robotic dog and the Ugobe Pleo3, a week
old Camarasaurus Dinosaur.
The article “RoboPets as good as the real thing” by Iain Thomson talks about research that
has been done on how robotic pets compare to real pets in daily life. The research shows that the
elderly and children alike respond especially well to these robotic companions. Elderly residents at
care homes were given AIBO’s for six weeks and in the end reported that they were feeling less
depressed and more active than they had been without the robots.4 Children also had similar
comments about the AIBO stating that it ‘could be a good companion’.
The AIBO is mainly targeted at children because it is little more than a novelty. It may be
interesting but it has no practical use. Although research has shown that elderly people find the
companionship rehabilitating, the high cost of these units puts it out of most of their reach. One big
advantage of units like the AIBO is that they can teach children the basics about pet care and help
their parents determine if the kids are old enough to have the responsibility of caring for an actual
living pet. Another use of the robotic pets such as the AIBO is to simply be a pet that doesn’t really
require the same level of commitment as owning a real pet. This might be especially good for
people who don’t spend a lot of time at home and don’t have resources to care for the animal during
the day.
However just like how everything useful has a disadvantage, the Sony AIBO also poses a
problem to children. Since it does not impose any of the negative aspects of owning a pet, children
may not fully understand the whole concept of caring for an animal. Instead they might be easily
bored and essentially neglect the animal because of the amount of work and effort that it requires.
As the field of robotics advances, there is no doubt that more advanced robotic animals will be
developed and sold to the masses. People might be able to own the animal of their dreams without
having to deal with the hassles that go along with it. For example a Penn State Alumni might be
able to own his own robotic lion! As with all new technologies however the price will definitely be
a burden to most, but to those that are able to afford it, the sector is still at its infancy!
The main issue with the widespread use of robots is that people will start to depend on them
too much, and will miss out on the humanity aspect of life. One of the greatest challenges that life
presents us is probably parenthood, and relying on a robot to show us if our child is ready for a real
animal is just not going to be a good and informed decision. There are many uses for robotics in a
consumer point of view, but I don’t think that robotic pets are a good replacement for a real live
Ex.1: Read and translate the text into Russian:
CHARLES DARWIN (1809—1882)
A hundred years ago people believed that plants and animals had always been as they are
now. They thought that all the different sorts of living things, including men and women, were put
in this world by some mysterious power a few thousand years ago.
It was Charles Darwin, born at Shrewsbury on the 12th of February, 1809, who showed that
this was just a legend. As a boy Darwin loved to walk in the countryside, collecting insects, flowers
22 and minerals. He liked to watch his elder brother making chemical experiments. These hobbies
interested him much more than Greek and Latin, which were his main subjects at school.
His father, a doctor, sent Charles to Edinburgh University to study medicine. But Charles
did not like this. He spent a lot of time with a zoologist friend, watching birds and other animals,
and collecting insects in the countryside. Then his father sent him to Cambridge to be trained as a
parson. But Darwin didn't want to be a doctor or a parson. He wanted to be a biologist.
In 1831 he set sail in the Beagle for South America to make maps of the coastline there. Darwin
went in the ship to see the animals and plants of other lands. On his voyage round the world he
looked carefully at thousands of living things in the sea and on land and came to very important
This is what he came to believe. Once there were only simple jellylike creatures living in
the sea. Very slowly, taking hundreds millions of years, these have developed to produce all the
different kinds of animals and plants we know today. But Darwin waited over twenty years before
he let the world know his great ideas. During that time he was carefully collecting more
information. It showed how right he was that all living things had developed from simpler creatures.
He wrote a famous book 'The Origin of Species'.People who knew nothing about living things tried
to make fun of Darwin's ideas.The development of science has shown that Darwin's idea of
evolution was correct.
Ex.1: Read and translate the text into Russian:
Newton, one of the greatest scientists of all times was born in 1642 in the little village in
Lincolnshire, England. His father was a farmer and died before Newton was born. His mother was a
clever woman whom he always loved.
After school, Newton studied mathematics at Cambridge university and received his degree
in 1665. Then the university was closed because of the danger of plague and Newton went home for
eighteen months. It was most important period in his life when he made his three great discoveries
— the discoveries of the differential calculuses, of the nature of white light, and of the law of
These discoveries are still important for the modern science. Newton had always been
interested in the problems of light. Many people saw colours of a rainbow but only Newton showed,
by his experiments, that white light consists of these colours.
Ex.1: Read and translate the text into Russian:
Newton, one of the greatest scientists of all times was born in 1642 in the little village in
Lincolnshire, England. His father was a farmer and died before Newton was born. His mother was a
clever woman whom he always loved.
It is interesting how he discovered the law of gravitation. Once, as he sat at the garden, his
attention was drawn by the fall of an apple. Many people saw such a usual thing before. But it was
Newton who asked himself a question: «Why does that apple fall perpendicularly to the ground?
Why doesn’t it go sidewards or upwards? ». The answer to this question was the theory of
gravitation, discovered by Newton.
Newton died at the age of 84, and was buried in Westminster Abbey, where his monument
stands today.
1. When and where was Newton born?
2. Where did he study?
3. What three major discoveries did Newton make?
23 4. When did Newton make these discoveries?
5. How did the idea which led to the discovery of the law of gravitation first come to him?
6. When did Newton die and where was he buried?
degree — ученая степень
plague — чума
discovery — открытие
differential calculuses — дифференциальное исчисление
law of gravitation — закон всемирного тяготения
rainbow — радуга
to draw — привлекать
perpendicularly — перпендикулярно
sidewards — в сторону
upwards — вверх
abbey — аббатство
1. When and where was Newton born?
a) Newton was born in 1665 in Cambridge, England.
b) Newton was born in 1642 in the little village in Lincolnshire, England.
c) Newton was born in 1665 in Lincolnshire, England.
2. What was his father?
a) His father was a mathematician.
b) His father was a scientist.
c) His father was a farmer.
3. Where did he study?
a) After school, Newton studied at Cambridge university.
b) He studied in the little village in Lincolnshire, England.
c) He studied in London.
4. What three major discoveries did Newton make?
a) He made the discoveries of the differential calculuses, of the nature of white light, and of the law
of gravitation.
b) He made new kind of glass and a new kind of steel and countless discoveries in chemistry and
c) He made the discoveries of the differential calculuses and countless discoveries in chemistry and
5. When did Newton die and where was he buried?
a) Newton died in 1726, and was buried in the little village in Lincolnshire, England.
b) Newton died in 1726, and was buried in Westminster Abbey.
c) Newton died at the age of 84, and was buried in a small village near London.
Ex.1: Read and translate the text into Russian:
William Shakespeare was born in April 1564. His father was a rich citizen whose business
was making and selling leather gloves. His mother was a daughter of an important farmer. When he
was nineteen, William married Anne. She was a farmer’s daughter and she was some years older
than himself. During that years he may have helped his father in the family business or he may have
been a country schoolmaster for a time, we don’t know exactly.
24 Shakespeare had three children: Susannah, the eldest, then twins — a son, Hamlet, and
another girl, Judith. In 1587 Shakespeare went to work in London, leaving Anne and the children at
Some years later Shakespeare began to write plays. The parents did not even guess that their
son would be such an important figure in English poetry and drama and that his plays would still be
acted four hundred years later in England and all over the world. By 1592 Shakespeare was an
important member of a wellknown company. In 1599 the famous Globe Theatre was built on the
south bank of the river Thames. In that theatre most of his plays were performed. It was a round
building with the stage in the centre, open to the sky. If it was raining, the actors got wet; if the
weather was too bad, there was no performance at all. By 1603 Shakespeare was the leading poet
and dramatist of his time. He continued to write for the next ten years. In 1613 he finally stopped
writing and went to live in Stratford where he died in 1616. He is buried in StratfordonAvon.
1. What was William’s father business?
2. His mother was a farmer’s daughter, wasn’t she?
3. How many children did Shakespeare have?
4. When did he start to write?
5. The Globe Theatre was built in 1599, wasn’t it?
citizen — гражданин
gloves — перчатки
to guess — догадываться
play — пьеса
stage — сцена
1. When was William Shakespeare born?
a) in April 1564 b) in 1587 c) in 1592
2. When did he go to work in London?
a) in 1564 b) in 1587 c) in 1592
3. What did he begin to do some years later?
a) He began to make and sell leather gloves.
b) He began to write plays.
c) He began to help his father in the family business.
4. When was the famous Globe Theatre built?
a) in 1564 b) in 1587 c) in 1599
5. Where was the famous Globe Theatre built?
a) on the south bank of the river Thames
b) in the centre of London
c) in StratfordonAvon
Ex.1: Read and translate the text into Russian:
Charles Dickens was born in 1812. He lived in the south of England when he was a little
boy. His father worked in an office. He was a very clever man, but he was very poor. Charles had
many brothers and sisters, but he did not often play with them. His father had many books and
Charles liked to read them. He learned to read very early.
When Charles was 10 years old, his family went to London.
25 There his father got into debt (as he had little money) and then into debtor’s prison. So little
Charles began to work when he was ten. That was the beginning of Charles’ hard life.
Не worked at a small factory in London pasting labels on blacking bottles. He had to work
in a dirty room with no windows. He did not like his work, but he had to work at the factory for two
years. Then he went to school for three years, but he did not learn much at school. He learned much
at home, from his father and from other clever people.
Later he worked as a reporter to the Parliament and became a writer of short stories.
In 1837 he published his first novel «The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club». And
the young reporter became a famous writer. Then he published novel after novel — «Oliver Twist»,
«Dombey and Son», «David Copperfield» and many other good books.
His books are very interesting, they tell us about the hard life of the poor people in England
of that time. When we read his books, we sometimes laugh, but we often want to cry.
Charles Dickens died in 1870.
He is one of the greatest novelists in the English literature. Dickens lived more than a
hundred years ago, but people in the whole world like to read his books today, because in his books
he showed a real world and people of Victorian England.
1. Where did Charles Dickens live?
2. Where did his father work?
3. When did his family go to London?
4. Why did Charles have to work?
5. What novel did Charles Dickens publish in 1837?
6. What do his books tell us about?
7. What did Charles Dickens show in his books?
Charles Dickens is one of the greatest novelists in the English literature. In his books he
showed a real world and people of Victorian England.
Charles Dickens was born in London in 1812. His father was a clerk and had eight children.
His father always spent more money than he received. When Charles was 10 years old his father got
into debt and then into debtor’s prison. Charles had to give up the school and work. He worked at
the blacking factory ten hours a day. Charles hated it and never forgot the experience. He used it in
many novels, especially in «David Copperfield» and «Oliver Twist».
At the age of 15 he was lucky to get a job in a London lawyer’s office though he didn’t like
this job. When he was 16 he started to work for a newspaper. And by the age of 25 he became one
of the best journalists in London.
«The Pickwick Papers» was his first great work which made him popular. His books became
very popular in many countries and he spent much time abroad. In the last years of his life he began
to meet with his readers and to give public readings from his books. These meetings were very
He never stopped writing and travelling and he died very suddenly in 1870.
Ex.1: Read and translate the text into Russian:
This German physicist is considered one of the world’s greatest thinkers in history. Not only
did he shape the way people think of time, space, matter, energy, and gravity but he also was a
supporter of Zionism and peaceful living.
Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Germany, and spent most of his youth living
in Munich, where his family owned a small shop. He attended schooling in Munich, which he found
unimaginative and dull. In addition to this, he taught himself Euclidean geometry at the age of 12.
26 Later his family was forced to move to Milan, Italy where he then decided to withdraw from school
at the age of 15. Eventually, he realized that he had to finish secondary school. On the other hand,
he still often skipped class to study physics on his own.
At age 22, he became a Swiss citizen and in 1903 married a woman, named Mileva Marec.
In a few years, two sons were born but in 1919 he divorced as to marry his cousin. On the other
hand, he published five major research papers at the age of 26. The first one will get him his
doctorate in 1905.
The first paper was on Brownian motion, which would get him his doctorate in 1905.
The second paper laid the base of the photon, or quantum theory of light. It said that light is
made off separate packets of energy, titled quanta or photons. The paper remade the theory of light.
Also explaining the emissions of electrons from some solid objects when they are struck by light.
Televisions are practical applications of Einstein’s discoveries.
The third paper, which he began as an essay at age 16, contained the «special theory of
relativity». He showed that time and motion are relative to the observer, and the speed of light is
constant and natural laws are the same everywhere in the universe.
The fourth was a mathematical addition to the special theory of relativity. This is where he
presented his famous E = me2, also known as the energy mass equivalence.
His fifth paper was his general theory of relativity. In which he proposed that gravity is not a
force, a previously accepted theory but it’s a curved field in the spacetime continuum created in the
presence of mass.
In 1921, Einstein won the Nobel Prize for physics for the confirmation of his general theory
of relativity although the other papers where still considered controversial.
In 1933, he moved to the USA where he became a citizen in 1940. Einstein died in
Princeton, NJ, on April 18, 1955.
1. What is Albert Einstein famous for?
2. Why did Albert usually skip classes usually?
3. Why did Albert Einstein get doctorate in 1905?
4. Why was Einstein’s second paper important?
5. What did the third paper contain?
6. What was presented in the fourth paper?
7. What theory did Einstein propose in his fifth paper?
8. What did Albert Einstein win the Nobel Prize for?
to consider — считать
gravity — гравитация
supporter — сторонник
dull — скучный, занудный
Euclidean geometry — евклидова геометрия
to move to — переехать кудалибо
to withdraw (past withdrew, p.p. withdrawn) — уходить
to skip — пропускать (уроки )
photon — фотон
quantum theory of light — квантовоя теория света
emissions of electrons — испускание электронов
solid objects — твердые тела
theory of relativity — теория относительности
motion — движение
observer — наблюдатель
27 natural laws — законы природы
universe — Вселенная
energy mass equivalence — эквивалентность массы и энергии
curved field — искривленное поле
confirmation — подтверждение
controversial — спорный
Make up the project about famous people of Great Britain.
Find some interesting photos or draw the pictures yourselves.
You can use the following information:
1. When and where was Newton born?
2. Where did he study?
3. What three major discoveries did Newton make?
4. When did Newton make these discoveries?
5. How did the idea which led to the discovery of the law of gravitation first come to him?
6. When did Newton die and where was he buried?
1. What was William’s father business?
2. His mother was a farmer’s daughter, wasn’t she?
3. How many children did Shakespeare have?
4. When did he start to write?
5. The Globe Theatre was built in 1599, wasn’t it?
1. Where did Charles Dickens live?
2. Where did his father work?
3. When did his family go to London?
4. Why did Charles have to work?
5. What novel did Charles Dickens publish in 1837?
6. What do his books tell us about?
7. What did Charles Dickens show in his books?
1. What is Albert Einstein famous for?
2. Why did Albert usually skip classes usually?
3. Why did Albert Einstein get doctorate in 1905?
4. Why was Einstein’s second paper important?
5. What did the third paper contain?
6. What was presented in the fourth paper?
7. What theory did Einstein propose in his fifth paper?
8. What did Albert Einstein win the Nobel Prize for?
UNIT 4 “
Ex.1: Read and translate the words into Russian:
discrimination, protection, development, view, exploitation, convention, the right to…, harm,
demonstration, poverty, aggressiveness, violence, addiction, drugs, prison, biker, distinct, goth,
hacker, identity, option, raver, to rebel, rocker, skinhead, subculture, graffiti, youth, teenager, to
smoke, adult, scary, dangerous, exciting.
28 ________________________________________________________________________________
Ex.1: Read and translate the text into Russian:
Our youth is mostly similar to the youth abroad in many aspects of life. Numerous youth
organizations have been formed since the Second World War, uniting young people from all classes
and sections of the population. In the USA exists a Young Republican Federation, Young Christian
Association, some religious organizations for Jewish youth. Youth organization Green peace deals
with the most urgent ecological problems of today’s world. It protests against nuclear weapon test,
sea and soil pollution, etc.
Sport clubs are characteristic youth organizations in the US and the UK. They unite people,
who are interested in baseball, football, basketball, golf, etc. You can attend any club: from theatre
clubs to birdwatching clubs. Birdwatching clubs are very popular, especially in Great Britain.
And at the age of 14 children have regular parttime job to earn some pocket money. Some
young people work in their church organizations. They help elderly people or work in hospital.
There are even some groups, where young people help released prisoners to start their life anew.
Youth and youth movement over decades have become important factors in the life of both
1. What do you know about the youth movement abroad?
2. What is the aim of sport clubs?
3. What youth organizations of the USA do you know?
4. How do interest clubs work?
5. What is the main task of youth organization Green peace?
to unite — объединять
urgent — насущный
nuclear weapon — ядерное оружие
to deal with — заниматься чемлибо
pollution — загрязнение
Ex.1: Read and translate the text into Russian:
What am I going to do after school or university? Maybe I should consider a job in the
financial world. There is a surprisingly wide range to choose from. For example, I could work
for a big international company, run my own International Business Research Agency or write
about economics as a financial journalist.
What features are characteristic of world economy? You are about to begin an exciting,
important and necessary task — the exploration of international business. It is exciting because it
combines the science and the art of business with many other disciplines, such as economics,
29 geography, history, language, jurisprudence, statistics, and demography. International Business
is important and necessary because economic isolationism has become impossible.
Failure to become a part of the global market assures a nation of declining economic
influence and a deteriorating standard of living for its citizens. Successful participation in
International Business, however, holds the promise of improved quality of life and a better
society, a more peaceful world.
As a nation we must take on the challenge of competing aggressively in the international
arena or risk becoming a secondrate power in today's borderless economy.
The system of accounting for transactions between countries provides useful information
to policy makers, international authorities, and business people by presenting data in consistent
form. An informed user of international accounting data can analyse the financial position of one
country relative to others.
The foreign market opportunity analysis is very important. When a firm starts its
international activities, basic guidelines must be found quickly and at low cost.
Because major stock markets don't just affect the financial life of their own countries, they
also play a vital role in the total world economy. These days, banks and stockexchanges can
move millions at a touch of a button. So, money is universal.
Ex.1: Read and translate the text into Russian:
What Skills Do You Need to Get a Good Job?
Making a positive career choice is a problem which worries many people nowadays. What
am I good at? How can I find a wellpaid job? What kind of knowledge and what traits of
character should I have to succeed? These are the questions that people often ask themselves.
Nowadays employers demand perfect knowledge, work experience, a range of transferable skills
and such qualities as efficiency, punctuality, practicality, creativity and many others. If you want
to get a good job, you must convince your employer that you are the best candidate for it.
Choosing your future job you should take into consideration your interests, abilities and
opportunities. Besides, you should know your employer's requirements.
If you want to become a good specialist, to keep your job and to get a promotion, you
should be competent. Competence is a requirement for a person to properly perform a specific
job. In other words, it is a combination of knowledge, skills and behavior, the ability to perform
a specific role. Today executives and managers don't only speak of skills and qualifications of
their employees, but of their competencies that measure a person's appropriateness for a
particular job. There are a lot of competencies but as a rule they are divided into two large
groups: technical competencies and personal competencies. Technical competencies comprise
the skills and knowledge that are essential in order for a person to do a particular job
appropriately (for example word processing). Personal competencies include characteristics that
people use together with their technical competencies in order to do their work well (for
example, initiative and sociability). Competence development is a long process that requires
training and personal development. Competence grows through experience.
The ability to make the right decision is crucial in the world of business. A well considered
decision will lead your team to success; a poor decision can result into failure. A good employee
should demonstrate problemsolving capability and think about what is to be achieved and how
it is to be achieved. Many companies need people who can work effectively in different
countries and cultures, in other words, people who can function in a global context. Therefore it
is important to develop intercultural competence. This requirement stems from the mass
globalization of business and the development of crosscultural contacts. Intercultural
competence is the ability to understand people of other cultures and to work effectively with
them. A person must remember that the traditions and customs that he or she is used to may be
30 inadmissible in another country. That is why one should be aware of intercultural differences to
avoid mistakes, misunderstanding or offence and to achieve one's business goals.
Relationshipbuilding is a new popular term that means building good relationships with
partners and clients. You should understand their needs and respect their rights. You should also
maintain good relationships with supervisors and peers. It is very important to handle
appropriately criticism and complaints, to deal respectfully with cultural and racial diversity and
never to engage in harassment of any kind.
Modern life is full of stress that is why it is essential to be able to cope with stress and
fatigue. When a person is busy achieving his aspirations, he often forgets about worklife
balance. Many people suffer from the conflict between work and family. They are too much
preoccupied with their career and they have no time for rest, pleasure and spiritual development.
Don't forget that if you want to make a career, you should be healthy and happy. And if you
want to be healthy and happy, you should not forget a simple rule: don't overwork, take breaks
and remember that we work to live but not vice versa.
Ex.2: Answer the questions:
1) Why is it difficult to make a positive career choice?
2) What should a person do if he or she wants to get a good job?
3) What should you take into consideration choosing your future job?
4) Why is it important to be competent?
5) How many groups of competencies do you know? Say a few words about them.
6) Why is the ability to make the right decision crucial in the world of business?
7) What does the expression 'to function in a global context' mean?
8) Why is it important to develop intercultural competence?
9) What does the term 'relationshipbuilding' mean?
10) Why do many people suffer from the conflict between work and family nowadays? What are
the ways to solve this problem?
UNIT 5 “
Ex.1: Read and translate the words into Russian:
choosing a career, to examine, ability, to take into account, preference, to follow in the footsteps
of — идти по стопам, to work out, occupation requirements, variety, pay, salary, successful,
wealthy, wellpaid, to support a family, breadwinner, condition, prestigious, further training,
promotion prospects, to graduate, plum job — «тёплое местечко» (несложная работа с
хорошим заработком), to respond, monotonous, tedious, clerical job — офисная работа,
capable, hardworking, to climb the ladder — делать карьеру, firefighter, estate agent — агент
по недвижимости, fulltime job — работа на полную ставку, предполагающая полную
занятость, parttime job — работа на полставки, предполагающая неполную занятость,
flexitime job — работа со скользящим графиком
31 _____________________________________________________________________________
Ex.1: Read and translate the text into Russian:
One of the most difficult problems a young person faces is deciding what to do about a
career. There are individuals, of course, who from the time they are six years old "know" that
they want to be doctors or pilots or fire fighters, but the majority of us do not get around to
making a decision about an occupation or career until somebody or something forces us to face
the problem.
Choosing an occupation takes time, and there are a lot of things you have to think about as
you try to decide what you would like to do. You may find that you will have to take special
courses to qualify for a particular kind of work, or may find out that you will need to get some
actual work experience to gain enough knowledge to qualify for a particular job.
Fortunately, there are a lot of people you can turn to for advice and help in making your
decision. At most schools, there are teachers who are professionally qualified to counsel you and
to give detailed information about job qualifications. And you can talk over your ideas with
family members and friends who are always ready to listen and to offer suggestions.
But even if you get other people involved in helping you make a decision, self evaluation
is an important part of the decisionmaking process.
1. What is the most difficult problem for a young person?
2. Why don't the majority of young people know what they want to be?
3. When do they make a decision about an occupation?
4. What things do you have to think about when choosing an occupation?
5. What should one do to qualify for a particular job?
6. Whom can you turn to for advice when making your decision?
7. What is the most important part of the decisionmaking process?
to make a decision — принять решение
to force — заставлять, принуждать, вынуждать
qualify for — готовиться к какойл. деятельности; приобретать какуюл. квалификацию;
получать право (на чтолибо)
to counsel — давать совет; советовать, рекомендовать
self evaluation —самооценка
Ex.1: Read and translate the text into Russian:
The Career Ladder
Getting a job
When Paul left school he applied for (= wrote an official request for) a job in the accounts
department of a local engineering company. They gave him a job as a trainee (= a very junior
person in a company). He didn't earn very much but they gave him a lot of training (= organised
help and advice with learning the job), and sent him on training courses.
Note: Training is an uncountable noun, so you cannot say 'a training'. You can only talk about
training (in general), or a training course (if you want to refer to just one). Here you can use the
verbs do or go on: I did/went on several training courses last year.
Moving up
Paul worked hard at the company and his prospects (= future possibilities in the job) looked
good. After his first year he got a good pay rise (= more money), and after two years he was
32 promoted (= given a higher position with more money and responsibility). After six years he was
in charge of (= responsible for/the boss of) the accounts department with five other employees (=
workers in the company) under him (= under his responsibility/ authority).
Leaving the company
By the time Paul was 30, however, he decided he wanted a fresh challenge (= a new exciting
situation). He was keen to work abroad, so he resigned from his company (= officially told the
company he was leaving his job; you can also say 'he quit the company') and started looking for
a new job with a bigger company. After a couple of months he managed to find a job with an
international company which involved (= included) a lot of foreign travel. He was very excited
about the new job and at first he really enjoyed the travelling, but...
Hard times
After about six months, Paul started to dislike the constant moving around, and after a year he
hated it; he hated living in hotels, and he never really made any friends in the new company.
Unfortunately his work was not satisfactory either and finally he was sacked (= told to leave the
company/ dismissed/given the sack) a year later.
After that, Paul found things much more difficult. He was unemployed (= out of
work/without a job) for over a year. He had to sell his car and move out of his new house.
Things were looking bad and in the end Paul had to accept a parttime job (= working only some
or the day or some of the week) on a fruit and vegetable stall in a market.
Happier times
To his surprise, Paul loved the market. He made lots of friends and enjoyed working out in
the open air. After two years, he took over (= took control of) the stall. Two years later he opened a
second stall, and after ten years he had fifteen stalls. Last year Paul retired (= stopped working
completely) at the age of 55, a very rich man.
1. What does your job involve?
2. Are you responsible for anything or anyone?
3. Have you had much training from the company?
4. Have the company sent you on any training courses?
5. Have you been promoted since you starred in the company?
6. Do you normally get a good pay rise at the end of each year?
7. How do you feel about your future prospects in the company?
8. Are you happy in the job or do you feel it is time for a fresh challenge in another company?
apply for a job — подавать заявление о приеме на работу
trainee — практикант, стажер
to earn — зарабатывать, получать доход
prospects — перен., часто мн. перспектива; виды, планы на будущее
pay rise — повышение заработной платы
to promote — выдвигать; продвигать; повышать в чине/звании
in charge of = responsible for—ответственный, несущий ответственность, отвечающий (за
employee — служащий; работающий по найму
to resign — уходить в отставку, подавать в отставку; оставлять пост
to quit — увольняться
give the sack — уволить когол.
to dismiss — увольнять (for; from); освобождать от обязанностей
unemployed — безработный
a parttime job — неполная занятость, неполный рабочий день
33 stall — ларек, палатка, прилавок
to retire — оставлять, увольнять(ся); уходить в отставку
Ex.1: Read and translate the text into Russian:
What am I going to do after school or university? Maybe I should consider a job in the
financial world. There is a surprisingly wide range to choose from. For example, I could work
for a big international company, run my own International Business Research Agency or write
about economics as a financial journalist.
What features are characteristic of world economy? You are about to begin an exciting,
important and necessary task — the exploration of international business. It is exciting because it
combines the science and the art of business with many other disciplines, such as economics,
geography, history, language, jurisprudence, statistics, and demography. International Business
is important and necessary because economic isolationism has become impossible.
Failure to become a part of the global market assures a nation of declining economic
influence and a deteriorating standard of living for its citizens. Successful participation in
International Business, however, holds the promise of improved quality of life and a better
society, a more peaceful world.
As a nation we must take on the challenge of competing aggressively in the international
arena or risk becoming a secondrate power in today's borderless economy.
The system of accounting for transactions between countries provides useful information to
policy makers, international authorities, and business people by presenting data in consistent
form. An informed user of international accounting data can analyse the financial position of one
country relative to others.
The foreign market opportunity analysis is very important. When a firm starts its international
activities, basic guidelines must be found quickly and at low cost.
Because major stock markets don't just affect the financial life of their own countries, they also
play a vital role in the total world economy. These days, banks and stockexchanges can move
millions at a touch of a button. So, money is universal.
1. What are you going to do after school or university?
2. What jobs in the financial world can you choose?
3. Why is the exploration of international business important?
4. Why is the foreign market opportunity analysis very important?
5. What do major stock markets affect?
Feature — особенность, черта
exploration — исследование
to combine — объединять
to assure —гарантировать, обеспечивать
deteriorating standard of living — ухудшение уровня жизни
transaction — сделка
stockexchange — фондовая биржа
My future profession
Ex.1: Complete each sentence (A—H) with one of the endings (1—8):
A. Nowadays employers demand
B. Competence is
34 C. Today executives and managers don't only speak of skills and qualifications of their
employees, but of
D. Competence development is a long process that requires
E. A good employee should demonstrate problemsolving capability and think about
F. Intercultural competence is the ability
G. Relationshipbuilding is a new popular term that means
H. Modern life is full of stress that is why it is essential to be able
1. their competencies that measure a person's appropriateness for a particular job.
2. to understand people of other cultures and to work effectively with them.
3. a combination of knowledge, skills and behavior, the ability to perform a specific role.
4. what is to be achieved and how it is to be achieved.
5. to cope with stress and fatigue.
6. perfect knowledge, work experience, a range of transferable skills and such qualities as
efficiency, punctuality, practicality, creativity and many others.
7. building good relationships with partners and clients.
8. training and personal development.
Ex.2: Read and translate the following proverbs and sayings. Explain their meaning:
• Business is the salt of life.
• A bird is known by his note, the man by his work.
• He works best who knows his trade.
• Business first, pleasure afterwards.
• If you won't work you shan't eat.
• All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
• A bad workman quarrels with his tools.
• Jack of all trades is master to none.
• No sweet without some sweat.
• Busiest men find the most time.
Ex.3: Answer the questions:
1) Why is it difficult to make a positive career choice?
2) What should a person do if he or she wants to get a good job?
3) What should you take into consideration choosing your future job?
4) Why is it important to be competent?
5) How many groups of competencies do you know? Say a few words about them.
6) Why is the ability to make the right decision crucial in the world of business?
7) What does the expression 'to function in a global context' mean?
8) Why is it important to develop intercultural competence?
9) What does the term 'relationshipbuilding' mean?
10) Why do many people suffer from the conflict between work and family nowadays? What are
the ways to solve this problem?
Список используемой литературы и интернет источников
Безкоровайная Г.Т., Койранская Е.А., Соколова Н.И., Лаврик Г.В. Planet of English:
учебник английского языка для учреждений СПО. — М., 2014.
Безкоровайная Г.Т., Койранская Е.А., Соколова Н.И., Лаврик Г.В. Planet of English:
электронный учебнометодический комплекс английского языка для учреждений СПО. М.,
35 Голубев А.П., Балюк Н.В., Смирнова И.Б. Английский язык: учебник для студ.
учреждений сред. проф. образования. — М., 2014.
Восковская А.С. Английский язык для экономических колледжей:Учебное
пособие/А.С.Восковская – Ростов н/Д:Феникс,2010. – 352с. –(СПО)
Н.В.Млодзинская. – 2е изд. – М.:Издательскоторговая корпорация «Дашков и К»;
Академцентр, 2012. – 280с.
. lingvo
. ru (более 30 англорусских, русскоанглийских и толковых словарей
общей и отраслевой лексики).
. macmillandictionary
. com
прослушать произношение слов).
/ dictionary
/ british
/ enjoy (Macmillan Dictionary с возможностью
. britannica
www.ldoceonline.com (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English).
. com (энциклопедия «Британника»).
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку, "операционная деятельность в логистике"
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