Рабочий лист к теме « Глагол TO BE» (2 КЛАСС)
1)Вставьте глагол to be в нужной форме.
-Hi! What is ______name?
-Hi! I ___ Matroskin Cat. And these ______my favourite friends;
Uncle Fyodor and Sharik Dog. Uncle Fyodor _____a pupil.
He ___curios and clever. Sharik _____a kind dog. Uncle Fyodor,
Sharik and I ____great friends. We _____happy. And what about
You? How _____you?
- I____ Mickey Mouse. I think I ___funny. And this ___ my friend.
His name ____Donald Duck. He___ nice and brave. We _______
from America. We _____pleased to meet you.
2) Вставьте глагол TO BE.
1) She _____from England.
2) You _____from Russia.
3) They _____from Scotland.
4)It ______beautiful.
5)We ______ small.
6) I ______hungry.
3) Соедини местоимения с глаголами.
He am
She is
We are
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