Разработка урока WE HONOUR YOUR HEROIC DEEDS, KUBAN! СОАВТОР Санжаревская И.Н.
Оценка 4.9

Разработка урока WE HONOUR YOUR HEROIC DEEDS, KUBAN! СОАВТОР Санжаревская И.Н.

Оценка 4.9
Разработки курсов
английский язык
7 кл—9 кл
Разработка урока WE HONOUR YOUR HEROIC DEEDS, KUBAN! СОАВТОР Санжаревская И.Н.
Цели: • Образовательные: учить обучающихся употреблять лексику по военной тематике в речи, тренировать навыки монологической речи и восприятия иноязычной речи на слух; способствовать развитию умения работать в группах, актуализировать знания о героических земляках- участниках войны; • Развивающие: использовать современные компьютерные технологии для получения необходимой информации и применения своих знаний на практике. • Воспитательные: содействовать формированию патриотических чувств; воспитывать уважение к поколению, освободившему мир от фашизма и чувство гордости за свою великую Родину.
конкурс ПОБЕДА для знанио 19 авг.docx

МАОУ СОШ 14 имени Героя Советского Союза И.Г. Шабанова 

станицы Родниковская Курганинского района Краснодарского края



Разработка урока по английскому языку



 (отредактировано и дополнено)




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персональный сайт  http://englishclub37.at.ua/


учитель английского языка

Санжаревская Ирина Николаевна


сентябрь 2021




·         Образовательные: учить обучающихся употреблять лексику по военной тематике в речи, тренировать навыки монологической речи и восприятия иноязычной речи на слух; способствовать развитию умения работать в группах, актуализировать знания о героических земляках- участниках войны;

·         Развивающие: использовать современные компьютерные технологии для получения необходимой  информации и применения своих знаний на практике.

·         Воспитательные: содействовать формированию патриотических чувств; воспитывать уважение к поколению, освободившему мир от фашизма и чувство гордости за свою великую Родину.

Оборудование: ноутбук, мультимедийный проектор, мультимедийная доска (экран) интернет он-лайн.


I. Вступительная часть.

 1. Вводная беседа по теме урока.

Teacher: Dear friends! I am glad to see you here. Today’s class is devoted to the greatest event in the history of our country and the whole mankind. We are going to speak about the Great Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War.

You remember that you got a special task. You were to find the information about our compatriots who participated in the Great Patriotic war and defended our Motherland from fascist troops using all possible resources including Internet ones. Let’s speak about the most ruthless war in the history of mankind.

II. Основная часть урока.

1. Vocabulary. Словарная работа.

Here is a word bank on the topic:





















rear of the enemy

тыл врага


Oral speech Pupil I One of the most remarkable holidays in our country is Victory Day. It is celebrated on May 9th. This patriotic holiday commemorates the victory of our country over the fascist Germany. Every year in all cities and towns of Russia and some other countries there are parades and celebrations in honour of this day. This holiday of course is very joyful but on the other hand it is also a sad day for many people because most of them have lost their close relatives during that ruthless war. People are happy that the country was liberated from the fascist invaders and at the same time they grieve over their losses. On this day we all are grateful to our saviours, to those who fought for our freedom and to those who lost their lives for us. To my mind the Victory Day is one of the greatest holidays.

 Grammar in focus

Pupil 2 Let’s get down to Grammar in focus. We constructed a puzzle on web-service Learningapps.org. Your task is to find the second forms of the irregular verbs.















Speaking. Pupil 3. We found the information about the residents of Krasnodar territory and Kurganinsk district in particular who participated in the Great Patriotic war and struggled heroically with fascist troops.  Kurganinsk was occupied by the invaders in August 1942. The partisan movement was very important for the Great Victory. So Kurganinsk people organized resistance at the rear of the enemy. They fought in partisan party “Kubanets” in the forests near Laba river. The Soviet Army liberated Kurganinsk  on January 27th  1943.

Pupil 4 The citizens of Kurganinsk district fought heroically not only at the rear of the enemy but of course on the front. We found information about our compatriots who participated in the Great Patriotic war.


Изображение 031









(фото героев проецируется на экран)

1Zherеgelya Zinaida Ilyinichna was born on December 23rd 1925 in Petropavlovskaya settlement  Kurganinsk district of Krasnodar territory. She finished 8 forms and then worked at the post office.  In 1943 Zinaida went to the front. She was a volunteer. Zinaida graduated from the sanitary instructors courses. She was a sanitary instructor in 227 infantry division. She was a nurse. Then Zinaida was routed to 371 medical battalion. She participated in battles for Poland, Romania, Hungary and Czechoslovakia. In 1945   Zinaida fought in Japan. Her military rank was senior sergeant of medical service. Zinaida Ilyinichna got such awards as the order “ Patriotiс war of the 2nd grade”, medals “For military merits”, “For the victory over Germany”, “Medal of Zhukov” and jubilee medals. After the war Zinaida Ilyinichna came back to Kurganinsk. She worked at the post office. In 1950 she became the Head of the post office in Konstantinovskaya settlement. In 1982 Zinaida Ilyinichna became a pensioner.

DSCN3619Pupil 5







  Grivenniy Ivan Fiodorovich  was born on October 23rd , 1927 in Rodnikovskaya settlement Kurganinsk District of Krasnodar Territory. 
Ivan Fiodorovich  went to the front in 1944. He served in the Western Ukraine, in the city of Lvov. Ivan Fiodorovich  participated in the military operation in the Western Ukraine. He was a sergeant. Ivan Fiodorovich  was demobilized in 1951.
After the war he graduated from the college. He worked as a mechanic. In 1987 he became a pensioner.

Изображение 030Pupil 6








Mukhina Nadezhda Dmitrievna was born on October 25th, 1923 in Rodnikovskaya settlement Kurganinsk district of the Krasnodar territory. In 1942 she graduated from Armavir medical school. In May 1943 she went to the army. Nadezhda Dmitrievna was routed to the hospital in the North Caucasus region. The hospital was routed to Poland. The war was over for Nadezhda in Poland, in the city of Poznan.  Mukhina Nadezhda Dmitrievna was awarded with the “Order of the Patriotic war", the medal "For the defence of the Caucasus", the "Medal of Zhukov", some jubilee medals, the medal "Veteran of 1941-1945".
After the war Nadezhda Dmitrievna worked in a military base in the Crimea, she was a senior nurse. Since the 1950s she had worked as a nurse in the hospital in Lugansk. In 1993 Nadezhda Dmitrievna moved back to Rodnikovskaya settlement.

Изображение 029Pupil 7





Anisimova Raisa Maximovna was born on April 4th 1923 in Volgograd region. She finished 7 forms. She worked at the post office. In 1941 Raisa Maximovna finished the courses of the drivers of agricultural machinery. On November 3rd a young girl went to the front. She was routed to an artillery division as a telephone operator. Then Raisa became a radio operator. Defending the city of Stalingrad (now Volgograd) Raisa was wounded. At the end of the war she became a senior operator in Austria. After the war Raisa Maximovna lived in Rodnikovskaya settlement with her family. Anisimova Raisa Maximovna  got such awards: the order of the «Patriotic war», the medals «For military merits», «For courage», «For the defence of Stalingrad», the « Medal of Zhukov », «Veteran of the 60th Army».

Изображение 034Pupil 8
















Gankevich Victor Vasilievich was born on November 24th 1923 in Kuibyshev region. He finished 7 forms of the secondary school. Victor worked as an excavator operator. In 1943 at the age of 20 a young man went to the front. His military rank was a gunner. Victor Vasilievich was wounded twice. In 1944 the soldier became an invalid. He finished war in Belorussia. Gankevich Victor Vasilievich was awarded with the order of «Patriotic war» and medal «For bravery».  He also was awarded with jubilee medals. After the war Gankevich Victor Vasilievich worked in Kuibyshev region and in 2002 he moved to Rodnikovskaya settlement.  He often visited our school and told the pupils about the Great Patriotic war.

Pupil 9 The end of the war was victorious! Soviet soldiers, officers, generals fought heroically. The victorious march of the Soviet troops began in Stalingrad. In winter of 1942-1943 an enemy grouping of general Paulus was surrounded and destroyed. That was a turning point in the war. In the summer of 1943 tank divisions of the nazis were made good execution by the Soviet troops near Kursk.

Then victorious battles on the Dnieper, in Byelorussia, Moldavia, in the Baltic republics followed. In 1944 the Red Army reached the Soviet border in the west.

The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people against fascist Germany was over. Fascist Germany capitulated in Berlin on May 9th, 1945.

III. Заключительная часть урока.

Teacher: Dear friends! You’ve worked hard today. Our class is coming to an end. Thank you for creative work. Your marks are…





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1 Биографии героев распечатать заранее. Обучающиеся читают фрагменты текстов по заданию учителя

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МАОУ СОШ 14 имени Героя Советского

МАОУ СОШ 14 имени Героя Советского

Цели: · Образовательные: учить обучающихся употреблять лексику по военной тематике в речи, тренировать навыки монологической речи и восприятия иноязычной речи на слух; способствовать развитию умения…

Цели: · Образовательные: учить обучающихся употреблять лексику по военной тематике в речи, тренировать навыки монологической речи и восприятия иноязычной речи на слух; способствовать развитию умения…

Oral speech Pupil I One of the most remarkable holidays in our country is

Oral speech Pupil I One of the most remarkable holidays in our country is

Zher е gelya Zinaida Ilyinichna was born on

Zher е gelya Zinaida Ilyinichna was born on

Fiodorovich was born on October 23 rd , 1927 in

Fiodorovich was born on October 23 rd , 1927 in

Anisimova Raisa Maximovna was born on

Anisimova Raisa Maximovna was born on

Then victorious battles on the

Then victorious battles on the
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