There are hundreds of grammar rules but the basic ones refer to sentence structure and parts of speech, which are noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition and conjunction. Let’s look at the way sentences are put together and the words that form them.
Unit 97.docx
Unit 97
Adjectives and adverbs (2) (good/well, fast/hard/late, hardly)
(a) Good/well
Good является прилагательным. Наречие well:
Your English is very good. You speak English well.
Susan is a good pianist. She plays the piano well.
Мы часто употребляем well с причастием
(dressed/known и т.д.):
welldressed (но не `good dressed') wellknown welleducated
Однако, well бывает также прилагательным со
значением `в хорошем здравии':
`How are you now?' `I'm very well, thanks.' (но не `I'm very good')
(b) Fast/hard/late эти слова и прилагательные,
и наречия:
прилагательное наречие
He is a hard man to please. Children like hardboiled eggs.
She travels by fast trains only. Don't speak so fast! You are late, as usual. He got up late in the evening.
Наречие lately = недавно:
Have you been to the cinema lately?
(c) Hardly имеет значение полностью отличное
от hard:
Hardly = почти не. Изучим примеры:
I'm so tired,I can hardly walk. (=I'm so tired,I can walk but only with a lot of difficulty.)
I hardly know her. (=I almost don't know her)
Мы часто употребляем hardly с can/could.
Your writing is terrible. I can hardly read it. (= I can read it but
only with a lot of difficulty)
My leg was hurting me. I could hardly walk.
Мы также употребляем hardly с
Hardly anybody came to the meeting .(= very few people came to the
Hardly ever = almost never. Отметьте, что можно сказать:
She ate hardly anything. или She hardly ate anything.
We've got hardly any food. или We've hardly got any food.
Hardly ever = почти никогда:
I'm nearly always at home in the evenings. I hardly ever go out.
Rules of english grammar
Rules of english grammar
Rules of english grammar
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