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English |
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English Plus. grade 6 |
Урок № , тема урока |
№2. Reading. A description of modern city. |
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Выучить новые слова. Прочитать текст и ответить на вопросы. |
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1.Открыть документ страница 2 Vocabulary Записать новые слова с переводом в тетрадь. 2. Прочитать текст "London" . Документ 1
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Ответь |
Ex 1. Answer the following questions (письменно) |
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Ех2. Translate ...(на выбор 5 предложений) |
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London (Документ 1)
The capital of the United Kingdom and heart of the nation London is situated on
the banks of the Thames river.
In 43 AD (Anno Domini) the Romans first crossed the river Thames and built a
city there. They surrounded it with a wall and called it Londinium.
This original site of London is now called the City which is now the financial
centre of this state. There are other parts in London: the West-End, the Docklands, the
East-End. In the West-End one can see many rich mansions, palaces, beautiful
museums, theatres, cinemas and expensive shops.
The Tower of London is the most famous of all historical buildings. In 1066
William the Conqueror began to build the fortress. Every other king made his
additions and alterations there. In the past the Tower served both as a fortress, a
palace, a state prison. There are no any prisoners in the Tower now except the ravens.
The Raven Master is the person who takes care of these birds. According to the old
legend if the ravens leave the Tower it will fall together with the Kingdom. The
Tower of London is a museum today where the royal jewels and crowns are
St. Paul's Cathedral is the greatest work of Sir Christopher Wren. Trafalgar
Square is the centre of the West-End. Here we can see the Column with the statue of
Admiral Nelson on its top. The great seaman defeated the French at the battle of
Trafalgar in 1805.
The Buckingham Palace is the London home of the Queen. The tourists can see
changing the guard in front of the palace every day at 11.30 a.m. Downing Street, 10
is the residence of the British Prime-Minister.
The Houses of Parliament and the Westminster Abbey are the neighbours. The
Houses of Parliament is the seat of the British Government. There is a famous clock
Big Ben on one of the Towers. The Abbey is a royal church. There are the tombs of
the British kings and queens. The London underground is the oldest in the world. It
was opened in 1863.
There are many nice parks and gardens in the capital: Hyde Park, Regent's Park,
Kensington Gardens and Kew Gardens, for example. There are hundreds of historic
buildings, galleries and museums in London. You can't be bored here, because if you
are tired of London, you are tired of life.
a nation - нация;
Anno Domini - наша эра
to surround - окружать;
financial - финансовый;
a dock - док;
a palace - дворец;
a fortress - крепость;
an addition - добавление; to add - добавить, прибавить;
an alteration - изменение; to alter - изменить;
to serve - служить;
a prison - тюрьма;
a raven - ворон;
the Raven Master - смотритель воронов;
a jewell - драгоценность;
a crown - корона;
a statue - статуя;
to defeat - сокрушить, нанести поражение;
a guard - охрана, караул;
a tower- башня;
a tomb - могила;
a government - правительство;
an abbey - аббатство;
to be bored - наскучить, надоедать
Ex 1. Answer the following questions:
1. What is the capital of the UK?
2. Who founded this city?
3. What parts of London do you know?
4. Who built the Tower of London?
5. Why are there the ravens in the old fortress?
6. Whose statue can you see in the centre of the Trafalgar Square?
7. Where does the Queen live in London?
8. What can you say about the Westminster Abbey?
9. When was the London underground opened?
10. What historical places of London can you name?
Ex 2
Translate the following sentences:
1. Лондон - это столица Соединенного Королевства и сердце нации. 2.
Римляне построили город на берегу реки Темза в 43 году нашей эры. 3.
Красивые леса окружают этот древний город. 4. У него сейчас финансовые
проблемы. 5. Это финансовый центр страны. 6. Мой отец работает в доках. 7.
Тауэр был крепостью, затем королевским дворцом, а теперь это - музей. 8. Мне
бы хотелось изменить план и добавить в него два новых пункта (an item). 9.
Мой брат служит в армии. 10. Это послужит ему уроком. 11. Тюрьма находилась
в крепости. 12. Черный ворон сидел на стене крепости. 13. Смотритель воронов
дает им еду. 14. В короне много драгоценностей. 15. Что касается меня, я
люблю драгоценности. 16. Мы видели королевскую корону в музее. 17.Во
дворце есть много красивых статуй. 18.Мы видели смену караула во время
нашего визита в Лондон. 19.В аббатстве находятся могилы королей и королев.
20. Он скучает на уроке.
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