Оценка 4.7


Оценка 4.7
СКОПУС 10386-Article Text-15572-1-10-20200419 (1).pdf



Barno Abdullaeva, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan,

Normurodova Nigora, Temiz State University, Uzbekistan Masharipova Umida, Bakieva Khilola,

PHD Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan

Usmanova Umida PHD Andijan State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan



Writing and reading are one of the important means of teaching foreign speech, an important initial stage in the development of productive communicative activity. But, unfortunately, for improving those skills was given secondary importance for a very long time. Writing was only a means of teaching other types of speech activity, a means that allowed students to better understand language material. In addition, writing was used as a means of monitoring the formation of speech and student skills. And only in schools with in-depth study of a foreign language did the program include the mastery of written language by students. In this article we described issues related to specificity of individual approach to students with low writing and reading abilities Keywords: Writing, reading, skills, students, communicative competence.



At present, the attitude towards writing and reading skills in teaching process has changed significantly. Writing as the purpose of training is present in programs for all types of educational institutions, at all stages of training of FL.

Everyone will probably agree that reading and writing is an important part of not only our daily lives, but also professional activities. 

Different authors give different definitions of writing. Let's consider some of them:

1)                      “Written speech is a type of speech activity that aims to transmit information in writing in accordance with the situation of communication.” (Methods of teaching Russian as English / Ed. By A.N. Schukin - M., 1990, p. 133)

2)                      “Writing is the ability to combine words in writing to express your thoughts in accordance with the needs of communication.” (Methodology / Edited by A.A. Leontiev - M..1988, p.142)

3)                      “A letter is a writing of a message that elicits a response from the reader, and this response should be in accordance with the intention of the author.” (Parrot M., Assignments for teachers of a foreign language; CUP, 1993, p. 211)

Methods and analysis

There are quite different opinions, but the general can be distinguished: writing can be considered not only processes of writing graphic symbols, but also a process of transmitting information, just like speech; it is more than just the production of sounds.

By learning a second language, we learn to communicate with other people: to understand them. Talk with them, read their written messages and write your messages. But communication is not the only reason why the letter is included in the foreign language study program. There is another important reason: studying letters helps students to learn. First of all, the vocabulary is replenished; idioms and grammatical structures are studied. In addition, when students complete written assignments, they should think about how to make a sentence, how to write it, how to relate it to other sentences, etc. The very close relationship between writing and the thought process makes writing one of the important components of any language course.

The ultimate requirement in teaching writing is to develop students' ability to express their thoughts in writing. At the end of the FL course, students should be able to:

-  To make extracts from the text;

-  Draw up and write down a plan of read or listened text;

-  Write a short congratulation, express a wish;

-  Fill out the form in writing (indicate first name, last name, age, etc.)

-  Write a personal letter using the material of one or more topics covered in oral lessons, using speech adopted in the country of the language being studied;

For graduates of schools with in-depth study of FL, such requirements are put forward as:

-  Description of various facts, phenomena, events; - Expression of your impressions;

-  Expression of one’s opinion on this fact, event;

-  Creation of training notes, notes on read material; - Writing a detailed plan for oral or written communication; In order to create written messages, students must be able to:

-  To convey the main idea, the content of the listened or read text;

-  Describe, compare facts;

-  Prove, argue their point of view;

-  Be able to characterize, evaluate, express their own attitude to the stated facts [4]

The sequence of teaching writing at different stages “is manifested in the gradual, step by step, complication of the subject content, volume and nature of texts produced by students, the degree of complexity of language difficulties, and the greater variety of language tools used.” [1]

At the end of the course, students in elementary level should be able to:

-  Make a greeting card containing a short text;

-  Write a small letter in volume; - Make a short plan of the text read; For students, the requirements are:

-  Write a personal letter, but larger in volume and including 2-3 topics;

-  Fill out a simple form with basic information about themselves; - Write out keywords, expressions, sentences; Students  must learn:

-  Write personal letters and messages outlining specific facts, events, phenomena and personal impressions, using a wide variety of linguistic means, including emotionally-evaluative ones; Types of Writing

Depending on the purpose, two types of productive written language are distinguished:

1) Educational written speech - writing in writing a variety of language and conditional speech exercises aimed at mastering productive vocabulary and grammar skills, as well as speech skills. This type of speech is not only an effective means of learning, but also an effective means of control. Exercises of the highest level here are:


-Detailed exposition;

The same exercises are traditional for checking the formation of productive and writing skills. 2) Communicative writing is “... an expressive type of speech activity aimed at generating voice communication in writing.” [3] Here, the development of the ability to express one's thoughts in writing is based on and with the help of educational writing speech, which relies on the technique of writing, graphic and spelling skills.

The purpose of communicative writing is to develop the ability to create various types of texts that students may need for educational, professional or personal purposes.

Individual approach for increasing reading as a type of reading is a set of skills and abilities that students must possess in order to extract information with varying degrees of depth and accuracy of understanding. Individual reading can be characterized as non-translating, communicative reading; “flexible” reading to oneself (fluent or slow motion); “Mature” reading, which is characterized by synthesis processes. Organizationally, this type of reading corresponds to independent, extracurricular, additional reading. When teaching individual reading within the framework of a personality-oriented approach, individualization is realized, on the one hand, in the organization of the learning process (each student reads his own individual text or work), and on the other hand, in orienting the learning model to the personal characteristics of students, using their learning strategies in reading.

The methodology of teaching individual reading to university students studying English as a second specialty (second year of study) should ensure the formation of individual reading skills and abilities that will allow students to understand the type and purpose of the text, navigate it in accordance with the communicative task, and extract information at different levels (linguistic, factual-substantive, semantic).

However, individual approach for increasing reading is often regarded as a form of independent work that students perform outside the classroom, and the individual psychological characteristics of students are not taken into account when selecting texts for reading. As a rule, such a selection is carried out by the teacher himself, and the proposed assignments to the text are often formal in nature and are the same for all students.

Most often, with violations of written language, we see a combination of various forms of dysgraphia and dyslexia.







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Incorrect          placement        of             text      in         a notebook: shift to the right, left, up, down, going beyond the "margin".

Inability to count the required number of cells and rulers in a notebook.

Handwriting disorders: too small or large letters, or their size changes.

Errors in transferring words from one line to another.

Omissions of vowels and consonants, most often with their confluence.

Missing words in the sentence, as well as parts of the text when cheating.

Unreasonable continuous or separate spelling of prepositions and prefixes.

Spelling two or more words together.

Word break in two or three parts.

The appearance of extra letters in the word.

Incomplete words.

The appearance of excess elements in the grapheme.

Merging two graphemes into one.

A mixture of graphemes on the basis of sonority and deafness of sounds

(phonemes) that they denote.

Handwriting distortion.





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Slow reading pace, with the transition to the spelling and letter, even among high school students.

The presence of passes graphemes.

A mixture of optically close graphemes.

Unrecognition or         forgetting            familiar letters.

Jumping off a line while reading, losing a line.

The appearance of extra letters in the word.

Lack of words.

Guessing words.

Forgetting the first and second syllables when reading two-, three-compound words.

Missing            words, phrases,            sentences, sometimes parts of the text.

Monotony reading, non-compliance with pauses.

Misunderstanding of the meaning of the word read.

Attempts to read words from right to left. When dividing words into syllables using a hyphen, reading one of the syllables from right to left, and the other correctly.


During the research we carried out tasks that are solved in the lower levels, but on more complex speech and conceptual material.

Students must:

-  to master the skills of correct, fluent, expressive reading of works accessible to understanding or excerpts from the works of Russian and foreign classics and modern writers;

-  to obtain sufficiently strong literacy skills based on the study of an elementary grammar course;

-  learn to correctly and consistently express their thoughts in oral and written form.

When teaching students with intellectual disabilities in the lessons of the Russian language and reading, I use an individual approach when repeating, consolidating knowledge, generalizing, presenting homework, and monitoring the formation of knowledge, skills.

In the lessons of writing and reading for the organization of an individual approach, I apply the differentiation of students proposed by V. Voronkova According to pedagogical differentiation, students in auxiliary schools, according to the possibilities of teaching in the classroom, letters belong to groups I, II, III, and IV.

1  group

-          High level

2  group

-          Middle level

3  group

-          Below average

4  group

-          Low level

 Composed by students who most successfully master the program material in the process of frontal training. All tasks by them, as a rule, are carried out independently. They do not experience big difficulties when performing the changed task, basically they correctly use the available experience, performing new work.

Students who are also quite successful in the classroom. During the training, these students experience slightly greater difficulties than the students of group I. They basically understand the frontal explanation of the teacher, remember the material being studied well, but are unable to draw elementary conclusions and generalizations without help.


Conclusion Thus, the term “Individual approach for teaching Reading and writing” in the present work has a broader interpretation than independent work. If independent work is an activity that is organizationally performed without the help of a teacher, then individual reading, which is essentially an independent work assigned to the home, is oriented to the work of each individual, each individual. In addition, this is one of the ways to increase the time devoted to learning a foreign language. In the conditions of teaching the second specialty, it acquires special significance, since it should compensate for the lack of classroom hours devoted to teaching the second specialty in general and reading in this language, in particular.

The theoretical underdevelopment of this issue leads to the fact that the development and improvement of skills in individual reading of students occurs without taking into account their individual psychological characteristics, which determine the successful mastery of this type of speech activity. Learning to read and write is especially important at present due to the increase in the number of specialties in universities, where a foreign language (including English) is studied as a second specialty. These are not only the faculties of foreign languages, where English is the second foreign language after the first German, French, but also other faculties of pedagogical universities, where primary school teachers, history teachers and other subjects are trained. The implementation of individual approaches in the process of teaching writing and reading helps to optimize the learning process in heterogeneous groups and to achieve the highest possible disclosure of the potential of each student or group.



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The ultimate requirement in teaching writing is to develop students' ability to express their thoughts in writing

The ultimate requirement in teaching writing is to develop students' ability to express their thoughts in writing

When teaching individual reading within the framework of a personality-oriented approach, individualization is realized, on the one hand, in the organization of the learning process…

When teaching individual reading within the framework of a personality-oriented approach, individualization is realized, on the one hand, in the organization of the learning process…

During the research we carried out tasks that are solved in the lower levels, but on more complex speech and conceptual material

During the research we carried out tasks that are solved in the lower levels, but on more complex speech and conceptual material

References: 1.

References: 1.
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