Дина Юрьевна
учитель английского языка
квалификационной категории
Час 1-2
1. Hi, what’s your name?
2. How old are you?
3. Is your family big?
4. Who is your mum? What is she?
5. Who is your dad? What is he?
6. Have you got a sister or a brother?
? 1 | ? 2 | ? 3 |
? 4 | ? 5 | ? 6 |
What is the topic of our lesson?
Learn reading well:
words to describe people.
In – pin, skin – slim. A slim girl, a slim boy, a slim woman. Look! She is nice and slim.
Can – apple, fan – fat. A fat man, a fat cat, a fat dog. A fat cat sat on the mat and ate a fat rat.
Call – fall, talk - tall. A tall boy, a tall man. Is Paul tall? – yes, he is. He is very tall.
Sport – fort, shorts – short. A short girl, a short animal. Who is that short girl in purple shorts?
Purl –purple, perfect - curly. Curly hair. She’s got long curly hair. His hair is short and curly.
Date – bake, face – straight. Straight hair. Have you got straight hair? – Yes, my hair is long and straight.
Student – music, unicorn - beautiful. A beautiful girl, a beautiful woman, a beautiful princess. Who’s that beautiful princess? – She’s Aurora, we know her as Sleeping Beauty.
Can – man, hand – handsome. A handsome boy, a handsome man. Who’s that handsome man? – He’s Elvis. He is really handsome and sings very well.
Part – park, car – aunt. My aunt, his aunt, her aunt. This is my aunt Ann. My father’s sister is my aunt. Have you got an aunt?
Fun – funny, ugly – uncle, club - cousin. My uncle, her uncle, his cousin, your cousin. This is my uncle Tom. My mother’s brother is my uncle. This is my cousin Dan and that is my cousin Helen.
В некоторых предложениях есть глагол-связка:
- I am Larry. She is Lulu. Where is my cat?
- Я - (есть, являюсь) Лэрри. Она - (есть) Лулу. Где (находится) Чаклз?
Но в речи этот глагол всегда присутствует.
В разговоре глагол-связка часто сокращается:
- I’m Larry. She’s Lulu. Where’s Chuckles?
I am = I’m
he is= he’s
she is= she’s
Where is= Where’s
На язык этот глагол переводится как «быть», «являться», «находиться». Но в русской речи мы его чаще всего не употребляем.
Типы предложений с глаголом to be
I am (I’m)
a student.
Are they
He is not (isn’t)
a teacher.
1. How many people are there in Kate’s family?
a) four b) five c) six
b) five
2. What is her father?
He’s an engineer.
He’s a dentist.
He’s an officer.
c) He’s an officer.
3. Translate:
He is retired?
Он устал.
Он на пенсии.
Он дома.
b) Он на пенсии.
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