Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение «Гимназия №1»
Муниципального образования «город Бугуруслан»
Учитель высшей квалификационной категории
МАОУ «Гимназия №1»
Тарханова Юлия Александровна
Бугуруслан, 2021
Цель – развитие коммуникативной компетенции обучающихся через игровую деятельность.
- повысить мотивацию обучающихся к изучению иностранного языка;
- развить и поддержать интерес к стране изучаемого языка;
- развить коммуникативные и творческие способности обучающихся.
Оснащение: доска, раздаточный материал, карта Лондона, видеоролик “Window on Britain”, компьютерная презентация с видами Лондона
Ход мероприятия
Организационный момент
morning, dear
students! Welcome
to our competition! Today we are going to find out what you know about the
United Kingdom, about London and its sights and about famous British
You will demonstrate your grammar skills, you will show how you can understand
the English speech and you will even sing today.
So, let me declare our competition open! We have two groups of students, two
teams. The first team is called “Londoners” as I can see. What’s your motto,
motto is «If you are tired of London you are tired of life» ).
The second team is called “Travelers”.
your motto? (Our motto is « traveling broadens the outlook»).
- OK, let’s get it stated! You will have to pass through some different tasks
to get the first prize. Don’t rush! First think, then act. I wish you good
Procedure of the game
Station №1
Start (Video about London)
First of all I’d like to show you a video “Window on London”. Watch and remember as many facts as you can.
Now answer the questions. Every correct answer is one point.
1. What is the capital of Great Britain?
a) Edinburgh b) Boston c) London
2. What is the river in London?
a) Thames b) London c) Avon
3. What’s the population in Britain?
a) 49 million b) 3 million c) 1.5 million
4. What is the home of the Queen?
a) Buckingham Palace b) the White House c) Westminster Abbey
Station №2
You get the letter with question
Your task: Ask and answer
Station №3
Let’s sing a song “the wheels on the bus”
Station №4
Big Ben
Look at the blackboard
Teacher tells about Big Ben
The student tells the poem
Task: Look at the clock and say “What time is it?”
Station №5
Phonetic drill
Task: Find the pair to each word
Log –frog
Pen –hen
Night- Kite
Station №6
Step back
Station №7
Trafalgar square
Look at the blackboard
Teacher tells about Trafalgar square
The student tells the poem
Task: Look at the clock and say “What weather is today?”
Station №8
London Eye
Look at the blackboard
Teacher tells about London Eye
Task: say numbers in English
• 1 I can see 15 restaurants
• 2 I can see 17 hotels
• 3 I can see 22 hospitals
• 4 I can see 34 museums
• 5 I can see 49 shops
• 6 I can see 65 banks
7 I
can see 88 cinemas
• 8 I can see 91 schools
Station № 9
Use of English
Fill in(вставьте) : This is /These are
Station № 10
Buckingham Palace
Look at the blackboard. Teacher tells about Buckingham Palace
Task: Read sentences and write (True/ False)
1. Buckingham Palace is the symbol of New York (F)
2. Buckinghem
Palace is the official home of
the Queen. (T)
3. There is the Royal Standard above Buckingham Palace when the Queen is at home. (T)
4. Buckingham Palace’s garden is not big (F)
5. Buckingham Palace has it is own swimming pool, cafe, and cinema.(T)
Station № 11
Tower Bridge
Look at the blackboard. Teacher tell about Tower Bridge
Task: Fiil the gaps with articles (a/an )
__ bus
Station № 12
London Zoo
Look at the blackboard. Teacher tell about London Zoo
Task: Guess the riddles
A lot of spots.
A long,
long neck
A funny scarf.
It ‘s a … (GIRAFFE.)
Green and long
With many teeth.
Beautiful smile -
A very long nose.
It grows and grows.
Не is huge and likes fun.
As red as fire,
With a fuzzy tale.
He likes long walks.
It is … (A FOX.)
.I live in Australia.
I can jump high.
I carry my baby in my bag.
I am .....(a kangaroo)
Station №17
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