The role of ethical education in professional skills.
Оценка 4.9

The role of ethical education in professional skills.

Оценка 4.9
The role of ethical education in professional skills.
The role of ethical education in professional skills..docx

The role of ethical education in professional skills.




"I am confident that over the years, our generations will appreciate the work we have done for the independence of our people, for the protection of its peaceful creative work."



Annotation: This article is a scientific approach to teacher pedagogy. It focuses on what the teacher should focus on. The article focuses on children's interest and love, enthusiasm for pedagogical work, psychological and pedagogical intelligence and observation, pedagogical etiquette, pedagogical imagination, organization, ability, honesty, kindness, assertiveness and perseverance, perseverance, composure, perseverance, self-awareness. factors such as acquisition, professional work ability and interest, intellectual activity, ability to feel innovation, readiness to independently increase pedagogical knowledge are highlighted.


Keywords: ability, activity, pedagogical, skill, will, professional, aesthetic, music, teacher.


Аннотация: в данной статье представлен научный подход к педагогической педагогике. Это сосредотачивается на том, на чем должен сосредоточиться учитель. Статья посвящена интересам и любви детей, увлечению педагогической работой, психолого-педагогическому интеллекту и наблюдению, педагогическому этикету, педагогическому воображению, организации, умению, честности, доброте, настойчивости и настойчивости, настойчивости, самообладанию, настойчивости, самосознанию. Выделены такие факторы, как приобретение, профессиональная трудоспособность и заинтересованность, интеллектуальная активность, способность чувствовать инновации, готовность самостоятельно расширять педагогические знания.


Ключевые слова: умение, деятельность, педагогика, умение, воля, профессионал, эстетика, музыка, учитель.


Annotatsiya: Mazkur maqolada o‘qituvchining pedagogik mahorati yuzasidan ilmiy yondashilgan. Aynan o‘qituvchi nimalarga e'tibor ko‘praoq qaratishi lozimligiga to‘htalib o‘tilgan. Maqolada bolalarda qiziqish va muxabbatni, pedagogik ishiga havasni, psixologik-pedagogik ziyraklik va kuzatuvchanlikni, pedagogik odobni, pedagogik tasavvurni, tashkilotchilik, qobiliyatini, haqgo’ylikni, dilkashlikni, talabchanlik va qat’iylikni, sobitqadamlikni, vazminlikni, chidamlilikni, o’zi xaqida fikrga ega bo’lishni, professional ish qobiliyatini va qiziqishni, intelektual faollikni, yangilikni xis eta bilishni, pedagogik bilimni mustaqil ravishda oshirishga tayyorgarlikni mujassamlashtirish kabi omillar yoritib o’tilgan.


Kalit so’zi:  qobiliyat, faollik, pedagogik, mahorat, iroda, professional, estetik, musiqa, o’qituvchi.


The pedagogical profession differs from other professions by its characteristic features. The labor science of the pedagogue is man, the purpose of labor, the transformation of man, the tools of labor of the pedagogue - his speech, thinking, will, character, etc. the working conditions of the educator are characterized by high aspects of his spiritual and political image, which force him to constantly improve and work on himself constantly. A good educator will always earn the respect of his students and their parents.

Pedagogy (Greek paidagogike) means a set of disciplines that study the theoretical and practical aspects of upbringing, education and information [1.1.]. A teacher should be the most respected professional in the community. Every effort will be made to do so. Indeed, Japan, one of the most developed countries in the world, and Singapore have developed rapidly due to this approach [2.1].

A teacher is a person who has special pedagogical skills and carries out certain work in the field of education and upbringing in a secondary school. The word teacher also has a very general meaning. Educators are people who combine knowledge, skills, and abilities from others, who coach and guide them in life, and who are engaged in pedagogical activities. Thus, teacher and educator are synonymous.

Academician Risboy Juraev was excited to hear that I had been confirmed as a full member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan by the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. "I am just happy for all the hard-working scientists in the field of pedagogy. The reason is that for the first time in the history of independent Uzbekistan he was elected an academician in pedagogical sciences. This is not an easy path for pedagogical scientists who have dedicated their lives to the development of the field. It is a way to motivate people to do their job with dignity and responsibility. In the sources, the lexical meaning of the word educator is given as the leader. The children who are being held by the teacher today will one day become a nation. So, the level, the worldview, the level of spirituality of the people depends on the teacher. The President's focus on pedagogy encourages professionals and scientists to live and work selflessly. The students of a high-minded, open-minded coach will also grow up to be a high-level, problem-solving generation ”[3.1].

Teaching is a difficult profession. One of the difficulties is that the results of educational work are not immediately visible. This work requires great perseverance and endurance. Teachers are actively involved in preparing the younger generation for life. They ensure the transmission of experience from one generation to the next. Without a purposeful process of managing and structuring the new generation, society would stagnate in its development. Teachers are key players in this process.

Like any science teacher, a music teacher's professional orientation plays an important role in the system of personal value assessment, which is based on the need for pedagogical activity. It includes: interest and love in children, enthusiasm for pedagogical work, psychological and pedagogical intelligence and observation, pedagogical etiquette, pedagogical imagination, organization, ability, honesty, kindness, assertiveness and perseverance, steadfastness, composure, endurance, It combines self-awareness, professionalism and interest, intellectual activity, the ability to feel innovation, readiness to independently increase pedagogical knowledge.

Actively develops a sense of music and dance, especially emotional, aesthetic sense. Music actively influences the child's spirit and plays an important role in shaping his moral and aesthetic image. Therefore, the main goal of music education is to instill in students a culture of music that is an integral part of human spiritual culture. To achieve these goals, a music teacher has the following tasks:

•      To increase students' interest in music

•      Development of musical and artistic taste and the need for musical activities - to form the scope of knowledge and skills about music

•      Development of artistic creativity in the process of musical activities

•      Moral and aesthetic education of children through the artistic and ideological content of works

•      Encourage professionalism and hard work in music lessons

The level of professionalism of a music teacher is important in carrying out these tasks.

First and foremost, a music teacher needs to be a person who truly loves his or her profession and children, who is highly cultured, creative and inquisitive, and who has a scientific outlook. He must teach a good lesson in accordance with the requirements of modern science and technology and make the most of every minute. Only a teacher who has learned to work on himself, in the age of modern science and technology and the abundance of information can develop the ability to know, think independently, work independently, only a teacher who can choose what he needs for his subject takes.

To be a good teacher, a music teacher must have a good knowledge of pedagogy and psychology, child physiology, aesthetics and ethics theory, literature, and music teaching methods. Because they determine the character of children, what they are prone to, what methods can be used in the process of teaching. A music teacher must have sufficient knowledge, skills and experience in the theoretical and practical fields of music. Because they determine the character of children, what they are inclined to, and whether such methods can be used in the teaching process.

A music teacher must have sufficient knowledge, skills and experience in the theoretical and practical areas of the art of music. That is, he must work as a musician, a singer, a conductor, a musician, and a music theorist and writer. As a music teacher and creator, she is also the screenwriter, performer and director of the one-hour class, which is why the music class is an art class.

In addition to the high general culture of the teacher, the profession also requires knowledge of literature and the arts. A music teacher should follow pedagogical etiquette. Pedagogical etiquette is one of the characteristics of the teaching profession, which emerges as a skill in the work of a teacher with children. Pedagogical etiquette is a professional, psychological and pedagogical feature of a teacher's behavior in dealing with students. Pedagogical etiquette is the teacher's search for the right pedagogical approach, method, behavior or etiquette in dealing with students, depending on the circumstances.

“The spiritual and moral image of a music teacher. Modern requirements for it »

1. The purpose, tasks and content of moral education of students

2. Music teacher and requirements for him.

Moral education is the expression of the attitude of the masses to the character and behavior of the individual in various spheres of life and in relations with people. A person's attitude to the Motherland, to work, to material goods, to the family, to other people, and to himself, and to cultivate this moral relationship with himself, constitutes the idea of moral education. Abu Nasr Al-Farobi, the ancestor of our national culture, describes the positive effect of music on the formation of personality: “This science (ie music-DO) is useful in this sense, whose character has lost its balance. , regulates, matures the immature, and maintains the balance of those in balance. … This science is also good for the health of the body. ” Well-known educator VA Sukhomlinsky also acknowledged that the art of music is a great source of thinking, without which the mental development of the child can not be achieved. After all, every piece of music has a specific idea or artistic content of the artist. The content of the music is perceived as a result of the active flow of the student's ideological and emotional feelings. Therefore, a properly nurtured musical-artistic taste plays an important role in a deep understanding of the ideological and artistic content of a piece of music. So, moral and intellectual education is the inner content of art education. In carrying out this task, it is necessary to study the essence of folk music and works of composers, their structural differences, national features and genre structures. It is important to get acquainted with the works of famous artists, to know the period in which they lived, to study their works from a musical and pedagogical point of view, to get acquainted with the fate and history of famous works.

In order to make an artistic and ideological impression on the studied works, it is advisable to study them on the basis of a specific topic. Such topics can be linked to one or more lessons based on the laws of music, types of performance, or specific content that is its means of expression. For example, "What is Lad?", "Folk music", "Composition and composition", "Musical-epic epics". "Big song genre", "Articles", "Performing styles in Uzbek music", "Simple forms of music", "Couplet forms in songs", "Suite form", "Symphonic genres", "Musical stage works" and others including. Although the style of the subject system is being developed as part of the new curriculum, it is worthwhile to rely on the experience of a wide range of teachers.

The artistic perception of the work depends, secondly, on the structure of the lesson. The lesson should focus on different types of musical activities (listening to music, singing, music literacy), musical and pedagogical analysis of the work, expressing the artistic nature of music in individual actions, etc., and thus make the lesson interesting. Therefore, music lessons are a complex type of lessons. Singing in class should not be allowed to bore children. This will dampen their interest and damage their sound equipment.

In the context of Uzbekistan's independence, spiritual and moral education is carried out under the influence of a number of factors. This is manifested primarily in the work to shape the individual on the basis of universal values. Moral quality embodies all the important qualities of a person. The rise of the material and cultural level of the Uzbek people expands the social base for the future development and strengthening of the new morality, forms a new level of individual needs and their rational use. The goal of moral education is the moral formation of the individual. The content of moral education is manifested primarily in the practical activities of students, study, work, social work, the nature of their relationships, the ways of interaction, the acquisition of norms of behavior.

The content of moral education is embedded in curricula and textbooks and is implemented in the educational process. For example, from the repertoire of songs to be sung in the choir, a wide range of songs was given to the  Motherland, our rich nature, various holidays associated with the labor and life of our people, and morality. The selected songs are of different genres, they are mostly lyrical songs in our national music, humorous songs, children's folk songs, melodies suitable for playing children's games. 'songs, marsh and waltz tunes. The program also includes samples of songs by brothers and foreign composers, as well as songs by foreign peoples. In order to better absorb the ideological, moral and aesthetic content of these songs to the students, creative methods are used, such as introduction to the topic, moral conversations, questions and answers. It is also recommended to use expressive reading, drawing on the topic, analyzing them, cutting and pasting pictures on the topic from old newspapers and magazines to make the given topics easier to understand. Moral upbringing takes place throughout the life of an individual, taking into account both the age and the environment that have a decisive influence on the student’s orientation. Ethical education has a number of educational functions:

Provides a broad overview of the moral values of human life and culture. Ethical knowledge is mainly provided through ethical conversations, lectures, thematic evenings, meetings with representatives of various professions, student conferences and other means.

3. The Uzbek people have a rich educational heritage. shaping is an urgent task. Singing Uzbek national songs and touching the hearts of the listeners is an art, and being able to enjoy it has become a great talent. That is why it is a great task for us teachers to listen to our old masters of art, to respect them, to teach the younger generation to be effective. The skill of the teacher is not to force the student to do everything, but to encourage him to do it of his own free will, with understanding and joy.

There are several aspects to spiritual education. We will dwell on one aspect of this, which is the formation of high human emotions through musical influences. There are many songs and melodies about the life of the people that have come down through the centuries. They are emotional, memorable, and powerful. Our scholars have said that they are valuable for everyone. (O Alhazar, O world of music, it would be better for you to go. What would have happened to the people if it were not for you?

According to Farobi, music plays a positive role in inspiring and achieving general spiritual maturity. He also says that it is good for his health. The sound of music calms the nerves. Ibn Sina, who also takes into account the fact that the rhythm of the melody corresponds to the rhythm of the melody, gives a valuable insight into the aesthetic effect of melody on the child's heart. "The development, upbringing and formation of the individual is the process of mental and spiritual development of a person."

4. A music teacher must be highly cultured, committed to his or her profession, and have advanced pedagogical thinking. He must be able to develop continuously professionally and culturally. He must have a deep knowledge and skills in pedagogy, psychology, music teaching methods, aesthetic theory, especially music teaching. In particular, it should include the necessary skills of music teacher, singing, singing and music theory.

A music teacher must be a master of pedagogical communication and have the ability to effectively use pedagogical methods of influence in any situation. A modern music teacher should strive to discover new forms and methods of music teaching by being a scientific thinker, a follower of advanced experiments, and a seeker and creator. It should enrich the content of music education by connecting it with the content of other disciplines and daily life. Experienced and creative teachers' experience and new methods of music education are the mainstay and source of inspiration for continuous development. As a music teacher, a music teacher is the leader of music education in the school.






[4.] I.Karimov. "High spirituality is an invincible force." –T .: “Spirituality”. -2008

[5.] Nishonova S. Education of harmoniously developed people in the development of pedagogical thought in the Eastern Renaissance. 13.00.01. p.f.d. diss .... Tashkent: 1998,

[6.] Musurmonova. O. Spiritual values and youth education.- Tashkent: Teacher, 1996

[7.] Kyrgyzov I. "Educating young people in the spirit of love for music." Tashkent. Uzbekistan Publishing House. 1989 y

[8.] Fayziev O. Education of delicacy in music. Navoi. 1996 y.





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