Учебно-методическое пособие по экологии дисциплины ОГСЭ.03
Оценка 4.9

Учебно-методическое пособие по экологии дисциплины ОГСЭ.03

Оценка 4.9
Учебно-методическое пособие по экологии дисциплины ОГСЭ.03
Методическое пособие по экологии по дисциплине ОГСЭ.03.docx

Министерство образования и науки Донецкой Народной Республики

Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

«Донецкий промышленно-энергетический колледж»











ОГСЭ 03. Иностранный язык

основной профессиональной образовательной программы






















                                                                            Составитель: Донченко Е.В








Название практических работ


1. Пояснительная записка


2. Выписка из учебного плана


3. Содержание дисциплины.


Раздел 1. Вводный курс в деловой английский язык


Тема 1.1. Поиск работы


Тема 1.2. Резюме


Тема 1.3. Интервью


Раздел 2. Зарубежная командировка


Тема 2.1. Путешествие. На таможне.


Тема 2.2. В отеле


Тема 2.3. Шопинг за границей.


Тема 2.4. Телефонный разговор


Тема 2.5. Деньги (формы оплаты, денежные средства, валюты)


Раздел 3. Деловая корреспонденция


Тема 3.1.Деловое письмо.


Тема 3.2. Электронная корреспонденция (факс, телекс, электронная почта).


Тема 3.3. Интернет


Тема 3.4 Деловой звонок


Раздел 4. Экология, окружающая среда, экосистема


Тема 4.1. Экология как наука


Тема 4.2. Человек и природа.


Тема 4.3. Современные проблемы экологии.


Тема 4.4. Деревья в опасности.


Раздел 5. Загрязнение земли и почвы


Тема 5.1 Защита окружающей среды в США.


Тема 5.2. Защита окружающей среды в Британии.


Тема 5.3. Вредное воздействие пестицидов.


Тема 5.4.Глобальное потепление.


Раздел 6. Загрязнение атмосферы.


Тема 6.1. Загрязнение воздуха.


Тема 6.2. Кислотные дожди.


Тема 6.3. Дыры в азоновом слое.


Тема 6.4. Загрязнение атмосферы выхлопными газами.


Раздел 7. Загрязнение воды


Тема 7.1. Загрязнение мирового океана.


Тема 7.2. Вода и почва.


Тема 7.3.Загрязнение питьевой воды.

Тема 7.4. Мировые проблемы экологии.


Раздел 8. Защита мира животных


Тема 8.1. Причины исчезновения некоторых видов животных.


Тема 8.2. Заповедники и национальные парки.


Тема 8.3. Живая природа.


Тема 8.4. Загрязнение окружающей среды.


Раздел 9. Окружающая среда и энергоресурсы


Тема 9.1. Использование природных ресурсов.


Тема 9.2. Альтернативная энергия.


Тема 9.3. Ядерная энергия.


Тема 9.4. Утилизация отходов.


Раздел 10. Урбанизация и экология


Тема 10.1. Последствия быстрого роста населения городов.


Тема 10.2. Самолеты и безопасность.


Тема 10.3. Утилизация отходов.


Тема 10.4. Эффект городского шума.


Тема 10.5. Проблема перенаселения.


Раздел 11. Бизнес и окружающая среда


Тема 11.1. Зеленые насаждения города.


Тема 11.2. Здоровье и современные средства связи.


Тема 11.4. Экономика и экология.


Тема 11.5. Экотуризм.













                                ПОЯСНИТЕЛЬНАЯ ЗАПИСКА


Учебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине  Иностранный язык создан в помощь обучающимся  для работы на занятиях,  при выполнении домашнего задания и подготовки к текущему и итоговому контролю по дисциплине.

УМК по дисциплине включает теоретический блок (грамматика), перечень практических занятий, перечень точек рубежного контроля.

Приступая к изучению учебной дисциплины, студенты должны внимательно изучить список рекомендованной основной и вспомогательной литературы. Из всего состава рекомендованной литературы следует опираться на литературу, указанную как основную.

По каждой теме в УМК перечислены план изучения темы, а также информация по каждому вопросу, подлежащих изучению.

Все аудиторные занятия по дисциплине – практические. Наличие положительной оценки по практическим работам необходимо для получения дифференцированного зачета по дисциплине, поэтому в случае отсутствия на занятии по уважительной или неуважительной причине студентам потребуется найти время и выполнить пропущенную работу.

По итогам изучения дисциплины проводится дифференцированный зачет.

               В результате освоения дисциплины обучающиеся должны уметь:

       – общаться (устно и письменно) на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы;

       –   переводить (со словарем) иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности;

       –  самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь, пополнять словарный запас.

                   В результате освоения дисциплины обучающиеся должны знать:

       –       лексический (1200-1400 лексических единиц) и грамматический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности.

             В результате освоения дисциплины у Вас должны формироваться общие компетенции :

       –       понимать сущность и социальную значимость своей будущей профессии, проявлять к ней устойчивый интерес ;

      –          организовывать собственную деятельность, выбирать типовые методы и способы выполнения профессиональных задач, оценивать их эффективность и качество ;

     –          принимать решения в стандартных и нестандартных ситуациях и нести за них ответственность ;

     –  осуществлять поиск и использование информации, необходимой для эффективного выполнения профессиональных задач, профессионального и личностного развития ;

     –   использовать информационно-коммуникационные технологии в профессиональной деятельности;

    –  работать в коллективе и команде, эффективно общаться с коллегами, руководством, потребителями;

    – брать на себя ответственность за работу членов команды (подчиненных), результат выполнения заданий;

    – самостоятельно определять задачи профессионального и личностного развития, заниматься самообразованием, осознанно планировать повышение квалификации;

    – ориентироваться в условиях частой смены технологий в профессиональной деятельности.

        С целью оказания помощи студентам в изучении учебной дисциплины

  Иностранный язык предусмотрены консультации, как групповые, так и индивидуальные, дополнительные занятия, которые проводятся согласно плану работы кабинета «Иностранного языка».





























Раздел № 1 «Вводный курс в деловой английский язык»

Тема 1.1. «В поисках работы»




Applying for a job



Exercise 1. 1  Memorize the following words.


an employee – работник, лицо которое принимается на работу

an appointment – назначение на работу

job benefits – выгода от работы

to apply for a job – устраиваться на работу

to go for an interview – идти на собеседование

to earn one`s living by – зарабатывать на жизнь

an application – заявление

an ability – способность

an employer – работодатель

salary, wages – зарплата

a letter of application – заявление

to look for a job – искать работу

to be  out  of work – быть без работы

to be need of – нуждаться

a skill – навыки


Exercise 1. 2  Read and translate the text



Applying for a job


 Getting a job you want can sometimes depend on the success of the job interview. During the interview the employer will try to find out what kind of person you are, what experience you have and how you fit into the job situation.

  After you have got an appointment, review the information that you wrote in your application form and resume. Practice talking about your education and previous job experience. Be prepared to explain your skills and abilities specifically.

  Go to the interview alone; don`t take your friends or children with you. Plan to arrive about ten minutes before the appointment time. Wear appropriate clothing; a neat appearance will make a good impression.

  During the interview look directly at the interviewer and answer all his/her questions as specifically as you can. Ask any questions tha! You have about the job, such as hours, salary or job benefits. Before you live there should be a clear understanding about all aspects of the job.

  At the close of the interview, express your thanks and be sure that the interviewer knows how to contact you if s/he wants to hire you.


Exercise 1. 3  Match the words to their synonyms:


1) to realize

2) to rear

3) to apply to college

4) to refuse

5) to give financial support

6) to be unemployed

7) to earn

8) to be sacked

           9) to be satisfied

10) to attend

a) to get money to some work

b) to give money

c) to be happy

d) to move to another job inside the company

e) to bring up children

f) to come to classes

g) to lose a job

h) to enter a college

i) to understand

j) to be out of job

 11)  to transfer                                                                                       


K) to say “no”



Exercise 1.4 Answer the questions:

1. What can getting a job you want sometimes depend on?

2. What is the job interview?

3. What will the employer try to find out during the job interview?

4. What should the applicant do when s/he has got an appointment?

5. What should the applicant do before the interview?

6. What should the applicant do at the interview?

7. What should the applicant , express at the close of  the interview?

8. What shouldn`t the applicant do during the interview?



Exercise 1.5 Questions of the employer:

1.What kind of person are you?

2. What job experience do you have?

3.How do you fit into the job situation?

4. What kind of job are you applying for?

5.What skills and abilities do you have?

6.What languages do you speak?

7.Can you work on computer?

8.Can you type?

9.Can you drive?

10.What did you graduate from?

11.What is your previous job experience?

12.What is your hobby?


Exercise 1.6  Questions to the employer:

1. What is the salary?

2.What are the job benefits?

3.How many hours shall I work a day/ week?

4.How much shall I earn a month?

5. What is your pay system?

6.What is your pay for overtime?

7.Do you have a bonus system?

8.Do you have a paid vacation?

9. How much vacation time am I given?

10.Do you have a six-hour day?

11.Do you pay for the hour?

12. What is the amount of a sick pay?



Тема 1.2. «Резюме»




Exercise 1.2.1  Memorize the following words.


Applicant – кандидат

 job – работа

 to include – включать

employment – трудоустройство

objective – цель

training data – данные об образовании и профессиональной подготовке

present – настоящий

last – последний

 easytoread – легко читать

 possible – возможный

 page – страничка

size – размер

stationary – бланк

 interviewer – собеседник

impression – впечатление

employer – работодатель

 neat – хрупкий

to attach – добавлять

application – заявление

 cover letter – запечатанный лист

 to send – отсылать

 additional – дополнительный

 to revise – проверять

 to fit – отвечать.




Exercise 1.2.2  Read and translate the text



A resume should show an applicant`s qualifications for a special job. It should include your name, address, and a telephone number; an employment objective; educational and training data; and a list of previous work experience. The list should start with your present job or with your last job that shows qualifications for the work you want now.

All of these data should be listed in an easy-to-read form. If possible, all information should be on one page. Type your resume on standard size business stationery.

The interviewer usually sees the resume before s/he sees the applicant. The resume gives the first impression of the applicant to the employer. It should be neat and well-organized.

It is usually a good idea to attach the resume to the letter of application. Always send it with a cover letter; never send it alone. An applicant should bring additional copies of his/her resume to the interview.

The job applicant should always rewrite and revise the resume to fit the specific job that s/he is applying for.




Exercise 1.2.3  Answer the questions:

1.What is the resume?

2. What information should it include?

3. Should a resume show an applicant`s qualifications for specific job?

4. Should the list start with your present job?

5. Should all data be listed in an easy-to-read form?

6.Should all of the information be on one page?

7.Should it be neat and well-organized?

8. Does a resume give the first impression of the applicant to the employer?


Exercise 1.2.4  Write the resume worksheet  



1.Personal Data: Write your name, address, phone number.

2.Objective/Position Applied for: Write the kind of position you are looking for.

3.Experience: Give the names of jobs, places, dates and description of exactly you did.

4.Education: List the schools you have attended. Include dates and subjects areas you studied, starting with your recent work.

5.Other: List an other information, which you think might be helpful. (Special skills, hobbies, organizations you are a member of, community service, languages you speak).

6.References: List names and addresses of two or more references or write “References available on request” or “Provided upon request”




Exercise 1.2.5 . Read and dramatize the following dialogues.


Dialogue (between the employer and the applicant):

A: I am out of work. Every day I look through the “Help Wanted” column of our daily newspaper. I know that your firm is in need of an employee.

E: What kind of job are you applying ofr?

A: I would like to work as a ___________

E: How do you fit into the job situation?

A: I have a good command in English. I can type, I can work on computer.

E: Do you have skills to work with people?

A: Yes, I do. I am communicative, polite and attentive to other people.

E: I offer you to work as a_____________

A: Oh, it suits me. What is the salary?

E: 1500 $.

A: How many hours shall I work a day?

E: You will have a 6-hour working day?

A: Do you have a paid vocation?

E: Yes, we do.

A: Thank you very much. When may I start to work?

E: If it is possible, you can start tomorrow.

A: All right. I take up your job offer.


                                 Тема 1.3 «Интервью»



Exercise 1.2.6 Answer to the following statements:


How do you do?

Glad to meet you!

Good afternoon!

Good morning!



How are you getting on?

How are you?

Would you like a cup of coffee?

Thank you very much!


Exercise 1.3.3 Imagine that you meet the business partner. Introduce yourself. Use the following statements:


Let me introduce myself. I am … .

Let me introduce my staff to you. This is … . He (She) is … .

I’d like you to meet … . He (She) is … .

May I introduce … to you. He (She) is … .




Exercise 1.3.4. Explore the card and answer the following questions:





                                                                                                                                John G. Smith

Finantial Directo

9 North Road, Brighton, BN1 5 GF, England

Phone: (0273) 543359  Fax: (0273) 559364


Whose card is this?

Who is he?

What company is he from?

What city is he from?

What is his telephone number?

What is the address of his company?


Exercise 1.3.5. Translate into Russian the following sentences and learn them by heart:


Let me introduce my staff to you; to have an appointment with smb; to be interested in; if we decide to bye your equipment, he’ll visit your company; to conclude an agreement; to be at smb’s disposal; glad to meet you too; I want you to send the fax; to sign the contract; to come to an agreement;  to draw up the contract; to look for smb (smth).


Exercise 6. Articles with Geographic Names. Choose the right answer:


1) Los Angeles is in …USA.

A) a        B) the        C)----


2) I often dream of fishing in the rivers of …..Russian Federation.

A) a        B) the        C) ----  


3)……India  will always  be the best place in the world.                                 

A) a        B) the        C) ----


4) ……Australia  is famous for kangaroos.

A) ----     B) a          C) the


5)  Who had not heard of …..Mississippi?

A)  a        B)  the      C) ----









1. Memorize the following words.

Meaning - значение

Dummy – манекен, макет

To attach – прикреплять

Performer – исполнитель, артист

To pretend - претендовать

To ride – ехать верхом

To describe - описывать

Leisure - досуг

Occupation - занятие

Rather - довольно

Common - обыкновенный

Usage - употребление

Perhaps - возможно

To include - включать

Range - ряд

Sailing –плаванье под парусом

To require - требовать

Equipment - оборудование

While – в то время как

Considerably - значительно

Choice - выбор

to pursuit - занятие

to define - определять

obsessive - всепоглощающий


2. Read and translate the text.

From the old English word hobby meaning horse, came the modern word hobbyhorse. This is a dummy horse attached to a performer who pretended to be riding a horse in a play or a dance. Hobbyhorse has been shortened to hobby to describe any favourite leisure time occupation. This word has become rather common in modern usage.

Leisure time occupations, or hobbies, can be divided into four groups: doing things, making things, collecting things and learning things. Of these four groups, doing things is perhaps the most popular. It includes a wide range of activities, from gardening to sailing and from chess to foreign travel. Some of these hobbies require very little equipment while others require considerably more. There is also a choice between mental and physical activities, indoor and outdoor pursuits, etc.

Leisure time occupations can be more or less active. A real hobby is usually defined as something creative and individual, sometimes even as something obsessive, unusual or eccentric.


3. Answer the questions.

1. What is the origin of the word “hobby”?

2.  How many groups can hobbies be divided into?

3.  What is the most popular of these four groups?

4.  What is a real hobby defined ?

5.  What do you like to do most?


4. Make up sentences.








Do you


Are you





spends the evenings

gives up




fond of

keen on

interested in





playing chess.

talking about hobby.


watching football matches?

learning foreign languages?

taking photos?

doing crossword puzzles?

collecting stamps (postcards)?

listening to music?


5. Complete the following sentences.

1. I am keen on …  . 2. I prefer to go to …  . 3. Your hobby seems to be …  . 4. I care for …  . 5. I made it a point of …  .

1. Translate the texts.


Doing things: reading; listening to music; watching television; entertaining friends; playing games; painting; mending things.

Making things: models; needlework (e.g. knitting, crocheting, sewing, weaving, making carpets, making lace); making music, i.e. singing or playing musical instruments (e.g. the piano, the guitar, the violin); cooking and baking; home decorating and repairing.

Collecting things; stamps, postcards, maps, coins, beermats, bottles, tins, china, autographs, books, butterflies, shells, crystals and other things.

Learning things: foreign languages, learning to play a musical instrument, studying music, art, literature or other subjects.

Even if one’s hobby does not solely consist of the study of particular subjects, a real hobbyist wants to learn more about his subject and its history, so that he can become a real expert at it.



Sports activities: athletics, gymnastics, cycling, swimming, sailing, rowing, canoeing, racing, skiing, mountaineering, and climbing.

Playing games: football/soccer, handball, volleyball, tennis, table tennis, basket-ball, baseball, water-polo, golf, badminton, bowling, judo, fencing, boxing and taking part in competitions.

Other activities: gardening, fishing, travelling (e.g. visiting the country-side / the seaside / museums / art exhibitions / historical buildings), walking, driving a car, car maintenance, visiting a choir, watching outdoor sports, betting on matches or races.


2. Fill the blanks with the necessary words.

1. I would like to see a figure-skating …  . (performance, competition, opera) 2. I … music very much. (would like, prefer, care of) 3. He … washing in cold water. (seems, made a point of, stars) 4. What … of music do you like? (kind, enjoy, show)


3. Give synonyms to the words in bold type.

1. I am fond of modern music. 2. Collecting badges is his hobby. 3. He makes a point of doing morning exercises outdoors. 4. Marry’s favourite occupation is knitting. 5. Roger prefers to go in for sports in the open air.


4. Read and dramatize the following dialogues.


A: What is your hobby?

B: My hobby is collecting old coins.

A: How interesting! Have you got many in your collection?

B: There are almost eight hundred of them.

A: Quite a number, I should say.

* * *

A: Hello! Where are you going?

B: To the stadium.

A: What for?

B: You know t hobby is football. Will you join me?

A: I’m sorry, but I can’t. I’m busy now.

B: Good-bye, then.

A: So long.



                                   Раздел 2. Деловая поездка.

                       Тема 2.1 «Путешествие. На таможне»




Exercise 2.1.1. Memorize the following words.

abroad – за границей

on business – по делу

by plane - самолетом

by train - поездом

by ship - кораблем

on foot - пешком

means of transport – средства пере

opportunity - возможность

picturesque - живописный

landscape - ландшафт

customs – таможня

customs officer - таможенник

health certificate – справка о состо
        янии здоровья                                                     
declaration – таможенная декларация

to declare- декларировать

to fill - заполнять

luggage - багаж

articles for personal use and wear –
вещи личного пользования и одежда

gift - подарок

liable to duty – облагать налогом

duty free – облагать налогом

to carry - ввозить

currency - валюта

weapon оружие

to permit – разрешать

permission - разрешение

occasionally - иногда

to break - нарушать





Exercise 2.1.2. Read and translate the text.




Nowadays travelling abroad is very popular. Some people prefer to travel by plane, especially businessmen, because it’s the fastest means of transportation. Those who are not short of time usually travel by train or by ship. It takes more time but gives the opportunity to see the country you travel through, its picturesque landscapes and nature.

While travelling abroad you have to go through customs, sometimes several times.

As a rule the customs officers check your passport and visas if they are required. When coming to some countries you may need a health certificate or a certificate of vaccination. If you have anything to declare, then you are to fill in the declaration form.

The customs officers may ask you to show your luggage to them. Usually articles for personal use and wear and gifts are not liable to duty anywhere. If you are carrying much currency you should also declare it. If you are carrying weapons you need a permit. Although some things are liable to duty, if you carry only a small amount of them, they are duty free.

Occasionally the customs officers may take some of your things for a more detailed inspection but usually they return them soon.

Do not try to break the customs rules and regulations because you may have a lot of troubles.


Exercise 2.1.3  Make up sentences.




My friend







to travel

by bus

by train

by plane

by ship

on foot


Exercise 2.1.4. Read and dramatize the following dialogues.

- Your passport, please.

- Here you are.

- How long are you staying in America?

-Two months. I’m here on business (on invitation).

-Your passport and visa are in order. Have a pleasant stay, sir.

* * *

- Excuse me! Where is the customs control?

- Over there, to the left.

- Could you tell me whether used things and gifts are liable to duty?

- As far as I know, they are not.

- Oh, thanks a lot.






                                               Тема 2.2 «В отеле»




Exercise 2.2.1  Memorize the following words.

аccommodation – номер в гостинице

suite – номер-люкс

single/dоuble – номер на одного/на двоих

price - цена

fill in the form – заполнить форму

arrival form – форма прибытия

to request – просить

chambermaid - горничная

to inquire - осведомлять

to obtain - получать

to settle - устраиваться

quietly - тихо

advisable - целесообразный

to book a room – забронировать комнату


to have a reservation - забронировать

in advance - предварительно

otherwise - иначе

to arrive - прибывать

reception desk – бюро регистрации

lobby - вестибюль

to confirm - подтверждать

to sign - подписывать

permanent - постоянный

to check in - регистрироваться

to check out - выписываться

departure – отъезд

bill - счет



Exercise 2.2.2 Read and translate the text.


                                   At the hotel.

My car reaches the hotel where I want to stay. I get out and go to the hotel office. Here I ask if they can give me an accommodation. “Certainly”, answers the clerk, “we have got several rooms.”

“Would you like a suite or a single room?” he continues.

I say that I would like a bedroom with a bathroom. The clerk says he can give me a room on the third floor. I ask about the price of the room. He informs me of the price and soon everything is settled.

I hand my passport, fill in arrival form and get the key to my room.

Next I ask the hotel porter to carry my luggage to the room. He does as requested.

I look at my room. I like it very much. It is very comfortable. I can have a fine rest here. I ring for the chambermaid and inquire about the meals at the hotel restaurant.

Next I obtain information about the hairdresser’s, about where I can have my boots cleaned, about where I have my linen washed, etc. she answers all my questions.


Exercise 2.2.3  Read, translate and remember the following rules and regulations of hotels.


When travelling people almost always stay at hotels. It is advisable, therefore, to remember the following;

1. The first thing to do is to book a room in advance either by letter, telephone, fax, and computer. Otherwise you may arrive at the hotel and be told that there are no rooms.

2. On arrival at the hotel go to the reception desk in the lobby and confirm your reservation. The clerk will then give you a registration form to fill in and sign (the form is filled in block letters (большими печатными буквами). In smaller hotels you simply sign the visitor’s book and give your permanent address.

3. In large hotels you may ask for any service by telephone. You tell the operator if you wish to be called at a certain time. You call room service when you want a meal or drinks sent up to your room, and you can have a lot of maid service if you need something (a suit, dress) cleaned or pressed.

4. Let the hotel management know well in advance the day and the time of your departure.


Exercise 2.2.4  Fill in the blanks with the necessary words in brackets.

1. I have got …  . (a reservation, a manager, a hotel) 2. Let the hotel … know well in advance the day and time of your departure. (room, key, manager) 3. The clerk says he can give me … on the third floor. (a confirmation, a porter, a room) 4. I ask the hotel … to carry my luggage to the room. (form, register, porter) 5. When travelling people almost always stay at the …  . (laundry, luggage, hotel)


        Exercise 2.2.5 Answer the questions.

1. Where do people usually stay when they come to a town in which they don’t live? 2. Have you ever stayed at the hotel? 3. What kind of room were you in? 4. Why is it good to reserve rooms in advance? In what way can you do it? 5. What are the visitors required to do when they check in (check out)? 6. What kind of service may you ask for by telephone at a modern hotel?


Exercise 2.2.6  Answer the receptionist’s questions.

1. Does this room suit you, sir?

2. Will you have lunch just now, or would you like to have a rest first?

3. May I ask you, sir, how many days you are planning to stay with us?

4. Would you like your meals served in your room or would you rather come to the restaurant?

5. Have you rung, sir? Anything wrong?

6. I’m afraid we’re packed full. Will a room without a shower and telephone be all right?


Exercise 2.2.7 Complete the following sentences with the appropriate words (a bellboy,a porter, a hotel , clerk, a receptionist, a chambermaid).

1. A hotel worker who stands by the door and helps the visitors to get out of the car  is called …  .

2. A hotel worker who receives new guests and gives them a room is called …  .

3. A hotel worker who keeps the rooms in order is called …  .

4. A hotel worker who receives and gives the keys is called …  .


Exercise 2.2.8.  Read and dramatize the following dialogue.

- Hello. Can I help you?

- Hello. We need a double room for three nights.

-Yes, we have two double rooms, on the 11th and 15th floor, facing the yard. Which would you prefer?

- It’s all the same with me. Maybe, my wife would like to choose. What do you think, darling?

- 11th sounds okay with me, if you don’t mind.

- Sure, then let it be on the 11th floor.

- All right. Will you, please, fill out these forms?

- Certainly.

- How long are you going to stay here?

- About a week or so.

- Fine. The bellboy will show you to your room. Here are the keys. Don’t worry about the suitcases. Leave them in the lobby. The porter will help with the luggage.

- I’m leaving tomorrow. Get my bill ready, please.

- Certainly. It will be ready in due time.

- And when must I vacate the room?

- It must be vacated before the lunch time.

- All right. And call me at 8 in the morning. I’d like my early morning tea and a newspaper, please.

- Certainly. Sir.


*To vacate the room in due time – освободить комнату в назначенное время



                           Тема 2.3 «Шопингза границей»



                                           SHOPPING ABROAD

Exercise 2.3.1  Memorize the following words.

to go shopping – ходить по магазинам

to sell (sold) - продавать

to buy (bought) - покупать

drug - лекарство

candy - конфета

stationary - канцтовары

jewelry – ювелирные изделия

counter - прилавок

put on a coin – опустить монету

ham - ветчина, окорок

beef (beefsteak)– говядина (бифштекс)

huge - огромный

customer (buyer) - покупатель

grocery - бакалея

to push - толкать

wire basket – металлическая корзина

wheel - колесо

         provided - предусмотренный

to hold (held) - держать

goods - товары

exit - выход

to choose (chose, chosen) - выбирать

payment - плата





Exercise 2.3.2  Read and discuss the text.


                                      Shopping broad.

“Drugstores” and “supermarkets” are the shops that are most characteristically American. A “drugstore” is not a place that sells only drugs. In some of them you can buy drugs, but their main business is to sell candy, stationary, books. Milk shakes, ice-creams, toaster or imitation jewelry. In every drugstore there is a food counter where you can sit on a high stool and have Coca-Cola, orange juice, hot dogs, sandwiches or cakes. There are “automats” from which on putting on a coin you can get a plate of cooked ham, cooked beef or cheese.

There are supermarkets in England but the ones in America are much bigger, some of them cover 40,000 square feet and they have huge car parks where the cars of a thousand customers can be parked.

Nearly 50% of the groceries sold in America are sold in the supermarkets. You just help yourself as you walk pushing a wire basket on wheels that is provided to hold the goods you want to buy. At the exit the assistant will take the goods you have chosen from the wheel basket and take your money in payment for the goods.


Exercise 2.3.3  Answer the questions.

1. What is a drug store?

2. What can you buy there? 

3. What is a supermarket?

4. Are the supermarkets in England and America alike?

5. Who serves you in a supermarket?


Exercise 2.3.4  Translate into English.

1. В аптеке можно приобрести не только лекарства, но и канцтовары, конфеты и другие товары.

2. В любой аптеке можно что-нибудь поесть, выпить кока-колу, кофе или апельсиновый сок.

3. Какие вещи можно получить, если опустить монету в автомат?

4. Супермаркеты в Англии намного меньше, чем в Америке.

5. Вы должны складывать товары в корзинку на колесах.

6. Кассир берет деньги за товар.


Exercise 2.3.5  Memorize the following words and translate the sentences with them.

1. to shop/to do one’s shopping – делать покупки

Mother went to the store to shop.

2.department –отдел

Some shops have many departments.

3. salesman/girl (shop-assistant) – продавец, продавщица

The salesman packed the goods and gives them to us.

4. shoes - туфли, boots – ботинки

Most shoes and boots are made of leather.

5. socks - носки, stockings - чулки, panty-hose (tights) - колготки

Socks are short. Stockings are long. Socks and stockings keep our feet warm.

6. handbag – женская сумка, wallet - кошелек, gloves – перчатки

I’ve lost my wallet.

7.powder - пудра, lipstick - помада, soap - мыло, razor - бритва, blade - лезвие

Mother is putting powder on her face. Pink lipstick seems very popular this year.

Give me a package of blades.

8.wool - шерсть, silk - шелк, cotton - хлопок

Sheep’s wool is made into yarn and cloth. Mother’s dress is made of silk cloth. Some clothes are
         made of cotton.

9. trousers (U.K.) - брюки, pants (U.S.) - штаны, suit – костюм, coat - пальто, raincoat -плащ

This is a pair of boy’s pants. Father has on a dark suit. Bobby is putting on his coat.


Exercise 2.3.6   Give it a name.

1. We wear it if it is cold.

2. We take it if it rains.

3. We put them on our hands.

4. We put it on our heads.

5. We put them on our feet.

6. Women put them on their legs.


Exercise 2.3.7  Finish the sentences, using the words from the table.


Grocer’s shop, baker’s shop, greengrocer’s shop, department store , fishmongery, butcher’s shop, food store


1. You can buy all kind of things at a__________.

2. You can buy all kinds of food at a __________.

3. You can buy macaroni, salt, and sugar at a _________.

4. You can buy all kinds of vegetables at a _________.

5. You can buy bread and rolls at a _________.

6. You can buy meat and poultry at a ________.

7. You can buy fish and fish cans at a ___________.


Exercise 2.3.8  Read and dramatize the following dialogues.

- What can I do for you?

- I want to buy a coat.

- What colour would you like?

- I’d prefer a grey coloured coat.

- Try this one.

- I can’t say that I like it. It’s much too short.

- Try this blue one.

- It isn’t quite what I want. I’d like something of a better quality.

- What do you think of this model?

- This one fits very well. How much does it cost?

- 70 dollars.

- Well, I’ll take this one.

- Shall I wrap up the coat?

- No, thank you, you needn’t. I’ll put it on.

* * *

-May I help you?

- Yes, how much are these socks, please.

- Six dollars.

- Oh that’s too expensive. How much are the cotton ones?

- They are two dollars.

- O.K. I’ll take those.

* * *

- What can I do for you?

- I’d like some shoes.

- What size, please?

- Five, please.

- Here you are.

         - Thank you.


Тема 2.4 «Телефонный разговор»



Exercise 2.4.1  Memorize the following words and word-combinations.

General call – общий вызов

Local call – местный вызов

Personal call – вызов конкретного лица

Trunk call (U.K.) – междугородний вызов

Long-distance call (U.S.) – междугородний вызов

To answer the call – ответить на звонок

To make a call - позвонить

To give smb. a call – позвонить кому-нибудь

To ring smb. up - позвонить кому-нибудь

To call back - перезвонить

To cut off - разъединить

To get smb. – соединить с кем-либо

Over(on) the telephone – по телефону

To hang up, to put down the receiver – положить трубку

To hold on, to hold the wire, to hold the line – не вешать трубку

To leave message – оставить сообщение

To put down the receiver – положить трубку

To put down, to write down - записывать

A telephone number – номер телефона

To speak over (on) the telephone – говорить по телефону

Busy, engaged - занятый


Exercise 2.4.2  Read, translate and retell the text.



The techniques of telephoning are very much the same in all countries. Only remember your good telephone manners:

1. When talking on the telephone – speak clearly. Do not shout and take your cigarette out of your mouth.

2. Make sure that your conversation with a busy person is as brief as possible.

3. When calling a friend who does not recognize your voice – don’t play “Guess who?” Announce yourself promptly.

4. When you get a wrong number don’t ask: “What number is this?” It is a good manner to ask: “Is this two – three –four – five – six?” If not – apologize.

5. If a wrong number call comes through don’t lose your temper. Simply say: “Sorry, wrong number”- and hang up.

6. Always identify yourself when making a call, especially if you are calling on business, e.g. “This is Mr Pavlov of the Russian Trade Mission. Could I speak to Mr Jones… .”


Exercise 2.4.3  Read and dramatize the following dialogues.

Leaving a message

- Hello! This is Richard Baker. May I speak to Mr Reeds, please?

- I’m sorry, Mr Baker. He has just left. Any message?

- Will you tell him to call me back?

- Yes, certainly. Does he know your telephone number?

- Well … I’m not sure. Will you put it down, just in case?

- Yes, what is it?

- 340-1906. Thanks a lot.

- No trouble. Good-bye.

* * *

Getting a wrong number

-         Hello! I’d like to talk to Mr Lawson.

-          I’m afraid you have the wrong number. What number were you calling?

-         843-1227.

-         Well, this is 843-1227. But there is no one by the name of Lawson here. This is private residence.

-         I’m sorry to have bothered you.

-         That’s quite all right.



                                Тема 2.5  «Деньги»




Exercise 2.5.1  Memorize the following words.

means – средство, способ

means of storing up – способ накопления

measuring - измерение

value – ценность

power - способность

exchange – обмен, обменивать

to keep (kept) – хранить

to spoil - портиться

space - пространство

advantage - преимущество

disadvantage - недостаток

worth – цена, стоимость

to stamp - штамповать

doubtful - нерешительный

wisdom – мудрость, здравый смысл

saving money – хранение денег


       Exercise 2.5.2. Read, translate and retell the text.



In the modern world money has various uses. For selling and buying things, all modern people use money. Money gives us a useful means of measuring the value of things. Money is also of very great use as a means of exchanging goods and services. Money is a way to store up buying power that one can use later. If we consider money as a means of storing up buying power, it has good and bad points. Money can more easily be kept for a long time than such things as food, buildings and machines. Food spoils, buildings fall to pieces and machines rust. Money takes up very little space and if we want we may put it in a bank.

But modern money has some very serious disadvantages if we use it as a means of storing up buying power. In earlier times when money was in the form of gold and silver coins, the metal in each was really worth the amount stamped on the coin. But the paper in modern paper money is worth much less than the amount written on it. In a short time the buying power of modern money can change very greatly and because of that, some people are doubtful about the wisdom of saving money.


Exercise 2.5.3  Make up sentences.













the root of all evil.

a measure of the value of goods.

a means of exchanging goods.

the guarantee of security.

a way to store up buying power.

Various uses in the modern world.

good and bad points.

some very serious disadvantages.



 Exercise 2.5.4  Fill the blanks with the necessary words.


1. Synthetic materials have become cheaper, since the … of production are lower now. (value, cost, price)

 2. Sometimes it is easy to make plans but difficult … them. (to find, to show, to carry out) 3. The money which he … from his parents did not arrive. (expected, respected, avoided) 4. It is obvious that a primitive system of exchanging goods for goods cannot … the needs of a highly developed economic system. (satisfy, occupy, justify)

5. He was known for his … to solve most complicated problem very quickly. (opportunity, ability, difficulty)


 Exercise 2.5.5  Coordinate the words in the left column with their interpretations in the left column.












a particular type of money used in a state.

quantity of smth given in return for the money paid.

a measure of the value of goods.

price to be paid for a thing.

money for which a thing is bought or sold.

place where people meet to buy and sell goods.



                               Раздел 3. Деловая корреспонденция.

                                         Тема 3.1 «Деловое письмо»


                                   BUSUNESS CORRESPONDENCE

Exercise 3.1.1 Memorize the following words and word-combinations.

heading - заглавие

relevant - уместный

irrelevant - неуместный

to include - содержать

draft - черновик

essential – необходимый, обязательный

concise – короткий, сжатый

courteous - вежливый

letterhead – печатный бланк

addressee - адресат

range – цепь, ряд

to enclose – вкладывать (в пакет)

up-to-date - современный

advertisement – объявление, реклама

to cancel – отменить, аннулировать

quality - качество

commodity - товар

on the average – в среднем

to reduce – уменьшать, снижать

concession - уступка

letter of intent – письмо-обязательство

execution - исполнение

exclusive right – исключительное право

sincere - искренний

enclosure – пакет


Exercise 3.1.2 Read and discuss the text.

“Golden Rules” for Writing Business Letters

1. Give your letter a heading if it helps the reader to see at a glance what you are writing about

2. Decide what you are going to say before you start to write.

3. Use short sentences.

4. Put each separate idea in a separate paragraph.

5. Use short words that everyone can understand.

6. Think about your reader. Your reader:

* Must be able to see exactly what you mean: your letters should be clear!

* Must be given all necessary information: your letters should be complete!

* Is a busy person with no time to waste: your letters should be concise!

* Must be addressed to in a polite tone: your letters should be courteous!

* May get a bad impression if there are mistakes in grammar: your letters should be correct!


Exercise 3.1.3

Seven Steps in Planning a Business Letter

1. Write down your aim: Why are you writing this letter?

2. Assemble all the relevant information and documents.

3. Arrange the points in order of importance. Make rough notes.

4. Write an outline and check it through, considering these questions.

     * Have you left any important points out?

     * Can the order of presentation be made clear?

     * Have you included anything that is not relevant?

5. Write a first draft, leaving space for additions and changes.

6. Revise your first draft by considering these questions:


·        Does it cover all the essential points?

·        Is it correct, relevant and complete?


·        Are the grammar, spelling and punctuation correct?


·        Does it look attractive?

·        Does it sound natural and sincere?

·        Is it the kind of letter you would like to receive yourself?

·        Is it clear, concise and courteous?

·        Will it give the write impression?

7. Write, type or dictate your final version.



Exercise 3.1.4 Write the letter


Notes on Letter Writing

Structure of the letter

1. Sender’s address/date. 2. Inside address (receiver’s address). 3. Attention line. 4. Salutation.

5. Body of the letter. 6. Complimentary close. 7. Signature.


21 High Street, Blackheath,

London SE3B 5HY

Tel: 01-564-8843

7th May 2016

The address of the firm sending the letter (the letterhead) is often printed on the paper



The date

m. Lawson Esq., Manager,

Filbury & Johns,

20 Shaftsbury Avenue,

London WIA 4WW

The name, position, firm and address of the addressee

Our ref: DM/SK

Dear Mr Lawson,

The reference (the initials of the person writing the letter and the person who types it)

Thank you for your letter of 4th May enquiring about our range of office equipment.

The first paragraph says why you are writing

I enclose an up-to-date price list and our latest catalogue which I hope includes something of interest to you. You will notice that we offer very favourable terms of payment.

The second paragraph says what you want or what you are doing (the real reason for writing the letter)

I look forward to hearing from you again.

The final paragraph is a polite ending

Yours sincerely

You write “Yours sincerely”, if you know the name of the addressee and “Yours faithfully”, if you don’t

David Ripley

Sales Manager

The signature

The person writing the letter

His position in the firm


Here the enclosures are the catalogue and  price list


Opening Phrases

Dear Sir (Madam)

Уважаемый господин (госпожа)!

We have received your letter of …

Мы получили ваше письмо от …

We thank you for your letter of …

Спасибо за письмо …

We have the pleasure to inform you …

Мы рады сообщить вам …

In reply to your letter of …

И ответ на ваше письмо …

To inform you …

Сообщаем вам …

We apologize for the delay in …

Просим прощения за задержку …

Answering your letter …

Отвечая на ваше письмо …


Linking Phrases

There is no doubt that …

Несомненно …

It is necessary to note …

Необходимо отметить …

We’d like to draw your attention to the fact …

Обращаем ваше внимание на тот факт, что …

Considering the above said …

Принимая во внимание сказанное …

In connection with your request …

В связи с этим …

Otherwise we shall have to …

В противном случае мы будем вынуждены …

As regards your request …

Что касается вашей просьбы …

Up till now we have received no reply.

До настоящего времени мы не получили ответа ...

In case of delay …

В случае задержки …

In case of your refusal …

В случае вашего отказа …

In case you fail to make payments …

В случае невыплаты …


Closing Phrases

We are looking forward to receiving your consent /approval/ confirmation.

Ждем вашего согласия /одобрения/ подтверждения.

Your prompt execution of our order would be appreciated.

Будем вам благодарны за быстрое выполнение нашего заказа.

We wish to maintain cooperation with you.

Надеемся поддерживать сотрудничество.

Your early reply will be appreciated.

Будем вам благодарны за быстрый ответ.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Надеемся получить от вас ответ в самое ближайшее время.

If we can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Просим незамедлительно обращаться к нам, если вам потребуется помощь.

Yours faithfully …

С уважением …

Yours sincerely …

С уважением …

1. Read and discuss the letter.

D. Clark,

Sales Manager,

Priston & Co Ltd,

28 Kolas Court,

North Middletown, NJ

07734 USA

Our ref. MP/NK

5th March 2016

     Dear Mr. Clark,

     Thank you for your offer of 3rd of March.

     We are favourably impressed by the quality of your commodity, but feel that the price is rather high. The prices quoted by other supplies are, on the average, 10% lower. However, in view of the high quality of your commodity, we are ready to make a deal with you if you re-examine your prices.

      If you reduce your price by 5% we will place for some 10,000 items. We trust that in view of the size of the order you will see your way of making this concession.


       Your early reply will be appreciated.

       Yours sincerely


Mike Parson

Sales Manager


Exercise 3.1.5 Answer the questions.

1. Who is sending a letter?

2. Who is receiving it?

3. What is the opening phrase?

4. The company is ready to purchase the commodity, isn’t it?

5. What is its requirement?

6. What quantity is it ready to buy?

7. Do you think it is worth to make this concession?

8. What is the closing phrase?


Exercise 3.1.6 Make up sentences:


Dear Mr N.

Dear Mrs M

Dear sirs or madams

My dear friend

Dear Nick

We beg to inform you

We are writing to you

I wish you

Please, let me know

We’ll ask you to wire us

It was a great pleasure to find out

We would like to have the information

I wish you

about your opportunity.

of visiting our firm.

about the economic and cultural relations with our country.

many happy returns of that day.

a happy birthday (New Year).

that your expenses during your  stay in our country will be met by our firm.


Exercise 3.1.7  Fill in the blanks with the necessary words.

 1. It was a great pleasure for us to … your letter of May, 21. ( receive, get, send)

 2. We would wellcome the … to cooperate with you. (opportunity, desire, reason)

 3. We would like to … your catalogues periodically. (recommend, get, receive)

 4. May I have the … of inviting you to visit our firm. (pleasure, decision, permition)

         5. We ask you to wire us … other day. (some, any, every)

 6. We would like to continue this … with an educational programme. (trend, tradition, communication) 




Тема 3.2 «Электронная корреспонденция»



Exercise 3.2.1. Memorize the following words and word-combinations.


Facsimile - факсимиле

Design – план, проект

Means – способ

Socket – гнездо, паз

Charge - цена

To measure - измерять

To vary – менять, измерять

 Evidence – доказательство, свидетельство

To transfer - передавать

Chain store – однотипные магазины одной

To circulate – распространять, передавать

Receiver - получатель


Memo – памятная записка

Branch – отделение, филиал

Damaged - поврежденный

Consignment – груз, партия товаров

Supplier - поставщик

 Urgent - срочный

 To replace - заменять

 Delivery – доставка, поставка

Airfreight - груз

Item – каждый отдельный предмет

Layout – план, макет



Exercise 3.2.2. Read and discuss the text.


The word “fax” comes from the word “facsimile”. A fax machine will send a duplicate of the message, document, design or photo that is fed into it.

Faxing is a means of telecommunication that has developed very quickly over the past few years. There are various models of fax machine which connect to a telephone socket and which work on a system similar to the telephone system.

Charges are measured in telephone units and therefore vary according to the time of day and where the fax is being sent.

The advantages of fax include instant reception of documents and documentary evidence of what has been transferred. A document can be relayed from one source to hundreds of other receivers, for example, if the head office of a chain store wants to circulate a memo or report to its branches.


 Exercise 3.2.3 Answer the questions.

1. Where does the word “fax” come from?

2. What can a fax machine do?  

3. When did this means of communication develop?  

4. How does it function?  

5. How are charges measured?  

6. What are the advantages of fax?



Exercise 3.2.4  Memorize the following words and word-combinations.


Mail - почта

Mailbox – почтовый ящик

Message – сообщение, письмо

To appear - появляться

Subscriber - подписчик

Receiver – приёмник, тел. трубка

Screen - экран

         Access - доступ

To call – говорить по телефону, звонить

To retrieve - отыскивать

Password - пароль

Reference - ссылка

In comparison – по сравнению

Relatively - относительно

Cost - стоимость

To require - требовать

Reliable - надежный

Particularly - особенно

Advantageous - выгодный

Exercise 3.2.5  Read and discuss the text.

                                 Electronic mail

Electronic mail is a means of sending and receiving messages – internally, nationally, or internationally.

Subscribers to e-mail need a terminal, such as personal computer, a telephone line, and a modem, which is a device for converting signals to text. Messages appear on the receiver’s computer screen.

E-mail users can also have access to a mailbox, which they can call from anywhere in the world and retrieve messages. They receive a mailbox number and a password for confidentially. Messages can be out and kept for reference.

In comparison with telex, e-mail is relatively low in cost, and does not require a trained operator. It is also fast, relatively reliable, and messages can be sent or picked up anywhere in the world, and stored in the mailbox until they are retrieved.

This can be particularly advantageous for users who are communicating across international time zones.


Exercise 3.2.6 Answer the questions.

1. What do subscribers to e-mail need?

2. What is modem? 

3. Why do e-mail users need a mailbox? 

4. What are the advantages of e-mail in comparison with telex? 

5. Who is e-mail particularly advantageous for?


                                                Тема 3.3 « Интернет»


                                                  THE INTERNET


Exercise 3.3.1  Memorize the following words and word-combinations.

To transfer - переносить

Data - данные

To socialize - общаться

To dream (dreamt) - мечтать

Defence – оборона, защита

Advanced - передовой

Research - исследование

To decide - решать

Means - средства

To rise - повышать

To digitize – переводить в цифровую  

Vast amount – значительное количество

Match - подходящее

To store - хранить

To exist - существовать

To access – иметь доступ

 Exhibition - выставка

Image - изображение


Exercise 3.3.2. Read and discuss the text.


                                             Тhe Internet

The best way to think of the Internet, or Net as it is often called, is a vast global network of networks connecting computers across the world. At present, more than billion people use Internet worldwide. They use the net for transferring data, playing games, socializing with other computer users, and sending e-mail. The Net was dreamt up in the late 1960s by the US Defence Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency which decided that it needed a means by which messages could be sent and received even if phone lines were inoperative. In 1969, there was a network of just four computers. By 1972 the number risen to 40. About this time the idea of electronic mailbox was born. By 1984 the Internet began to develop into the form we know it today. The Internet can be divided into five broad areas.

Electronic mail, is much faster than traditional mail. Anything that can be digitized (converted into digital form) – pictures, sound, video – can be sent, retrieved, and printed at the other end.

Information sites. This is perhaps the fastest growing area of the Internet as more and more people put their own information pages on line. Computers process vast amounts of information very fast, by specifying a key word or phrase.

The computer can then search around the Net until it finds some matches. These information sites are usually stored on big computers that exit all over the world. The beauty of the Net is that you can access all of them from your home, using your own PC.

The World Wide Web, usually referred to as WWW or 3W, is a vast network of information databases that feature text, sound, and even video clips. On the WWW you can go on a tour of a museum or exhibition, see the latest images from outer space, go shopping, and get travel information on hotels and holidays.

Usenet is a collection of newsgroups covering any topic. Each newsgroup consists of messages and information posted by other users. There are more than 10,000 newsgroups and they are popular with universities and businesses.

Telnet programs allow you to use your personal computer to access a powerful mainframe computer.


Exercise 3.3.3  Match verbs in A to the phrases in B.



1.  to link in

a.  information from one computer file to another

2.  to transfer

b.  to a global computer network

3.  to retrieve

c.  to a magazine or a special interest group

4.  to access

d.  information from database

5.  to subscribe

c.  information in a database


Exercise 3.3.4  Make the following sentences complete.

1. More than billion people use the Net for __________________ .

2. It was in the late 1960s when ________________.

3. By 1984 ________________.

4. Internet ______________ five broad areas.

5. Anything that can be digitized , can _______________.

6. One thing that computers do very well is ______________.

7. On WWW you can _______________.

8. More than 10,000 _____________.



1. Memorize the following words and word-combinations.


Facsimile - факсимиле

Design – план, проект

Means – способ

Socket – гнездо, паз

Charge - цена

To measure - измерять

To vary – менять, измерять

 Evidence – доказательство, свидетельство

To transfer - передавать

Chain store – однотипные магазины одной

To circulate – распространять, передавать

Receiver - получатель


Memo – памятная записка

Branch – отделение, филиал

Damaged - поврежденный

Consignment – груз, партия товаров

Supplier - поставщик

 Urgent - срочный

 To replace - заменять

 Delivery – доставка, поставка

Airfreight - груз

Item – каждый отдельный предмет

Layout – план, макет



2. Read and discuss the text.


The word “fax” comes from the word “facsimile”. A fax machine will send a duplicate of the message, document, design or photo that is fed into it.

Faxing is a means of telecommunication that has developed very quickly over the past few years. There are various models of fax machine which connect to a telephone socket and which work on a system similar to the telephone system.

Charges are measured in telephone units and therefore vary according to the time of day and where the fax is being sent.

The advantages of fax include instant reception of documents and documentary evidence of what has been transferred. A document can be relayed from one source to hundreds of other receivers, for example, if the head office of a chain store wants to circulate a memo or report to its branches.


3. Answer the questions.

1. Where does the word “fax” come from?

2. What can a fax machine do?

3. When did this means of communication develop?

4. How does it function?

5. How are charges measured?

6. What are the advantages of fax?


















1. Memorize the following words and word-combinations.


Mail - почта

Mailbox – почтовый ящик

Message – сообщение, письмо

To appear - появляться

Subscriber - подписчик

Receiver – приёмник, тел. трубка

Screen - экран

         Access - доступ

To call – говорить по телефону, звонить

To retrieve - отыскивать

Password - пароль

Reference - ссылка

In comparison – по сравнению

Relatively - относительно

Cost - стоимость

To require - требовать

Reliable - надежный

Particularly - особенно

Advantageous – выгодный




2. Read and discuss the text.


Electronic mail is a means of sending and receiving messages – internally, nationally, or internationally.

Subscribers to e-mail need a terminal, such as personal computer, a telephone line, and a modem, which is a device for converting signals to text. Messages appear on the receiver’s computer screen.

E-mail users can also have access to a mailbox, which they can call from anywhere in the world and retrieve messages. They receive a mailbox number and a password for confidentially. Messages can be out and kept for reference.

In comparison with telex, e-mail is relatively low in cost, and does not require a trained operator. It is also fast, relatively reliable, and messages can be sent or picked up anywhere in the world, and stored in the mailbox until they are retrieved.

This can be particularly advantageous for users who are communicating across international time zones.


3. Answer the questions.


1. What do subscribers to e-mail need? 

2. What is modem? 

3. Why do e-mail users need a mailbox? 

4. What are the advantages of e-mail in comparison with telex?

5. Who is e-mail particularly advantageous for?





1. Memorize the following words and word-combinations.


cable - телеграмма

available – работоспособный, доступный

 delay - задержки

to dial – набрать номер

casting - образец

exchange - обмен

to appear - появляться

to indicate - указывать

to type - печатать

to offer - предлагать

immediate - безотлагательный

         reply - ответ

similar - похожий

vocabulary - словарик

to arrange - договариваться

charge - цена

abbreviation – сокращение

layout – план, макет 


2. Read and discuss the text.


Telegrams and cables can be sent at any time and from any post office. This means of communication is available for twenty hours a day, but between sending a message and its arrival there can be short delay. Telex is as direct as using the phone.

The telex is a machine like a typewriter but the difference is that it has a dial on its casting. You can send messages by dialing the receiver’s number or by asking the operator at the exchange to connect you. An answerback code will appear on the teleprinter indicating that the sender is through as soon as the operator has dialed the code. The message is typed and will appear on the receiver’s machine.

Besides the advantages of sending a cable, telex is available right in the office, you needn’t go to the post office. It offers a direct line with immediate reply.


Layout of Telexes


154738 RG VS L









Answerback –



Message –


Sender’s name –


Telecommunicators have developed their own language. It is very similar to English but it has its own vocabulary and its own grammar. a sentence like “The meeting has been arranged for the 9th Octo- ber” becomes “MEETING ARRANGED 9th OCTOBER”.

Telex charges depend on the time it takes to send the message (like telephoning, but cheaper), so telex operators have developed their own abbreviations.


Abbreviations in Telexes:


ABC (absent subscriber), office closed

абонент отсутствует, офис закрыт

ASAP (as soon as possible)

по возможности скорее

BK (I cut off)

я отключаюсь

CFM (please confirm / I confirm)

подтвердите, пожалуйста / подтверждаю

CRV (Do you receive well?)

вы нормально принимаете?

DER (out of order)


DF (you are in communication with the called subscriber)

вас соединили с вызываемым абонентом

EEE (error)


FIN (I have finished my message(s))

я закончил передачу

GA ( you may transmit / May I transmit?)

вы можете передавать / я могу передавать?

INF (subscriber temporarily unobtainable, call the information (Enquiry) Service)

с абонентом временно отсутствует связь, позвоните в информационное бюро

MNS (minutes)


MOM (wait/waiting)


NCH (subscriber’s number has been change)

номер абонента изменен

OCC (subscriber is engaged)

абонент занят

OK (agreed/do you agree?)

согласен / вы согласны?

P* or Figure 0 (stop your transmission)

остановите передачу

PPR (paper)


R (received)                  


Rap (I shall call you back)

я вам перезвоню

RPT (repeat)


SVP (please)


TAX (What is the charge? / The charge is …)

какова стоимость? / стоимость…

TEST MSG (Please send a test message)

Пожалуйста, дайте пробную передачу.

U (you)


W (words)


WRU (Who is there?)

Кто это?

XXXXX (error)



3.Write these sentences as if you are sending a telex.


1. I’m arriving at 6 p.m.

2. I’m staying in Moscow for five days.

3. Could you please arrange a hotel for me from 5th of April to 10th.

4. Will you cancel order number 5874 immediately?

5. I will send you a letter of confirmation.

6. Your order number 9846 has not arrived yet.

7. Please send a test message as soon as possible.





1.     Memorize the following words and word-combinations.

To attract – привлекать, притягивать

Customer - клиент

To carry - перевозить

To accept - принимать

To deal with – иметь дело с

To deal – вести дела с кем-л.

Convenient - удобный

To ensure - застраховаться

Loss - потеря

To lose (lost) - терять

Currency - валюта

To exchange - обменивать

To run out of – истощить свой запас

Charge – цена, расходы, издержки

To vary – менять, изменять

To cancel - аннулировать

To steal (stole, stolen) – воровать, красть

Lodging - жильё

To get along – справляться с делом

Cash – наличные деньги

2. Read and discuss the text 1.

Most banks in the USA open at 9:00 and close between 3:00 and 5:00, but stay open later on Fridays. Some banks have longer hours in order to attract customers.

What’s the best way to carry money safely while you are travelling? There are three possibilities – personal checks from your country, traveller’s checks and credit cards. Some American banks accept foreign checks such as Eurocheques, the problem is that only banks, which are used to dealing with foreigners will know what Eurocheques are.

It may be more convenient to carry traveller’s checks, which are insured against loss. They should be in dollars, because only a few banks do much business in foreign currencies. If your checks are not in dollars, it may take you a long time to find a bank that will change them. You can use traveller’s checks almost anywhere – in restaurants, stores or ticket offices – without having to go to a bank. If you run out of them, you can buy more at most banks. Their service charge will vary, though, so ask what it is before you buy your checks

Americans would say the best way to carry money is to have a major credit card like Visa, Master-Card or American Express. Credit cards can be cancelled if they are lost or stolen. And because they are widely accepted in the US, it is easy to use them to pay for lodging, transportation, meals and things you want to buy from larger stores.

Of course, you can’t get along without cash, but you don’t need to carry much with you.

3. Give the English equivalents of the following phrases.

Привлекать клиентов; лучший способ путешествовать; возможность; принимать чеки; иметь дело с иностранцами; потеря; обменивать; заканчиваться; украсть; носить.

4. Complete the following.

1. The working hours for most banks in the USA __________.

2. The best way to carry money ___________.

3. If your cheques are not in dollars______________.

4. Traveller’s checks can be used ____________.

5. If you run out of them _________________.

6. Credit cards can be cancelled ________________.

7. Credit cards are widely accepted in the USA, so ____________.

8. You can’t get along without cash _________.

9. To have a major card like Visa, MasterCard and American Express ____________.

5. Match the expressions on the left with the definitions on the right.

For example: deposit a check, means –pay a check in to your account.

1.blank check

a) ask a bank nor to pay a cheque you have written

2.bounching check

b) exchange a check for cash

3. sign check

c) sign on the front of a check to show that you authorize the bank to pay the money from your account

4.check card

d) check which cannot be cashed because the person writing it has not enough money in the account to pay it

5.cash a check

e) plastic card from a bank which guarantees payment of a check

6.stop a check

f) check with the amount of money and the payee left blank, but signed by the drawer


6. Give English definitions as in the model.

Model: safety – without risk.

Travel, traveller’s check, accept, to deal with, currency, charge, lodging.


7.  Answer the questions.

1. What are the opening hours in most banks of the USA?

2. Which bank sells traveller’s checks?

3.  Is it a good idea to have a credit card when you travel in the USA?

4. What is the best way to carry cash?

5. What currency should traveller’s checks be in?

6. Is it convenient to carry them in Euro?

7. Where should you go if you want t to cash a Eurocheque?

8. Can you buy traveller’s checks in banks?

9. What is to be done when a credit card is lost?

10.Why is it convenient to have personal cheques from your country?


Read and translate the text 2.

David lost his traveller’s check. He went to the traveller’s check office and they told him that he had to call New York before they could do anything. They let him use their phone – it was a toll-free number. The clerk asked him how much he had lost and what the cheque numbers were. Luckly, he had them written down. Then the clerk wanted to know where he bought the cheques and if he had any ID. David gave him his passport number. The clerk gave David “a file number” and told him where the nearest refund office was. David told the clerk he had already been there and the clerk spoke to the agent. After that, David filled out a form with all the same information on it. Then finally, the agent okayed the thing, the supervisor initiated it and David got his cheques.

toll-free – свободный от налога

refund – уплата платеж

supervisor – контролер, инспектор

identification  (ID) – удостоверение личности

8.Complete the following sentences.

1. David lost _________.

2. In the traveller’s check office he was told _________.

3. The clerk asked David _________.

4. The clerk also wanted to know _____________.

5. David gave the clerk ________.

6. David filled out the form ________.

7. David got his checks after ____________.


9. Answer the questions.

1. What happened to David?

2. Where did he go then?

3. What did he want the traveller’s check company to do when he went to their office?

4.  What did he have to do first?

5. Did he have to pay for the phone call?

6. What were the four things the clerk in New York wanted to know?

7. Why was it easy for David to get new checks?

8. What would have made it more difficult?







Read and discuss the text 3.

dime – монета в 10 центов

nickel - монета в 5 центов

quarter – монета в 5 центов

common - распространенный

denomination – стоимость (денежных

to sign - подписывать

bill – счет, чек

putchase - покупка

bounch – возвращаться через банк (про
         чек, из-за отсутствия средств на счету

account - счет

to cover - покрывать

Read and discuss the text 3.

American money comes in coins worth 1 (pennies), 5 (nickels), 10 (dimes), 25 (quarters), and 50, though half dollars aren’t very common. Paper money is in denominations of 1, 5, 10 and 20 dollars. Two, fifty and one-hundred dollar bills exist, but they are not common, so don’t be surprised if a store clerk looks very closely at a hundred dollar bill to make sure it’s real.

When you pay for something with your credit card, the salesman will take your card and fill out a form using a computer. He will ask you to sign the form and then give you a copy. The credit card company will send you a bill once a month, showing the purchases you’ve made.

If you write a personal cheque and it bounces, you’ll have to pay the bank a high service charge. So be sure you have enough money in your bank account to cover any cheques you write.

10. Insert the prepositions.

1. American money comes ______ coins.

2. Paper money is in denominations ____1, 5, 10, 20 dollars.

3. If your traveller’s check is lost, you’ll have your money ______.

4. The clerk looked closely ______ the bill.

5. He paid the purchase _____ his credit card.

6. Do you have enough money _____ your account?

11. Complete the following sentences.

1. American money comes in coins __________.

2. Half dollars _________.

3. Don’t be surprised if __________.

4. If traveller’s check is lost ________.

5. Your checks should be in dollars, otherwise __________.

6. Keep a record of your checks _________.

7. The sales person will ask you _________.

8. The credit card company sends you a bill _______.

9. If your check bounces __________.

10. Be sure you have enough money ________.

12. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition from the box. Then answer the









1. Are you currently paying ______ a loan?

2. Does your bank pay interest _______ your cheque account?

3. Do you often get money _________ a cash machine?

4. Is your salary paid directly _______ your bank account?

5. Do you ever borrow money ________ friends?

6. Do you ever lend money _______ friends?

7. Do you usually pay ________ clothes and shoes ________ credit card?

13. Answer the questions.

1. What American coins do you know?

2. What are the denominations of American paper money?

3. Are fifty or one-hundred dollar bills common?

4. What is the procedure of paying with a credit card?

5. Why are the bills sent by a credit card company? How large is the interest the companies charge?

6. Why is it necessary to have enough money in your account if you have a credit card?

7. What happens if your check bounces?


Read and discuss the dialogue between the client and the clerk of the bank.

saving account – сберегательный счет

spare money – свободные деньги

checking account – чековый счет

initial deposit – первоначальный вклад

to maintain - сберегать

average daily balance – средний еже-
дневный баланс

cash withdrawal – изъятие денежных

         balance inquiry – запрос остатка, вопрос

to avoid – избегать, уклоняться

interest – проценты (на капитал)

profitable – прибыльный, выгодный

application – форма, бланк

deposit ticket – бланк о взносе депозита,
         прибыльный ордер

pass-book – сберегательная книжка


-         Good morning.

-         Good morning, sir. Can I help you?

-         Yes, I think so. I would like to open an account?

-         What kind of account are you interested in?

-         You see, I have some spare money to put into the bank.

-         Then you should open either a savings or a checking account.

-  I’m afraid I know nothing about either of them. Could you tell me the difference between these two accounts?

-  A small initial deposit is necessary to open a saving account at our bank. If it is more than five hundred dollars and you maintain this amount, then you won’t be charged for banking services. Otherwise you will be charged five dollars a month.

-  So, I must keep a minimum balance of $500. Is that correct?

-  Yes, that’s right. Our computers check your average daily balance.

-  And will I get a banking card after opening an account?

-  Yes, certainly. And then you can get your money through machine services. You can deposits, cash withdrawals and balance inquiries with your card. The machine is at work 24 hours a day.

-  Oh, it’s very convenient. And may I ask what a checking account means?

-  Certainly, sir. After opening a checking account you are supposed to maintain an average daily balance of $1,000.

-  And what if I fall below this limit?

-  Then you would have to pay a service charge of six dollars a month, and besides you will be charges 25 cents for each check and the same amount for each cash withdrawal.

-  Hmm, I see. And can I avoid it somehow?

-  Yes, of course. It may be done by keeping your $1,000 in your checking account.

-  And how much interest do you pay?

-  Interest of 6.5% is paid when your average daily balance is over $2,500. We credit the interest you’ve earned automatically to your account.

-  Well, it’s clear enough, but I intended to put only $1,000 into the account.

-  Then it would be more profitable for you to open a savings account.

-  Okay. I’ve made up my mind. I will open a savings account with a deposit of one thousand dollars.

-  Fine. Will you fill out this application?

(The client fills out the application)

-         Is everything correct?

-         Yes, everything is all right. And now you need to write a deposit ticket for $1,000.

-         Just a moment.

-         Thank you, sir. Here is your pass-book. The bank will pay you 5.5% interest.

-         Thank you. You were most helpful.





1. Give the English equivalents of the following phrases.

Сберегательный счет, свободные деньги, первоначальный вклад, банковские операции, средний ежедневный баланс, снятие денег, избегать, более выгодно, в противном случае, прибыльный ордер, давать проценты, меть намерение, заполнять форму, сберегательная книжка, принимать решение.

2. Insert the prepositions where necessary.

1. What kind ____ account are you interested ______? 2. I know nothing _____ it. 3. What is the difference _______ them? 4. You would be charged _______ banking services. 5. I’ll get my money _____ machine services ______ my card. 6. You should not fall ______this limit. 7. You would have to pay a service charge _______ six dollars. 8. Can I avoid it _____ somehow? 9. It may be done _____ keeping it. 10. And now fill _____ this application.

3. Match the banking terms in A with their definitions in B.



1. loan

a. put money into a bank account

2. interest

b. take money from a bank account

3. check account

c. money which is lent

4. deposit

d. account used for investment

5. mortgage

e. piece of business done

6. withdraw

f. loan to buy property

7. saving account

g. account used for day-to-day banking

8. transaction

h. money earned from investments or paid on a loan

4. Translate into English.

1. Я хотел бы открыть банковский счет. 2. Мне более выгодно открыть сберегательный счет.

3. Вы должны внести лишь небольшой первоначальный вклад. 4. Если на вашем счету окажется меньше чем 500 долларов, с вас будут удерживать по 5 долларов в месяц. 5. Наш банк требует, чтобы вы сберегали минимальную сумму. 6. Это называется ежедневным балансом. 7. Когда я смогу получить карточку для банковского автомата? 8. Я уже принял решение. Я сделаю вклад в размере 1000 долларов. 9. Заполните, пожалуйста, форму и прибыльный ордер. 10. Если у вас есть вопросы относительно формы, я с радостью вам помогу.

5. Make the sentences complete.

1. I’d like to _______. 2. What kind of account _________. 3. Could you tell me the difference _________? 4. I must keep ________. 5. How much interest ________. 6. What if I fall______. 7. You can avoid it ________. 8. It would be more profitable ______. 9. Will you fill _______? 10. Thank you, you were _________.

6. Answer the questions.

1. What is saving account?

2. What is required in order not to be charged for banking services?

3. How large is an initial deposit?

4. How much is the charge?

5. What is the minimum daily balance?

6. How do you get your money?

7. When is the machine at work?

8. What is the checking account?

9. What is the average daily balance for checking account?

10. How much interest is paid if the daily average balance is over $ 2,500?

12. What is the payment for each check made out and for each cash withdrawal?

13. How can you avoid it?


7. Dramatize the situation.

1. You want to open a bank account. Make inquiries about it.

2. You are a clerk at the bank. Give the client all the necessary information concerning opening a
              saving account.

3. You are a client. You would like to know how to open a checking account.



Multicultural - многокультурный

Adapt - приспосабливаться

Community – общество

Citizen - гражданин

Quality - качество

In order - чтобы

To believe - верить

Open-minded – непредубежденный

Adaptable – легко приспосабливаемый

Ownсвой, собственный

Successfully - успешно

Particularly - особенно

Custom – обычай, традиция

Value - ценность

To judge – судить (о)

Differences - отличия

Visible – видимый, явный

Sensitive – чувствительный

Point of view – точка зрения

Offensive - обидчивый

To interpret – объяснять, разъяснять

To mention – упоминать, ссылаться

Genuine - искренний

 Handshaking - рукопожатие

Business card – визитная карточка, ви-

Gift - подарок

Misunderstanding – непонимание



What Makes a Multicultural Person?

Before we discuss the qualities a multicultural person, or multiculturalist, needs to have, it is necessary to explain this term.

A multiculturalist is someone who can easily adapt to living in a culture different from their own, the sort of person that could be described as a citizen of the world, or a member of a global community. There are four key qualities you need in order to be a multiculturalist.

The first is to be open-minded, which means not judging one culture as better than another, or believing that the way things are done in your culture is the best or the only way of  doing things. In other words, you should not be in any way “ethnocentric”.

Second, you must be adaptable. To live successfully in another culture, particularly in one that is very different from your own, you have to adapt to differences: not only visible differences of food, climate, customs, but also to the invisible differences – the ways in which people of other cultures understand and interpret the world, and their different value.

Third, you need to be sensitive. That means being able to see things from the other person’s point of view and being careful to avoid doing things that people of other culture might find strange or offensive, even if in your culture such things are quite OK.

Fourth, you need to be interested in other cultures, which are closely related to the three qualities mentioned above. A multiculturalist is a person who has a genuine interest in people of other cultures, who wants to learn their language, find out about their country and its history, and develop a real understanding of their culture. Perhaps, it’s this quality, more than any other, which best describes a multicultural person.

1. Give the English equivalents of the following phrases.

Приспосабливаться, гражданин мира, глобальное общество, непредубежденный, судить (о), успешно, традиции, чувствительный, с точки зрения другого человека, избегать, иметь тесную связь с …, искренняя заинтересованность.


2. Make the following sentences complete.

1. A person who can easily ______ is a multiculturalist. 2. To be a multicultural person you need ______. 3. Not to be “ethnocentric” you should be open-minded, which means ______. 4. Visible differences you have to adapt living in another culture include ______. 5. Invisible differences are ________.  6. Being sensitive means ____. 7. A multicultural person has a genuine interest ____and wants to______.


3. Answer the questions.

1. What kind of person can be called a multiculturalist?

2. What does “to be open-minded «mean?

3. What visible and invisible differences do people have to adapt living in another culture.?

4. How does a sensitive person see the world?

5. Should a multicultural person be interested in other cultures?

6. How does a real multiculturalist demonstrate his interest in other cultures?





The Kind of Job You Want

The first step in a successful search for a job is to decide on the kind of job you want and the kind you are qualified for. This means that first you should answer the questions “What can I do well?” and “What do I really want to do?”

Begin by thinking about the work you can do. Include the work you have been




                                           6. DYNAMIC OF DEFORESTATION

Trees are vitally important to world health on all levels. Globally, forests are essential to the health of ecosystems and their functions, biodiversity and economics. Some of the many key functions of forests include climate regulation, the cycling and distribution of nutrients, and the provision of raw materials and resources. Trees cleanse the air and provide habitat for animals and plants. And dont forget the

special beauty they give us throughout each year!

          From 1990-2000, about two percent of the worlds forest cover – roughly 10 million hectares – was lost and not recovered, according the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). That rate continues

today. Today there are approximately 100,000 known species of trees that exist hroughout the world,

according to World Resources Institute. A recent report from the United Nations Environment Program

World Monitoring Center confirms that over 8,000 species are threatened with extinction and 976 of those are in a critical state. While trees were once spread virtually across all of Earths land masses, today they cover about 3.9 billion hectares or just over 9.6 billion acres (FAO Forest Resources Assessment 2000). One might think that’s a lot of trees,  but the fact is, trees now cover only about 29.6 percent of Earths total land area.

          The process of natural selection for trees continues, but the Industrial Revolution  created the foundation for exorbitant human demands of the land inhabited by trees. With the vast improvement in human health the technology, the human population would grow at a rate unparalleled by any other major land animal species in Earth’s 4,5 billion years history. And this would mean the demands for more resources from the Earth would increase exponentially. When you consider that the would population has grown by more that five billion people since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, you can just imagine how much the world’s forest have been counted on to meet human needs!
         As it today, forest are being were mostly converted for agriculture, housing any city expansion to meet the growing demands of the growing population.
         The fast is, forest are being cut down and not replaced at a high rate in developing countries where their human population are growing and their healthy development requires more use of land for agriculture, housing and roads, according of World Resources Institute. In the developing countries, even with replanting, there is a big net loss. Their population is growing fast, they are building their economy and growing


                       Ecology as a science.

Ecology certainly isn`t a new word. In Greek (“oikos”), it means the home, the place where we live. And ecology means the science of how all living creatures interact within the same environment on the Earth. Yet,”environment” and “ecology” are extended to encompass the inseparable universe. Environmental unity exists everywhere, and the survival of  all species on Earth depends on its continuance. It isn`t surprising that today, more and more people pay attention to a company`s environmental reputation before they buy its products and services, to the problems of recycling the waste from our homes, schools, or offices; and are willing to pay higher taxes to make our air and water cleaner.

The ecosystem is the complex web linking animals, plants, air, water and every other lifeform in the biosphere. It all hangs together. The system is in a “steady state” of dynamic balance, which means that by altering any one part you affect all the others. The definition suggests that the individual parts of the ecosystem depend on each other. Humans are only one factor in the ecosystem. But we set ourselves apart and call all the other factors simply nature. Human`s attitude to nature can be called chauvinistic, as it is characterized by the highest level of consumerism.

“The frog does not drink up the pond in which he lives”, says an Indian proverb, but people pollute, deteriorate and destroy their home: the air they breathe, the water they drink or bathe in, they contaminate the soil, mismanage resources, test weapons, kill and exterminate wildlife, destroy the natural beauty that surrounds them by the unaesthetic and random erection of buildings, produce aggressive noises that impose an enormous stress on the nervous system, etc. Pollution knows no boundaries, whether it is airborne or waterborne, it is the cause of health hazards for entire population of the world, for all inhabitants of our planet.



Memorize the following words and word-combinations.


encompass – заключать (в себе), охватывать

web – паутина, сеть.сплетение

by altering any one part – изменяя одну любую часть

affect – влиять

definition – определение

consumerism – потребительство

pollute – загрязнять

deteriorate – ухудшать

destroy – разрушать

contaminate – загрязнять

soil – почва

test weapons – испытывать оружие

exterminate – истреблять

unaesthetic and random erection – нежелательное и беспорядочное                строительство

pollution – загрязнение

boundary – граница

airborne (waterborne) – переносимый по воздуху (воде)

health hazards –риски для здоровья

entire population – все население

inhabitants - жители


Answer the questions

1.What is the origin of the world ecology and what does it mean?

2.What does the notion of “ecosystem”include?

3. What does the definition of the ecosystem suggest?

4.Can you think of any examples that demonstrate the highest level of consumerism in humans’ attitude to Nature?

5.Are humans only one factor in the ecosystem?

6. Is ecology a new word?


 2. Make the following sentences complete.






         The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released findings showing measurable amounts of residual organophosphate pesticides in a group of people who were studied. The National Academies of Sciences indicated that one out of four developmental and behavioral problems in children may be linked to genetic and environmental factors, including exposure to lead, mercury and organophosphate pesticides. When you put these two studies together, the conclusions could be cause for concern.

         Runoffsfrom farms can introduce harmful pesticides, wastes and other pollutants into rivers and streams. Organic farming reduces the level of these contaminants from runoffs.

         With increasing demands for food supplies during the past 60 years, we saw the introduction of the use of harsh chemicals and synthetic fertilizers as a way for farmers to boost crop yields. This subsequently has been followed by the more recent adoption of planting genetically modified crops. Even today, there are toxic and persistent pesticides still used in agriculture. Organophosphate pesticides account for approximately half of the insecticides used in the United States. An estimated 60 million pounds of organophosphate pesticides are applied to about 60 million acres of  U.S. agricultural crops annually, and an additional 17 million pounds are used per year for nonagricultural uses, such as in household pest control products and in lawn and garden sprays.

  Perhaps the harshest and most damaging of the chemicals introduced as a pesticide was DDT (dichlorodiphenyl – trichloroethane) which caused so much harm to animals and humans, its use was banned in the US in 1973. In fact, DDT directly attributed to the near – demise of the bald eagle (as well as other species), which was taken off of the endangered species list nearly 25 years after DDT was banned. DDT is still used in some parts of the world.


Memorize the following words and word-combinations.


release – выпустить

findings – вывод заключение (комиссии)

residual – остаточный, остаточное количество

behavioral – поведенческий

exposure – подвергание воздействию, зд. попадание (химического элемента)

lead – свинец

mercury – ртуть

cause for concern – причина для беспокойства

runoff – сток, смыв

contaminant – загрязняющий агент, загрязнитель

harsh – едкий, ядовитый

fertilizer – удобрение

boost – увеличить

subsequently – впоследствии

persistent – стойкий

account for – составлять

pest – сельскохозяйственный вредитель, вредное насикомое


attribute – приписывать, относить

demise – смерть, кончина

bald eagle (=eagle) – орел

endangered – подвергающийся опасности


 Answer the questions.

1.What harmful ways are used to boost crop yields?

2.What is the effect of residual pesticides on human health?

3. Are toxic and persistent pesticides still used in agriculture? Why?


 2. Make the following sentences complete.







          So far we have been mainly concerned with ecological problems on land. But human activity affects our atmosphere too. Air pollution from cars and factories is making the hole in the ozone layer bigger and bigger, thus allowing too many dangerous rays through and subjecting people to health hazards and influencing our climate. Emissions of gases blamed for global warning should be reduced, it`s high time that government bodies all over the world introduced emission controls on all vehicles and approved tough rules on smog and soot, setting a limit on the size of tiny soot particles, cutting the limit for smog – forming elements, etc. Such rules would benefit millions of people, adults and children with respiratory illnesses, and would reduce medical costs for treating them.

         The aviation industry may be hit with higher taxes to deal with the pollution caused by growing air travel, according to a government paper released yesterday. The report says that ministers are discussing with the industry and lobby groups what are “the most effective economic instruments for ensuring that the industry is encouraged to take account of and where appropriate reduce, its contribution to global warming, local air and noise pollution”.

  Pollution by the industry costs very much and will considerably increaser if, as forecast, air travel triples by 2030.


 Memorize the following words and word-combinations.


hole – дыра

ozone layer – озоновый слой

rays – лучи

health hazard – опасность для здоровья

emission – выброс в атмосфнру

blamed – виновные

it`s high time – давно пора

vehicle – транспортное средство

tough rules – жесткие правила

soot particles – частички сажи

benefit – приносить пользу

treat – лечить

ensure – обеспечивать

encourage – стимулировать

appropriate – соответствующий, уместный

forecast – прогнозировать

triple – утраивать

paves the way – прокладывать путь

steep – резкий, крутой

undertaxed – имеющий недостаточное налогообложение

estimated cost – проектная (сметная) стоимость

jet engine emissions – выбросы газа реактивными двигателями


Answer the questions.

1.What major areas of concern are identified in this text?

2.What is one of the causes of climate changes?

3.What can be done to stop or, at least, reduce emissions?

4.What is the environmental impact of growing air travel?

5.Why taxes are considered an instrument to fight aviation – related pollution?


 2. Make the following sentences complete.






         One of most serious pollution problems is acid rain. What happens is this. First, factories send gases and chemicals into the air. There they mix and are carried for hundreds of miles by the wind. Finally, they fall back to earth when it rains. Chemicals acidify rain, acid rain kills fish and trees. It slowly destroys buildings too.

         The Green solution: industrial countries should control their levels of pollution. This is already happening in some parts of Europe. There, several countries (“The 30% Club”) have cut their acid rain pollution bu 30%.


acid rain – кислотный дождь

acidify – окислять


 Answer the questions.

1.What is the nature of acid rains?

2.Why are they so harmful?

3.What is the Green solution for this problem?


2. Make the following sentences complete.







         Grave concern is expressed about the pollution of the sea with untreated domestic and industrial sewage. Every year, the sea is getting more polluted. It contains more and more chemicals and more rubbish. The continental coastal regions are most polluted. The toxic effects of chemical substances are very harmful. Fish choke with refuse, ashes, chemical salts, tars, phenol and bacteria. A layer of grease on the water surface prevents oxygen from penetrating into water. Many fish become deformed from the pollution.

         Contaminated marine fishery products are poisonous to eat. Many animals are suffering: birds, whales, dolphins become poisoned and die. Their dead bodies have such a high level of pollution that it is classified as toxic waste. It goes without saying, that all that is the direct threat to human health. Human poisoning and illness associated with eating contaminated fish and shell – fish multiply.

  So, the people poison themselves: sea is the final cesspool into which most of the discharge of man`s polluting activities flows.


 Memorize the following words and word-combinations.


poison – яд, отравлять

untreated – неочищенный, необработанный

sewage – сточные воды

rubbish – мусор

coastal – прибрежные

choke – задыхаться, душить

refuse – отбросы, мусор

ashes – зола, пепел

tars – смолы

grease – жир

oxygen – кислород

penetrate – проникать

marine fishery – морское рыболовство

suffer – страдать

whale – кит

dolphin – дельфин

shellfish – молюск

cesspool – сточная яма

discharge – сток,слив


1.What are the effects of chemicals in sea water on sea flora and fauna?

2.What is meant by “poisoning the food chain”?

3.What are the areas for environmentalists` control over water polluting activities of manufacturers?


 2. Make the following sentences complete.






         The level of pollution of arable land often exceeds acceptable standards, besides, sometimes chemicals are simply in the open, mixing with rain and spring water. So maximum permissible levels of pesticides in water also exceed normative figures. The amount of ground water containing high concentrations of toxins is constantly increasing. Poison penetrates even into milk of domestic animals, so checks show that in some regions it cannot be used to manufacture baby food, and traces of  pesticides have been detected also in breast milk. Such are ecological consequences of chemical pesticides and herbicides use.

         Very often dangerous chemicals are allowed to escape into a sewerage system which runs into rivers and their tributaries. Moving downstream, cocktail hits tap supplies. Where it is possible people hit by the pollution scare wait in queues to fill containers with water from natural springs or buy bottled water. The quality of tapwater leaves much to be desired.


Memorize the following words and word-combinations.


permissible levels – допустимые уровни

pesticides – пустициды

exceed – превышать

figures – цифры

ground water – почвенные воды

penetrate – проникать

domestic animals – домашние животные

traces – следы

breast milk – грудное молоко

herbicides – гербициды

escape – утекать, утечь

sewerage – канализация

tributary – приток

downstream – вниз по течению

tap supplies – запасы водопроводной воды

pollution scare – боязнь загрязнения

queue – очередь

fill – наполнять

natural springs – природные источники

tapwater – водопроводная вода


 Answer the questions.

1.What is the cause of chemicals penetration into ground water, and from it, into tapwater?

2.What are these dangerous poisons?

3.How do people sometimes protect themselves against polluted tap supplies?


Make the following sentences complete.









         Biosphere reserves are designed to fulfill a number of functions. They are intended to protect the flora and fauna, and the genetic diversity, of an ecological area of special interest as well as to provide a place for research, education, and training in the relevant sciences. They are linked together in a worldwide network and the computerized system provides information on both the nature and the activities of each biosphere reserve.

         Ideally, each biosphere reserve consists of a core area, surrounded by an inner buffer zone and an outer buffer zone. Typically, the core area remains undisturbed and uninhabited. Activity in this area is limited to conservation and there is a minimum of human interference. The first buffer zone contains the research station, plus other human settlements. It is used for education and training, and for research on conservation and ecosystem management. There may be traditional land – use activities – logging, grazing, and fishing, for example. The second buffer zone carries this trend a stage further. In it, experiments may be conducted on alternative systems of land use; it is likely to be actively managed for the benefit of local populations.

         The potential role of biosphere reserves in world conservation is very large. In contrast to the idea of national parks, biosphere reserves can stimulate the active involvement of local populations in protecting and developing their own environments. In the past, the establishment of conservation areas has often alienated local populations, whose opinions were not solicited and whose life – styles suffered severe disruption as a result. Experience already shows that when the populations are fully informed of the objectives of the biosphere reserve, and understand that it is in their own and their children`s interest to care for its functioning, the problem of protection is largely solved. In this manner, the biosphere reserve becomes fully integrated – not only into the surrounding land – use system, but also into its social, economic and cultural reality.


Memorize the following words and word-combinations.

reserve – запас, заповедник

diversity – разнообразие

relevant – соответствующий

network – сеть

core – стержень, сердечник, центр, суть

surround – окружать

conservation – сохранение

settlement – поселение

logging – работа на лесозаготовках, корчевании пней

grazing – выпас животных

for the benefit – для блага

involvement – вовлечение

alienate – отчуждать

solicit – просить, выпрашивать

suffer – страдать, претерпивать

disruption – разрушение, разрыв

experience – опыт

objective – цель

to care for – заботиться, питать интерес, любовь


Answer the questions.

1.What constitutes a biosphere reserve?

2.What are the differences between biosphere reserves and national parks?

3.What might a plan for protecting the environment involve? (Base your predictions on the text).


 2. Make the following sentences complete.








Animals are a part of the environment, too. Millions of them are killed or treated cruelly by man every year. There are five main groups:

a)     animals used for scientific research (e.g. rabbits, dogs);

b)    animals killed for sport (e.g. foxes, migratory birds);

c)     animals killed for their fur or skin (e.g. crocodiles, elephants, whales, turtles);

d)    animals in danger because their environments are in danger (e.g. gorillas, sea animals, fish, insects). The polluted environment also causes problems with their immune and reproductive systems;

e)     animals kept in cruel conditions (e.g. stray animals, domestic animals).

A ban should be imposed on the hunting of species on the brink of extinction

(like the black - necked crane, for example). It`s a high time a moratorium be put on the shooting of certain species of migratory ducks and geese. In this way birds in Siberia, Europe, China, Africa and other regions could be protected. Antarctica is expected to be the zone of protection for 90 per cent of the world`s whales, which feed in the waters of the southern hemisphere, so all whaling in more than 28 million square kilometers around Antarctica should be stopped and the zone should be turned into the sanctuary.

         “The cod fishery, the herring fishery, the pilchard fishery, the mackerel fishery, and probably all the great sea fisheries are inexhaustible.” Thus wrote a researcher in 1883. But he was wrong. Fisheries are the most blatantly exhaustible resource on the planet: fish need stronger protection.

         Yet regulation of net sizes, fishing limits or boat numbers, the solution urged on us endlessly by Greens, has failed almost everywhere, most spectacularly in the case of the European Common Fisheries Policy, because politicians have every incentive to be lenient and fishermen to cheat.

         So, the lack of comprehensive environmental legislation results in the problem with fisheries, when they tend to collapse from overfishing.


Memorize the following words and word-combinations.

wildlife – живая природа

cruelly – грубо

fur – мех

skin – кожа

elephant – слон

snake – змея

whale – кит

turtle – черепаха

stray – бродячие, бездомные

ban – запрещение

hunting – охота

crane – журавль

migratory birds – перелетные птицы

feed – кормить(ся)

hemisphere – полушарие

whaling – охота на китов

sanctuary – заповедник

cod – треска

herring – сельдь

pilchard – сардина

mackerel – макрель, скумбрия

(in)exhaustible – (не)исчерпаемый

fishery – рыбный промысел, рыбные места

net – сеть

fail – потерпеть неудачу, провалиться

spectacularly – явно, заметно

incentive – побуждение, стимул

lenient – снисходительный, мягкий

cheat – обманывать


Answer the questions.

1.How are animals in ecological danger and subject to decimation grouped?

2.What areas of environmentalists`concern are specified here?

3.What solutions are suggested?


2. Make the following sentences complete.







         Alternative energy means energy that is produced from sources other than our primary energy supply: fossil fuels.

         Despite the promise of alternative energy sources – more appropriately called renewable energy, collectively they provide only about 7% of the world`s energy needs (Source: Energy Information Agency). This means that fossil fuels, along with nuclear energy, are supplying 93% of the world`s energy resources.

         As the population grows upwards towards nine billion people over the next 50 years, the world`s energy demands will increase proportionately. Not only will it be important for renewable energy to keep up with the increasing population growth, but it must outpace not only these demands but begin replacing fossil fuel energy production if we are to meet future energy needs.

         By the year 2020, world energy consumption is projected to increase by 50% or an additional 207 quadrillion BTUs. If the global consumption of renewable energy sources remains constant, the world`s available fossil fuel reserves will be consumed in 104 years or early in the 22nd century. (Source: US Department of Energy). Clearly, renewable energy resources will play an increasingly vital role in the power generation mix over the next century.

         There`s more than enough renewable energy sources to supply all of the world`s energy needs forever; however, the challenge is to develop the capability to effectively and economically capture, store and use the energy when needed.


Memorize the following words and word-combinations.

appropriately – соответственно, соответсвующим образом

outpace – обгонять (по темпам)

consumption – потребление

project – проецировать, проектировать, прогнозировать

global – мировой

challenge – ответственная задача, важная проблема


       Answer the questions.

1.How big is the part of renewable in the world`s energy resources?

2.What is the forecast for future energy needs? What factors will influence them?




         The atom, the smallest component of any element, contains enormous energy. When in is split – a process called fission, this energy is released in the forms of tremendous heat and light. It is this energy that was released on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, by two separate atom bombs in 1945. The horrors created by those two bombs led the international community to condemn further of atomic weapons.

         Still, engineers, governments and scientists realized that if the atom`s energy could be controlled and harnessed, it would revolutionize the world`s energy to help meet the world`s energy demands. It was even envisioned that it could one day replace the need for fossil fuels. As a result, the first usable electricity from nuclear fission was produced at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory in 1951.

         In 1954, The Atomic Energy Act was passed to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy. Subsequently, in 1957, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was formed to promote peaceful use of nuclear energy and to provide international safeguards and an inspection system to ensure nuclear materials are not diverted from peaceful to military uses. It was later replaced by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Energy Research and Development Administration, the latter of which became the US Department of Energy in 1977.


Memorize the following words and word-combinations.

fission – расщепление, деление, распад (атомного ядра)

condemn – осуждать

harness – покорять, обуздывать

envision – предусматривать

safeguard- гарантия

divert – направлять в другую сторону

latter – последний (из перечисленных)


 Answer the questions.

1.What does nuclear fission result in?

2.What was done for promoting the peaceful use of nuclear energy in the middle of the previous century?




Radioactive materials are often discovered in populated areas – cities, towns – due to radiological monitoring conducted by special teams of professionals. The survey is usually carried out with the aerial gamma photography from helicopters. Sources of ionizing radiation are located, radioactive materials collected and removed. Such wastes were buried at a definite depth, and then those dumping sites were forgotten. Such accumulated radioactive waste should be processed and removed. Besides, there are “planned wastes”, which originate during the work process at industrial, medical and agricultural enterprises and institutions that work for the national economy and the defense industry.

         Radioactive waste products are transported in special containers to places where they are recycled through methods of cementing, incinerating, pressing, bitumizing, glassifying and homogenization, then they are dumped in special hydrolically isolated storage facilities. The sources of the ionizing radiation are lowered into a 6-metre deep ditch in a curved stainless steel pipe. At the bottom of this ditch there is a reservoir for the reception of sources. They are poured over with a layer of melted metal. The next batch of sources is poured over with yet another layer of metal until the ditch is gradually filled.



Memorize the following words and word-combinations.

get rid of – избавляться от

discover – обнаруживать

radiological monitoring – радиологический контроль

survey – обследование

collect – собирать

remove – удалять

bury – захоранивать

depth – глубина

dumping – разгрузка, сваливание в отвал

accumulate – накапливать

originate – происходят, образуются

enterprise – предприятие

institution – учреждение

defense industry – оборонная промышленность

recycle – подвергать вторичной обработке

incinerating – сжигание

pressing – обработка давлением

bitumizing – битумирование

glassifying – заливка жидким стеклом

homogenization – превращение в однородную массу

storage facilities – помещения/емкости для хранения

lower – опускать

ditch – канава,яма

curved – изогнутый

stainless steel – нержавеющая сталь

pipe – труба

reception – принятие

they are poured over with – на них наливается

layer – слой

melted – расплавленный

batch – партия, пачка

gradually – постепенно

fill – наполнять

secondary raw materials – вторичное сырье

prohibit – запрещять

permission – разрешение


 Answer the questions.

1.What dangerous city wastes are described in this text? What can their origins be?

2.What is the procedure of discovering them?

3.How are radioactive wastes in the city or its environs removed, processed and stored?





In cities growing fast the pollution which rises to critical levels is a daunting problem. Especially when the growth is uncontrolled which is often the case. When a regional centre transforms into a densely populated megalopolis, a growth—related rise in pollution alone can have nightmarish effects. Thousands of  additional cars on the city`s roads, overcrowded buses, smoke – belching trucks, motor vehicles produce millions of tones of pollutants a year. Air quality in the centre of the city is considered inadequate and even dropping to life – threatening levels. A great amount of soil is continually being washed to the city`s rivers, making them extremely shallow. So any heavy rain quickly causes them to overflow.

Increased economic vitality produces a moneyed business class with consumption habits to rival the world`s richest. But, despite the wealth of a few, the largest part of  inhabitants live below the poverty line. Poor sanitary conditions, unprotected water supply, solid waste disposal – all that poses serious problems. Refuse of all kinds help flies, mosquitoes, rodents and other disease agents to thrive, passing on illness to man. Millions fall victims to a wide variety of communicable diseases in places where the biological pollution from community waste is allowed to reach drinking water source and food.



Memorize the following words and word-combinations.

daunt – устрашать, запугивать

megalopolis – мега – полис, город – гигант

nightmarish – кошмарный

overcrowded – переполненный

smokebelching – изрыгающий дым

truck – грузовик

vehicle – транспортное средство

inadequate – негодный, не соответсвующий стандартам

life – threatening – угрожающий жизни

shallow – мелкий

overflow – выйти из берегов

vitality – оживленность

rival – соперничать

despite – несмотря на

wealth – богатство, благосостояние

poverty – бедность

water supply – водоснабжение

solid waste disposal – свалка мусора

pose – ставить

fly – муха

mosquito – комар

rodent – грызун

disease agent – разносчик болезней

thrive – процветать, быстро распространяться, разрастаться

pass on – передавать, разносить

fall victims – становиться жертвами

communicable disease – заразная болезнь


Answer the questions.

1.What are the effects of uncontrolled of cities?

2.What kinds of contamination does urbanization bring about?

3.What are social effects of rapid growth of city population on its life?

4.What effect on sanitary conditions does city growth produce?




We are chronically subjected to noise which usually varies between 35 and 60 decibels with occasional peaks of 90 to 100. Nowadays noise is becoming a major pollutant: the constant noise in the street, and even inside buildings, playing loud music, noise from transport means, etc.

Aircraft noise has decreased significantly since jet aircraft were first introduced. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has established three categories of aircraft certification. Stage 1 aircraft, the first and noisiest, have all but disappeared from service. The majority of aircraft in service now are stage 2, including the Tupolev 134 – A and the older DC – 9 and Boeing 737 -200. Under ICAO ruling, stage 2 aircraft are being phased out of service, unless modified to meet the much stricter stage 3 noise requirements.



Memorize the following words and word-combinations.

noise – шум

occasional – случающийся

ruling – постановление

phase out – выводить из эксплуатации

unless modified – если не будут модифицированы


 Answer the questions.

1.Why is noise considered to be a pollutant?

2.What are the ways to reduce aircraft noise?



         Forests and parks form part of the city`s green zone. But these parks need efficient management and subsidies. On top of that, many high – ranging officials still consider these forests and parks as reserve territories for future housing development projects.

         In recent years more trees were cut down than planted. Besides, many trees are withering and dying. The anti – freeze chemicals used in the city in winter are widely blamed, but this is only one of the causes.

         The ecological characteristic of different types of trees growing in different cities should be studied and paid attention to. For example a chestnut tree can absorb more lead than a poplar or a lime tree. More resistant trees can be planted near most polluted roads. So, a plan for planting new greenery in a city should consider many ecological items.






Memorize the following words and word-combinations.

highranking officials –высокопоставленные чиновники

wither – сохнуть, вянуть

blame – обвинять

chestnut tree – каштан

lead – свинец

poplar tree – тополь

lime tree – липа

resistant – стойкий


 Answer the questions.

1.How con the city greenery be planned and why?

2.How can trees differentiate as to their ecological characteristics?



         Recent research by military scientists suggests mobile phones can cause short – term memory loss and sudden confusion as signals from the phones disrupt messages being sent in part of the brain controlling memory and learning. More research is going no to find out whether the electromagnetic radiation given off by these must – haves of the nineties is a significant hazard for people who use them frequently. The specialists want all mobiles to be sold with warnings like cigarettes of  a “major health hazard” if  they are used for more than 20 minutes at a time claiming that they are the biggest source of domestic appliance radiation and are used next to the most sensitive organs in the body.


Memorize the following words and word-combinations.

research – исследования

short – term – кратковременный

memory loss – потеря памяти

confusion – замешательство, путаница

disrupt – разрывать, разрушать

musthaves – предметы, без которых нельзя обойтись

hazard – опасность

warn – предупреждать

appliance – прибор



Answer the questions.


What everyday use equipment can be health – damaging and why?




          Microbiologists have discovered that more than 2,000 different types of bacteria breed on our telephones, causing a whole range of illnesses from influenza, colds and sore throats to gum disorders, ear infections and even pneumonia. Bacterial life is increased by contamination from our hands.

         The bacteria most commonly found on phones are deposited from our skin, including staphylococcus aureus and propionibacterium acnes. Other bacteria discovered on telephone mouthpieces have been responsible for cases of diphtheria, thrush, herpes, gastro – enteritis, stomach disorders and hepatitis. BT employs Amalgamated Cleaning Services to carry out the cleaning of its telephone boxes.

         Town centre handsets in Manchester, Liverpool and Chester are cleaned daily, often at 4am, those in suburbs get the once over 2-3 times a week, while the rural phones receive weekly attention.

         ACS often has to remove graffiti. A clean – up involves bleaching floors and cleaning glass panels, and using disinfectants and antiseptic sprays on the mouthpieces. The telephone is business today and it`s fair to say it is a genuine focal point of infection.


Memorize the following words and word-combinations.

breed – размножаться

influenza – грипп

cold – простуда

sore throat – воспаление горла

gum – десна

pneumonia – воспаление легких

thrush – молочница  (болезнь)

herpes – лишай, герпес

stomach – желудок

BT,ACS – названия телефонных компаний

handset – телефонная трубка

suburb – природа

rural – сельский

graffito (pl. – graffiti) – рисунки, надписи на стенах

bleach –обеззараживать (хлорной известью

mouthpiece – микрофон (телефона)

genuine – настоящий, истинный  

focal – основной, главный


What do microbiological tests of telephone handsets show?



Ecotourism is a theme for all of humanity, for all of nature and for all time. Ecotourism integrates tourism with ecology, offering fabulous destination and wide varieties of landscapes and activities, including unspoiled beaches and coral reefs with productive marine systems (a vast array of fish, shellfish, numerous species of coral) – for scuba – diving enthusiasts; vast limestone caverns in highlands with trekking, mountain biking, climbing opportunities and cave exploration; rainforest areas with ancient tribal peoples and undeveloped islands with jungle and swamp treks, sailing, rafting and other travel opportunities and miles and miles of empty beaches.

         All versions focus on environmental protection and careers in both environmental science and  ecotourism. Countries owing most lucrative resources will offer the best bargains, with a variety of general and special interest tour packages. So the future demand will boost ecotourism on both national and global levels.



Memorize the following words and word-combinations.

fabulous – сказочные

unspoiled – неиспорченные, нетронутые

beach – пляж

vast array – широкое многообразие

scuba diving – подводное плавание

limestone – известняк

trekking – пешеходные маршруты

biking – езда на велосипеде

climbing – альпинизм

cave – пещера

tribal – племенной

sailing – плавание под парусами

rafting – плавание на плотах

lucrative – выгодный

bargain – сделка, выгодная покупка

boost – способствовать росту, рекламировать


1.What destinations can ecotourism offer? Why are they so interesting?

2.What countries can have most profit out developing ecotourism?

3.What are, to your mind, the possibilities of developing ecotourism in your country?



         Getting macroeconomists and environmentalists to talk to each other about policy optionspreferably in the same language – is no easy task. Resource and environmental issues must be integrated in one approach to macroeconomic policymaking – fully recognizing the importance of the links between macroeconomic and environmental objectives.

         Environmental problems may directly affect the macroeconomic balances – particularly external and fiscal ones – sometimes to the point of threatening their viability and sustainability. On the external side, exports that lead to exhaustion of nonrenewable natural resources (e.g., from mines) and of renewable natural resources (e.g., from forests and fisheries) without adequate replacement and renewal may seriously erode a country`s future export base, forcing it to import primary products. On the fiscal side, revenues may be greatly reduced if output of primary exports declines because of soil erosion or other environmental degradation.

         Over time, environmental degradation and natural resource depletion can also affect the macroeconomy by leading to reduced output, which, in turn, can seriously reduce the rate of economic growth. Studies give abundant evidence of lost labor productivity resulting from ill health, reduced crop output due to agricultural soil degradation and erosion, lost fisheries output and tourism receipts from coastal erosion, or lost soil productivity from deforestation. So, environmental factors are significant in long term growth of national economy.

         There is no substitute for coordination between environmentalists and macroeconomists to ensure that policies are consistent with sustaining and improving living standards. Moreover, there may well be a need for such cooperation on a regional or international level, especially to address transboundary environmental problems.

         Pollution control is not a “luxury good” to be afforded after the development process has “taken off”, but a prior requirement for sustainable development.


Memorize the following words and word-combinations.


getto talk… - заставить… говорить…

preferably – предпочтительно

approach – подход

recognize – признавать

links – связи

objectives – цели

affect – влиять

external – внешний

fiscal – финансовый, фискальный

viability – жизнеспособность

 sustainability – стойкость

erode – разрушить

primary products – продукты первой необходимости

revenue – доход, прибыль

output – производство

rate of growth – темпы роста

abundant – обильный

evidence – свидетельство

labor productivity – производительность труда

coast – морское побережье

substitute – замена

consistent – последовательный

sustain – поддерживать

moreover – более того

transboundary – не имеющий границ

luxury good, to be afforded after – предмет роскоши, который можно позволить себе после..

take off – оторваться от земли, взлететь

requirement – требование

sustainable – постоянный, устойчивый


1.Why is it vital to pool efforts of macroeconomists and environmentalists for national economy problems settlement?

2.How can environmental problems affect macroeconomic policy?

3.What are the destructive effects of exhaustion of natural resources on a country`s future export base?

4.What are ecological factors reducing economic indicators of growth?







Министерство образования и науки

Министерство образования и науки

СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Название практических работ страницы 1

СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Название практических работ страницы 1

Тема 6.2. Кислотные дожди. 79-80

Тема 6.2. Кислотные дожди. 79-80

ПОЯСНИТЕЛЬНАЯ ЗАПИСКА Учебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине

ПОЯСНИТЕЛЬНАЯ ЗАПИСКА Учебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине

С целью оказания помощи студентам в изучении учебной дисциплины

С целью оказания помощи студентам в изучении учебной дисциплины



Before you live there should be a clear understanding about all aspects of the job

Before you live there should be a clear understanding about all aspects of the job

Exercise 1.6 Questions to the employer: 1

Exercise 1.6 Questions to the employer: 1

Exercise 1.2.2 Read and translate the text

Exercise 1.2.2 Read and translate the text

Exercise 1.2.5 . Read and dramatize the following dialogues

Exercise 1.2.5 . Read and dramatize the following dialogues

Exercise 1.3.4. Explore the card and answer the following questions:

Exercise 1.3.4. Explore the card and answer the following questions:



Peter Ann Nick Do you

Peter Ann Nick Do you

I am fond of modern music. 2

I am fond of modern music. 2

Exercise 2.1.2. Read and translate the text

Exercise 2.1.2. Read and translate the text

Тема 2.2 « В отеле » AT

Тема 2.2 « В отеле » AT

The first thing to do is to book a room in advance either by letter, telephone, fax, and computer

The first thing to do is to book a room in advance either by letter, telephone, fax, and computer

Hello. We need a double room for three nights

Hello. We need a double room for three nights

Exercise 2.3.2 Read and discuss the text

Exercise 2.3.2 Read and discuss the text

I’ve lost my wallet. 7.powder - пудра , lipstick - помада , soap - мыло , razor - бритва , blade - лезвие

I’ve lost my wallet. 7.powder - пудра , lipstick - помада , soap - мыло , razor - бритва , blade - лезвие

Well, I’ll take this one. - Shall

Well, I’ll take this one. - Shall

When talking on the telephone – speak clearly

When talking on the telephone – speak clearly

Exercise 2.5.2. Read, translate and retell the text

Exercise 2.5.2. Read, translate and retell the text

Price Money Cost Market

Price Money Cost Market

Exercise 3.1.3 Seven Steps in

Exercise 3.1.3 Seven Steps in

The first paragraph says why you are writing

The first paragraph says why you are writing

We wish to maintain cooperation with you

We wish to maintain cooperation with you

Dear Mr N. Dear Mrs M Dear sirs or madams

Dear Mr N. Dear Mrs M Dear sirs or madams

Faxing is a means of telecommunication that has developed very quickly over the past few years

Faxing is a means of telecommunication that has developed very quickly over the past few years

Exercise 3.2.6 Answer the questions

Exercise 3.2.6 Answer the questions

The World Wide Web, usually referred to as

The World Wide Web, usually referred to as

Facsimile - факсимиле Design – план , проект

Facsimile - факсимиле Design – план , проект

Screen - экран Access - доступ

Screen - экран Access - доступ

Read and discuss the text.

Read and discuss the text.

INF (subscriber temporarily unobtainable, call the information (Enquiry)

INF (subscriber temporarily unobtainable, call the information (Enquiry)

Read and discuss the text 1.

Read and discuss the text 1.

Give English definitions as in the model

Give English definitions as in the model

Why was it easy for David to get new checks? 8

Why was it easy for David to get new checks? 8

If your check bounces __________

If your check bounces __________

I’m afraid I know nothing about either of them

I’m afraid I know nothing about either of them

You would have to pay a service charge _______ six dollars

You would have to pay a service charge _______ six dollars

You are a clerk at the bank. Give the client all the necessary information concerning opening a saving account

You are a clerk at the bank. Give the client all the necessary information concerning opening a saving account

Give the English equivalents of the following phrases

Give the English equivalents of the following phrases

World Monitoring Center confirms that over 8,000 species are threatened with extinction and 976 of those are in a critical state

World Monitoring Center confirms that over 8,000 species are threatened with extinction and 976 of those are in a critical state

Memorize the following words and word-combinations

Memorize the following words and word-combinations

Runoffsfrom farms can introduce harmful pesticides, wastes and other pollutants into rivers and streams

Runoffsfrom farms can introduce harmful pesticides, wastes and other pollutants into rivers and streams

Are toxic and persistent pesticides still used in agriculture?

Are toxic and persistent pesticides still used in agriculture?

Answer the questions. 1.What major areas of concern are identified in this text? 2

Answer the questions. 1.What major areas of concern are identified in this text? 2

Contaminated marine fishery products are poisonous to eat

Contaminated marine fishery products are poisonous to eat

Such are ecological consequences of chemical pesticides and herbicides use

Such are ecological consequences of chemical pesticides and herbicides use
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