Date: 24.11.2022
Class: 10а
Unit: 4
Lesson: 8
Book: textbook of the English language Y. A . Komarova , I. V. Larionov , etc .
Topic: English speaking countries
Lesson type: lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge
Lesson targets: By the end of the lesson students will be able to create a leaflet on an English speaking country (including the pictures of the sights and information about them, price and time of travelling), and will be able to argue the choice.
Technologies: ICT technology, communicative learning technology, problem-based learning, critical thinking technology, project technology .
Equipment: dictionaries, a desktop, 4 laptops, the Internet, hand outs, flashcards, costumes, Internet platforms Skysmart and Wooclap, phones, a printer, a suitcase, a garland .
Time |
Stages |
Patterns of interaction |
1 |
Slide 1 (Music? Students are divided into groups Meet our guests. Greet them, please. The teacher of IT and Andrew, they will help us.) Good morning, colleagues. Nice to meet you. I do congratulate you. Our company has prepared a New Year present for you. What is it? (The card for travelling).
Slide 2 Meet foreign guests a guess the country. Australia “G’day mate! How ya’ going?” (Good day, friend. How are you?) Northern Ireland Terven tulla. Terven.modjin mot. (You are welcome. Hello. Good morning) The USA What’s going on? (What is happening now?) Scotland Away ye go! (I don’t believe you!)
??? Look at the board. Guess the topic of our lesson. (English speaking countries) It will be the topic of our lesson today. We are to answer questions. You need Wooclap on your phones. · Slide 3 1.Choose the variant UMFXHI Slide 4 2.What are the fruit? GKQDOK
Slide 5 Work in pairs and try to Unite mango, English speaking countries, Home, New Year, the white list. What are your ideas? Present your variants. (We are in MANGO touristic agency and we are not going to be at home on New Year. We are to travel and today you are going to decide to what English speaking country. List for pairs. Put signs.
You are to create a leaflet. Do you know the word? Slide 6 So your lesson targets are: I can create a leaflet on an English speaking country and argue the choice What are the criteria of the project? · A leaflet on an English speaking country · 3 or more pictures of the sights · information about the sights · the price of the tour · time of travelling · Give 3 or more arguments on the topic · Do it in Microsoft Publisher
Slide 7 Can you work in the program and make a leaflet? Slide 8
Slide 9 Work in groups. You will have 15 m for choosing a country, for creating a leaflet and argue it. (roles in groups) Slide 10 . If you need help you have two links and the teacher of IT.пользоваться-Microsoft-Publisher
Present your ideas. Others are to answer the question What country would you like to go to and why? (Mistakes on lists)
Slide 11 Have you obtained the lesson target? Self-assessment of the group work. Slide
Slide 13 Homework * Slide 14 Answer the question What have we done on the lesson? Choose a number and write down on the list and put on the bd and explain your choice.
Slide 15 Thank you for your work. You are the best colleagues in the world. The lesson is over. Good bye. (music) |
Guests -Cl
Gr. w.
T-cl |
Microsoft Office Publisher
Предполагаемые вопросы:
1. Для чего предназначена программа Microsoft Office Publisher?
Программа Microsoft Office Publisher входит в состав пакета Microsoft Office, предназначена для создания печатных публикаций таких как: буклеты, бюллетени, визитные карточки, календари, каталоги, конверты, наклейки, меню, объявления, открытки, плакаты и др.
2. Что такое образовательная (учебная продукция)?
Под образовательной продукцией мы будем понимать знания и умения работы в программе Microsoft Office Publisher и как результат – это буклет, который мы создадим в этой программе.
3. Как произвести запуск программы Microsoft Office Publisher?
Пуск – Все программы - Microsoft Office - Microsoft Office Publisher
Запускаем программу.
Открывается окно программы.
4. Как выбрать макет?
Слева: Новая публикация – Начать с макета – Публикации для печати – Буклеты (информационные, прейскурант, событие, благотворительные)
5. Какой вид буклета выбрать?
Выбираем информационные буклеты.
На правой панели будут представлены макеты информационных буклетов. Просмотреть их можно, перемещая курсор с одного макета на другой (без щелчка). Для выбора один раз щелкните выбранный макет.
6. Как выбрать цветовую схему?
Щелкните Цветовые схемы и выберите понравившуюся схему. Вы можете создать собственную цветовую схему для основного текста, гиперссылок, просмотренных гиперссылок, заголовков, обрамлений, теней и т. п. Для этого щелкните ссылку Пользовательская цветовая схема внизу экрана и перейдите на вкладку Пользовательская. Вы можете сохранить созданную схему. Для этого щелкните кнопку Сохранить схему, в появившемся окне Сохранение схемы введите имя схемы и щелкните ОК. Созданная схема появится в списке доступных цветовых схем. Щелкните ОК.
7. Как выбрать стиль шрифта?
Для выбора стиля шрифта щелкните Шрифтовые схемы и в открывшемся списке с помощью полосы прокрутки просмотрите предлагаемые варианты. Выбрав, щелкните один раз.
8. Как заполнить буклет?
1. Заполните текстовые рамки материалом по теме «Музей …».
2. Подберите и разместите изображения, иллюстрирующие текст, в запланированные места.
3. Если потребуется, создайте подписи к изображениям.
4. Внесите в буклет элементы дизайна.
5. Сохраните заполненный буклет.пользоваться-Microsoft-Publisher
Лист самооценки работы в паре ____________________________________
№ п\п |
Критерии оценивания |
Оценка |
Всё получилось |
Не совсем всё получилось |
Не получилось (почему) |
1 |
Отметь свой вклад в работу в паре. Отметь нужное. |
Self-assessment sheet of work in a pair ____________________________________
№ n\n |
Evaluation criteria |
Evaluation |
Everything worked out |
It didn't quite work out |
It didn't work out (why) |
1 |
Mark your contribution to the work in pairs. Mark the right one. |
Лист самооценки работы в паре ____________________________________
№ п\п |
Критерии оценивания |
Оценка |
Всё получилось |
Не совсем всё получилось |
Не получилось (почему) |
1 |
Отметь свой вклад в работу в паре. Отметь нужное. |
Self-assessment sheet of work in a pair ____________________________________
№ n\n |
Evaluation criteria |
Evaluation |
Everything worked out |
It didn't quite work out |
It didn't work out (why) |
1 |
Mark your contribution to the work in pairs. Mark the right one. |
I can create a leaflet on an English speaking country and argue the choice.
The criteria
· A leaflet on an English speaking country
· 3 or more pictures of the sights
· information about the sights
· the price of the tour
· time of travelling
· 3 or more arguments on the topic
· Do it in Microsoft Publisher
0-2 |
3-4 |
5-6 |
7 |
I can create a leaflet on an English speaking country and argue the choice.
The criteria
· A leaflet on an English speaking country
· 3 or more pictures of the sights
· information about the sights
· the price of the tour
· time of travelling
· 3 or more arguments on the topic
· Do it in Microsoft Publisher
0-2 |
3-4 |
5-6 |
7 |
I can create a leaflet on an English speaking country and argue the choice.
The criteria
· A leaflet on an English speaking country
· 3 or more pictures of the sights
· information about the sights
· the price of the tour
· time of travelling
· 3 or more arguments on the topic
· Do it in Microsoft Publisher
0-2 |
3-4 |
5-6 |
7 |
Self-assessment sheet of work in a pair ____________________________________
№ n\n |
Evaluation criteria |
Evaluation |
Everything worked out |
It didn't quite work out |
It didn't work out (why) |
1 |
Mark your contribution to the work in pairs. Mark the right one. |
Self-assessment sheet of work in a pair ____________________________________
№ n\n |
Evaluation criteria |
Evaluation |
Everything worked out |
It didn't quite work out |
It didn't work out (why) |
1 |
Mark your contribution to the work in pairs. Mark the right one. |
Self-assessment sheet of work in a pair ____________________________________
№ n\n |
Evaluation criteria |
Evaluation |
Everything worked out |
It didn't quite work out |
It didn't work out (why) |
1 |
Mark your contribution to the work in pairs. Mark the right one. |
Self-assessment sheet of work in a pair ____________________________________
№ n\n |
Evaluation criteria |
Evaluation |
Everything worked out |
It didn't quite work out |
It didn't work out (why) |
1 |
Mark your contribution to the work in pairs. Mark the right one. |
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