Урок английского языка в 8 классе тема: Музыка
Оценка 4.7

Урок английского языка в 8 классе тема: Музыка

Оценка 4.7
Урок английского языка в 8 классе тема: Музыка
Урок английского языка 8 класс Музыка.docx

Урок английского языка в 8 классе

Тема: The Magic World of Music. My favourite Singer.


                                                                                       Наталья Васильевна

                                                                    учитель I квалификационной категории

                                                                             ГОУ ЛНР « Троицкая СШ № 2»

   Образовательные цели: активизация монологической и диалогической речи с целью контроля усвоения данного лексического материала на базе всего пройденного грамматического материала на уровень свободного владения лексикой по теме.

    Развивающие цели: развивать внимание, логическое мышление, умение делать самостоятельные выводы и анализировать, активировать учебную деятельность.

    Воспитательные цели: способствовать системному воспитанию, воспитывать

 любовь к музыке , культуру речи.

  Оснащение урока: аудиозаписи, рисунки, фото певцов, карточки с заданиями,




                                                            Ход урока:

I.                    Вступительная часть.

1.      Приветствие. T. Good morning. I am glad to see you. I want you to smile and say you are glad to see your neighbor and we are glad to see our guests.

2.      Речевая зарядка. T. Are you fond of music? Today we set off to the magic world of music and we’ll visit the gallery of music stars – your favourite singers. So, let’s start our lesson with the sounds of music. Песня из кинофильма « Звуки музыки».

3.      Фонетическая зарядка. [ t ] A tutor who tooted a flute tried to tutor two tutors to toot.


II.                   Основная часть урока.

1.      Чтение крылатых выражений, связанных с музыкой.

T. Read the sayings concerning music, give the Russian equivalents.


to play the first fiddle;

to dance to somebody’s tune;

if you dance you must pay the tune;

to touch on somebody’s string.

2.      Дискуссия по вопросу.

T. What do you think of a day without music?

Возможные ответы:

P1 I think it’s impossible. We can hear music everywhere: in a café, on TV, over the radio.

P2 I agree with you. We can hear music everywhere. We sing songs, songs, dance to music, learn, to play musical instruments.

P3 I can’t imagine a day without music.

     I think without music our life would be dull and grey.

T. I quite agree with you. It seems to me people can’t live without music. We can hear music even in the forest or at the seaside. We sing song, dance to music, learn to play musical instruments. We can hear music everywhere. I agree without music our life would be dull and grey.

  3.    Результаты анкетирования.

         T. Two pupils were given the task to make up a questionnaire and interview people of different       

            age about music.

            Let’s listen to the results. P1, P2

          The questions:

1.      Are you fond of music?

2.      What kind of music do you prefer?

3.      Who is your favourite singer?

4.      What is your favourite group?

5.      Does music help you in your life?

        T. And how does music help you in your life?

         P1 It makes my mood better. I like to listen to music. My hobby is dancing I dance to music.


       T. So as you see, tastes differ but we can say people of any age like music and music helps them in

        their life.

        T. And do you agree with this statement?

        Music – it is not only a pleasant combination of sounds, it is an art which reflects our life, ideas

       and emotions.

      P1, P2, P3.

4.      Работа в группах.

   T. Now you will work in groups

       You will be given two tasks:

 The first task is to identify the musical instruments. The second task is to define the style of music.

1.      It is a type of music written for a small group of instruments and suitable for performing in

        a small hall or in a private home.

2.      It is a kind of music of working or country people of a particular nation or region developed

        over many years and of which the original songwriter or composer is not usually known.

3.      It is a kind of music written with serious artistic intention and having an attraction that lasts

over a long period of time.

4.      It s a music characterized by a strong beat and some free playing of each musician. It was

originated by black Americans.

5.      It is a type of music in which the words of a song are spoken in time with music with a steady


6.      It is a modern popular music which is based on rock’n’roll, usually played on electrical instru-


7.      It is a kind of music originated in Jamaika, a mixture of rock, African and south American mucic.

5.      T. So, whose group is ready raise your hands.

Let’s identify the musical instruments.

1.      a piano, 2. an accordion, 3. drums, 4. a cello, 5. guitars, 6. a saxophone, 7. a violin, 8. a trumpet, 9. a flute.

          Can you play any musical instrument?

6.      Let’s define the styles of music

 P1, P2, P3…( chamber, folk, classical, jazz, rap, rock, reggae.)

7.      Прослушивание разных видов музыки и их идентификация.

T. Let’s listen to the six pieces of music and identify each type

             Music A                          jazz

             Music B                          rock’n’roll

             Music C                          a violin solo

             Music D                         rap

             Music E                          a Scottish dance

             Music F                          an Irish folk song

8.      Релаксация

Now I want you to relax and to listen to our pianist S. Ivanov.

After listening to this music you will tell me about your feelings and imagination. These words can help you.

Slow, full of emotions, gentle, relaxing, a nice melody, boring; to feel tenderness, pleasure, ad-

migration, peace in the soul.

9.      Ролевая игра.

Now we are at the gallery of music stars. Listen to this song. Do you know the singer? This is

Petro Dmytrychenko, our fellow countryman from Luhansk, the winner of the TV project

« Chance».

Let’s pretend you are music observers, correspondents, Djs. Petro Dmytrychenko os our guest

today. Let’s interview him. I can help you with the questions.

    1). you, born, were, When and where?

    2). parents, your, are, What?

    3). you, study, Did, music school, at?

    4). become, interested, you, did, When, in, singing?

    5). you, take part, Did, in music contest?

    6). become, you, the winner of the TV project « Chance»

    7). are, you, busy, with, now, What?

    8). your, dream, is What?

 10. Проектные работы учащихся « My favourite singer»

       T. You have prepared your project works about your favourite singers for today. Let’s listen to

        some pupils. Next time we’ll listen about your favourite groups.

        P1, P2, P3, P4

        T. Thank you and now I want you to listen to one of my favourite singers Demis Roussos.

        He is Greek, but he was born in Egypt. Then his parents came back to Greece. He became popular

       In early 70s. But he is still popular now. It seems to me he has a magic voice and his songs are

     beautiful love songs.

   One of his singles is « Souvenirs»

Let’s listen to it.

Did you like this singer and the song?


III.              Заключительная часть урока.

1.      Домашнее задание. Написать мини-сочинение по теме « Мой любимый певец/ певица»

2.      Подведение итогов урока. Оценки.

T. So, Was our lesson useful for you?

 P1 Yes, we revised musical instruments.

 P2 We spoke about the styles of music.

 P3 We have learnt some information about pop singers.

 P4 We spoke about importance of music in our life.

 P5 We had a pleasure to listen to nice songs and melodies.

3.      Окончание урока. Thank you for the lesson. I wish you good luck. Goodbye.





Урок английского языка в 8 классе

Урок английского языка в 8 классе

Дискуссия по вопросу. T. What do you think of a day without music?

Дискуссия по вопросу. T. What do you think of a day without music?

The first task is to identify the musical instruments

The first task is to identify the musical instruments

Slow, full of emotions, gentle, relaxing, a nice melody, boring; to feel tenderness, pleasure, ad- migration, peace in the soul

Slow, full of emotions, gentle, relaxing, a nice melody, boring; to feel tenderness, pleasure, ad- migration, peace in the soul

Урок английского языка в 8 классе тема: Музыка

Урок английского языка в 8 классе тема: Музыка
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