муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение “Школа №118”
городского округа Самара
Урок – игра «The ABC-Party»
(праздник английского алфавита, 2 класс)
учитель английского языка
высшей категории
МБОУ Школа № 118
Морозова Л.Н.
Самара, 2020
Звучит песенка «The ABC». Учитель обращается к детям: Do you know the ABC? (Let’s sing it again). Do you know anything interesting about letters? Letters. You are welcome! (Ученики с буквами из английского алфавита выходят, и каждый рассказывает о своей букве).
1.A a
A is for apples and apple-tree,
You can see apples on the trees.
2. B b
B is for Books and for Bookcase,
I have many books in my bookcase.
3. Cc
C is for Cat. My cat is grey,
And with me it likes to play.
4. D d
D is for Dog and for Doggy.
I have a dog, not a doggy.
5. E e
E is for eight and for eleven.
How much is eight and eleven.
6. F f
F is for Flowers: red and blue.
White and yellow and rosy, too.
7. G g
G is for Girl, and also for Garden.
I see a girl going to the garden.
8. H h
H is for Hand. I have two hands.
This is the way I clap my hands.
9. I i
I is for I. I am a boy and I am ten.
I like to play with my brother Ben.
10.J j
J is for Jam. This is apple jam.
Jimmy likes it, and so does Sam.
11. K k
K is for Kite. Kate has a kite.
It is little and it is white.
12. L l
L is for Letter. This letter is for me.
It is from my sister, as you can see.
13. M m
M is for May and May Day,
For March and for Mother’s Day.
14. N n
N is for Nine, Ninety and Ninety-nine.
Children, how much is ninety and nine?
15. O o
O is for One. One and two is three.
Three little cats are in a tree.
16. P p
P is for Pencils. With them I can draw:
A red pen, a green tree or a blue door.
17. Q q
Q is for Questions: How are you?
How old are you? And how do you do?
18. R r
R is for Red. Many things are red.
What can be red? Do you know Fred?
19. S s
S is for Street. This is my Street.
There are a lot of trees in my street.
20. T t
T is for Tick and for Tock.
«Tick-Tock» says the clock.
21. U u
U is for Under, but not for At.
«I am under the tree», says Pat.
22. V v
V is for Five and also in Seven,
It is in Twelve and in Eleven.
23. W w
W is for Winter when it is cold.
But I like winter and I like cold.
24.X x
X is in Six. Let’s count up to six!
1,2, 3,4,5,6.
25. Y y
Y is for a Yard where children play.
They play in the yard every day.
26. Z z
I like to go to the Zoo. And you? Z is for he Zoo.
Let’s go to the Zoo.
(Далее класс делится на команды или на группы.)
II.Игра «Magic Stick»
Используя волшебную палочку, каждый ребенок называет по 5 букв алфавита. Играют 5 учащихся из команды.
III.Look at this ABC and say what letters are missing.
Играет один ученик. На доске алфавит без 3 букв, их нужно найти.
IV. Игра «Talking Steps»
Играют 3 ученика. На доске любые английские слова, дети по очереди называют слова по буквам:
pencil case
V.Игра «Reading Baseball»
С закрытыми глазами ученик находит на доске слово, потом, открыв глаза, читает. Играют 4 ученика.
plate rose tree nine
take bag pen bus
sock hot all wall
clean sleep spoon pencil
VI. Игра «Funny fishing»
На доске из листа плотной бумаги «сделано озеро». В прорези вставлены рыбки из плотной бумаги, с обратной стороны которых написаны простые примеры на сложение и вычитание: 1+2 (One and two is – и т.д.)
В конце игры подсчитываются баллы и определяется победитель.
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