Environmental problems
Public health issues
Water conservation
Air pollution
Global warming
Our earth has only a certain amount of water, and will never have more. We need to keep our water clean and not waste it.
Dust, gases, smoke are harmful to humans, animals and plants.
The increase of greenhouse gases influence on the temperature, rising sea levels, melting ice caps, flood
We are facing a shortage of resources such as food, water
The lack of clean water, air pollution cause different diseases.
Reuse stuff when you can.
Enjoy the Earth — walk in the woods, plant a tree, and eat some of the delicious food it produces.
Reduce the amount of stuff you use and throw away.
Recycle cans, bottles, paper, books, and even toys.
Every day, people make choices that affect the amount of trash and pollution that gets produced in our world. What can you do? A whole lot, actually. Here's a four-step guide to being green:
When you can, walk or ride your bike instead of riding in a car. You'll use less gas — and get some exercise!
Turn off lights you're not using. Use energy efficient light bulb. They last longer and use less energy.
Turn off the water when you're brushing your teeth.
Reduce it!
Take your own bags — preferably reusable ones — when you go to the grocery store.
Choose reusable travel cups instead of paper or plastic cups.
Get a reusable water bottle so you can take it with you.
Reuse it!
Exchange books, toys, clothes with your friends.
Take paper from your computer printouts and use the other side
Remind others which items can be recycled.
Recycle it!
By separating plastic bottles, cans, bottles, and more, you're reducing the amount of trash
It's true that trash and pollution are problems, but the Earth has a huge and glorious place that's ready for you to explore.
Go for a hike, visit local nature centers and gardens, climb up mountains
Enjoy it!
Things You Can Do to Protect the Earth
Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Cut down on what you throw away. Follow the three "R's" to conserve natural resources and landfill space.
Volunteer. Volunteer for cleanups in your area.
Conserve water. Use less water.
Shop wisely. Buy less plastic and bring a reusable shopping bag.
Plant a tree. Trees provide food and oxygen. They help save energy, clean the air, and help combat climate change.
Bike more. Drive less.
Things You Can Do to Protect the Earth
Use all of the paper. Try to have your business as paperless as possible.
Share the knowledge! Working together makes the world a better place.
what means of public transport is the most popular in your hometown;
what environmental problems caused by cars exist in your hometown;
whether the bicycle is a popular means of transport in your hometown; why / why not.
what your attitude to green life is
Using public transport is very convenient. However, it can cause some environmental problems.
I think that the most popular means of public transport in our city is the Metro. It’s faster than any other public transport. It is also more comfortable than say, buses or trolleybuses.
As far as I know, the biggest enviromental problem is air polution which is caused by cars. There are a lot of cars in our city. They produce a lot of unhealthy smog. Sometimes when you are walking along a street it’s hard to breath because of car fumes.
I guess bicycles are getting more and more popular in our city. The city government is going to make a special lane for bicyclers, although not all motorists like it. Frankly speaking, bicycles are not as popular here as say, in Europe but I hope that soon they will reach the same popularity.
That’s all I wanted to say.
why it is important to protect the environment;
what the most serious environmental problem is in the place where you live;
what you and your classmates can do to help to protect the environment.
what your attitude to green life is
Protecting the environment is an important task that everybody has to consider as his own.
I think that it is important to protect the environment because we are all part of it. If the ecological situation becomes bad our health becomes bad too. We eat food that is grown on the ground. If the ground is polluted, our food is polluted too. We all breath the air that surrounds us. If the air is dirty, we can get sick.
I guess that the biggest environmental problem is polluted air. I live in a big city where there are many cars that produce lots of car exhaust fumes.You can hardly breath when there is no wind and you are walking along a road with bad traffic.
In my opinion, everyone can do a lot of things to protect our environment. Personally, I try not to litter. When we leave the city to have a rest we try not to harm the environment. When we leave our picnic area, we leave it in a better condition than it was when we arrived. Also, we separate our trash that we throw away. Food remnants go into one container while plastic, glass and other things go into other containers. It makes recycling much easier.
That’s all I wanted to say.
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