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Дружинина Елена
The quiz.
The full name of the country is
a) Russia
b) The Russian Federation
c) The Russian Republic
The capital city Moscow is more
a) 650
b) 750
c) 850 years old
The population of Moscow is about
a) 6 million people
b) 9 million people
c) 13 million people
It takes
a) 4 b) 7 c) 10 days to travel from
Moscow to Vladivostok by train.
The second largest city in Russia is
a) Sochi
b) St Petersburg
c) Krasnoyarsk
The second coldest city in the
world, situated on the Lena river, is
a) Yakutsk
b) Vladivostok
c) Ekaterinburg
The city which was destroyed
during the Second World War and
represented the furthest point of
German advance is
a) Nizhny Novgorod
b) Astrakhan
c) Volgograd
A major port and naval base on
Russia`s Pacific coast is
a) Murmansk
b) Vladivostok
c) Kaliningrad
The largest lake in Europe is
situated in Russia. It is
a) Baikal
b) Chudskoe
c) Ladoga
The Urals cross the country from
a) North to South
b) East to West
c) Novosibirsk to Magadan
The Far East of Russia is rich in
a) wheat
b) fruit
c) seafood
Russia gains access to the
Mediterranean Sea through
a) The Aral Sea
b) The Caspian Sea
c) The Black Sea
The huge forests that cover
southern Siberia are called
a) the tundra
b) the taiga
c) the steppe
Russia`s only Baltic port that
remains ice-free all year round is
a) Murmansk
b) St Petersburg
c) Kaliningrad
Russia lies across
a) 5
) 9
c) 11 time zones
The Past Simple tense
V2 / Ved
The Second World War began in
- ? – Did + V1
Did you visit Moscow last year?
The maiden Fevroniya – девица
He sent machmakers according to the custom –
он послал сватов согласно традиции
The ruler of Kitezh Grad
The Tatar Khan Batiy
Warriors – воины
To conquer Rus – завоевать Русь
Тhey took many people prisoner – они
захватили много людей в плен
The drunkard Grishka Kuterma – пьяница
Fevroniya prayed to God for a miracle – молила
Бога о чуде
The city became invisible – город стал
The reflection - отражение