Великие изобретатели
Оценка 4.6

Великие изобретатели

Оценка 4.6
Великие изобретатели

Тема урока: «Великие изобретения и их изобретатели»

Цели урока:


Развитие навыков коммуникативной компетенции учащихся через освоение нового лексического материала по теме «Великие изобретения и их изобретатели».


 2. Развивающая

Способствовать совершенствованию у учащихся навыков чтения, аудирования, говорения, межличностного общения  в заданной ситуации, способствовать развитию желания общаться на иностранном языке._____________________________________________________________


Формировать учебно-познавательный интерес к новому учебному материалу, создать условия, обеспечивающие формирование у обучающегося навыков самостоятельности, самоорганизации, воспитание умения слушать других, умения работать в группе.____________


Совершенствовать методику проведения уроков, развивать творческое отношение к процессу обучения.____________________________________________________________________________

    5. Практическая

Способствовать практическому применению полученных знаний в диалогической речи по теме «Великие изобретения и их изобретатели»________________________________________________


Тип урока: комбинированный

Вид урока: традиционный

Межпредметная связь: История

Учебно-методическое обеспечениекомпьютер, проигрыватель, интерактивная доска, карточки с заданиями

Учебник: “Enterprise”-3 Pre-intermediate, авторы Virginia Evans – Jenny Dooley, издательство Express Publishing, 2013.


Ход урока

I. Организационный момент:

T .Good morning, my dear students! I am glad to see you today.

S. Good morning.

T. Sit down, please. Who is absent today?

S. All are present.

T. I see that you are ready, let us continue our lesson.  The Theme of our lesson today is Great Inventions and their inventors.  The objective of our lesson is to study new vocabulary and to practice your reading, listening and speaking skills concerning the topic.

II. Изучение нового материала:

Task 1. Guess the word. Fill in the missing letters.


T. I want you to look at the screen. Please guess the words and name the encoded words.

S. fridge, camera, printer, screen, tablet, mobile phone, laptop, washing-machine.___________________

T. Yes, that’s right. How often do you use these devices? Yes, they are essential part of our life. Now let’s check how well you know all these useful devices. ______________________________________                                                                 

Студенты смотрят на экран и вставляют пропущенные буквы, называют слова по теме._________


Task 2. Match the devices with their names. .

T. Please look at the  screen and match the words with their pictures._____________________________

S. a) microwave oven, b) remote control, c) hairdryer, d) blender, e) electric toothbrush, f) smart TV, g) usb stick, g) dish washer, h) games console, I) water dispenser, j) toaster, k) pen, l) usb stick, m) telephone charger wall cable style, n) watch.________________________________________________

Студенты соединяют изображение на экране с его словесным эквивалентом.__________________


Т. You are right. Well-done, students. Now, please, look at the smart board. Your nest step is the following. You are going to guess the inventor of the inventions written in your worksheets.  Use the model: example: Wright brothers invented the first plane.




Task 3. Do you know these people? Can you remember their inventions?

1.      John Gorry invented the first fridge.

2.      Galileo invented the telescope.

3.      Michael Faraday invented the electricity.

4.      John Logie Baird invented television.

5.      Thomas Edison  invented the electric lamp.

6.      Alexander Popov invented the radio.

7.      Karl Benz invented the first car.

8.      Josephine Cochrane – invented the dishwasher.

9.      Henry. W. Seely invented the first iron.

10.  James King invented the first washing machine.

11.  Yevgeney  Chertovsky invented the first full pressure suit.

12.  Nobel invented the dynamite.

13.  Dyson invented bagless vacuum cleaner.

14.  Bell invented the telephone.

15.  Babagge invented the computer.

16.  Zvorykin invented TV set.

17.  Cockrell invented the hovercraft.

18.  Biro invented a ballpoint pen.

Студенты сопоставляют указанные изобретения с предполагаемыми изобретателями.

T. You are going to watch a video now. After that, you will have to do some tasks in your working sheets. Студенты просматривают видео-интервью о изобретателе мобильного телефона, а затем выполняют задание в рабочих листах.

Task 4. Multiple choice.

Студенты выбирают правильный вариант на основе просмотренного видео.

1.      What is the basic issue of the phone cell concept?     B)People are mobile.

2.      Whom was Mr. Cooper speaking to?                          A) George

3.      What season was when the 1st phone was invented?   A) Spring

4.      the concept of the cell phone is ….                              B) Simple

5.      The conversation should be….                                  A) Continuous

6.      In what city was made the first cell call?                   D) New York

7.      For what company did Mr. Cooper work?                 B) Motorolla

8.      Whom did he call first?                                              C) Counterpart

9.      What is the purpose of technology?                           C) To make life better

10.  The ideal phone should …..                                       B) Read person’s mind

Task 5. Read the text “The phone call that changed our world forever” and answer the questions.

Студенты читают текст, затем отвечают на вопросы по тексту.


“The phone call that changed our world forever”

3rd April, 1973 was a cool spring day in New York City. People were walking in the street when they saw a man with a large object in his hands. He was holding it next to his ear and he was talking. But there was no one with him! Who was the man and who was he talking to?

The man was martin Cooper and he worked for Motorola. He was talking to Joel S. Engel, who worked for a rival company. Engel was sitting at his desk when the phone rang. Joel, this is Marty, said Martin. “I’m calling you from a cell phone, a real hand-held portable cell phone.” this was the first ever public mobile phone call.

The mobile phone Martin Cooper used was very different from the smartphones today: It weighed 1.1. kg and it was 23 cm long. It only made phone calls. The battery lasted only twenty minutes.

Today, most Smartphone weigh 100-200 grams. They have a touch screen, they can connect to Wi-Fi, and you can talk for hours and charge them with a portable charger. There are apps for everything you want to do. You can even choose a different ringtone for each of your friends and family!


1.      Did the people in the street know what the man was holding in his hands?

2.      Where was Joel Engel when his phone rang?

3.      Did Joel Engel and Martin cooper work for the same company?

4.      Was Martin’s mobile phone heavier or lighter than a modern Smartphone?

5.      Did Martin’s phone take photos?

6.      When was the first mobile call made?

 Task 6. Make up sentences and say what you can you do with your Smartphone?

T. Students, you use mobile phones everyday and almost every minute besides the English lesson. Please, look at the screen and make sentences with the following words. do you know all the verbs? Студенты составляют и произносят предложения с представленными глаголами на экране.


1.      We can chat with our friends and family.

2.      We can surf the internet.

3.      We can pay bills in café, restaurants, and supermarkets.

4.      We can watch videos.

5.      We can play games.

6.      We can take photos.

7.      We can listen to music.

8.      We can download different applications.

Task 7. True/ False Statements

Т. Our next step is another example in dealing with inventions. it is true/ false statements. You are going to read some information, translate it and choose the correct variant. Read it, please. Is it clear to you? Are there any new words that you don’t know?

Студенты читают утверждения и дают ответы.

1.      The first mobile phones were the size of house bricks.                    TRUE

2.      It is possible to fly to the Moon  in a new plane called the Moontrekker.   FALSE

3.      When cars were first driven in the UK, a man walked in front and waved red flag to warn people to get out the way.                                                               TRUE

4.      Electricity can be made using power from pig poo!                         TRUE

5.      When photography first began, taking just one picture took about 20 minutes. TRUE

6.      Dental floss was first invented as floss for cleaning between your toes!     FALSE

7.      The first computer was invented 500 years ago.                                          FALSE

8.      The first computer game was called “PONG”, a kind of table tennis played on screen. TRUE

Task 8. Complete the sentences.

T. Boys and girls now you know a lot about inventions and inventors. I suggest you doing the following task. Please, read the sentences and choose the correct word for each gap.

Студенты вставляют пропущенные слова в предложения , читаю, переводят их.


1.      Before the invention of the rubber tyre, cycling was very uncomfortable.

2.      Before the invention of the airplane, people travelled across the Atlantic by ship

3.      Airplanes can fly from London to New-York in less than 7 hours.

4.      Before the invention of the ballpoint pen, people used quills and fountain pen to write.

5.      Before the invention of the telephone, people sent letters and telegrams.

6.      Mobile phones can take photos and send text messages.

7.      Robots do jobs that are difficult or too dangerous for people.

8.      Before the invention of an electric lamp, people used candles and kerosene lamps.

9.      You use a mouse to select documents on a computer screen.

10.  You can play music on a laptop computer but the speakers are very small.

Преподаватель  подводит итоги урока и сообщает домашнее задание студентам.

T. So, today you have known a lot of new words and expressions. You can talk about inventions, you can tell a lot of interesting information about the first mobile phone and its inventor. You‘ve worked fine today. Your marks are the following. As to the homework: there are two tasks. Some of you can find information about other interesting inventions and write a report. The others can write an essay “Is it easy to be an inventor?”. Thank you for the lesson.



Тема урока: «Великие изобретения и их изобретатели»

Тема урока: «Великие изобретения и их изобретатели»

S. fridge, camera, printer, screen, tablet, mobile phone, laptop, washing-machine

S. fridge, camera, printer, screen, tablet, mobile phone, laptop, washing-machine

T. You are going to watch a video now

T. You are going to watch a video now

We can watch videos. 5.

We can watch videos. 5.
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