Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку " В гостях у сказки" 3-4 класс
Оценка 4.6

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку " В гостях у сказки" 3-4 класс

Оценка 4.6
Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку " В гостях у сказки" 3-4 класс
в гостях у сказки 3-4 кл.doc

  Открытое  мероприятие по английскому языку

 «В гостях у сказки»



Реквизиты: костюмы сказочных персонажей, домик, деревья, цветы, муляжи овощей и фруктов.

Роли: ведущий, дед, солнце, дождь, капельки дождя, бабушка, внучка, друзья внучки, собачка, кошка, мышка.

(Роли исполняют учащиеся 3-4 классов)


The turnip.


Ведущий: Good morning, dear boys and girls. We are happy to welcome you. We have a party today. Tell me please, do you like fairy- tales? We like fairy- tales very much and we are going to show you our favorite one. It is about the turnip. Look and listen!


 Once upon a time there lived an old man. He has a big garden. One spring he sowed a turnip seed.

                                               (Под музыку выходит дед)  

     Grandpa: My garden is very nice and there are many fruits here: apples, tomatoes, carrots. But there is no any turnip. I sow a turnip.

                                                (Сажает семечко)

Grow little turnip, grow big and sweet! But there is no sun in my garden. Sun! Sun!

                                (Выходит солнышко под музыку и танцует)             

 Sun: Hello, Grandpa! How are you?

Grandpa: Hello, Sun! I'm glad to see you. Would you like to help my turnip?

 Sun: With great pleasure. I will recite my favorite poem and it will grow.

Spring is green,

Summer is bright,

Autumn is yellow,

Winter is white.

Grow up, little turnip, grow up! It's warm!

Grandpa: Thank you, Sun! But there is no water. Where is the Rain? Children, let's call the rain. Rain! Rain!

                                    (Под музыку выходит дождь и танцует)

 Rain:    Hello,Grandpa!    Hello,   children!    I'm   the   Rain.    Oh,   there   is   a   big garden here. It's time to water it.

Sun: Rain, Rain, would you like to help our turnip?

Rain: With great pleasure. My drops will dance and sing and the turnip will grow up.

                                      (Песенка "Head and shoulder's)                               

Drink, little turnip, drink and grow!

                                                    (Репка растет)

Grandpa: Oh, how big my turnip is, how big! I must pull it out!

                                  (Тянет, вытянуть не может. Зовет бабку)

Oh, dear! It's so big! So big! I can't pull it out! Grandmother, come here & help me!

                                  (Под музыку выходит бабка и танцует) 

Grandma: Hello, my children! (к залу , с уставшим видом)   We have a big house. There are 3 rooms in our house. There is a carpet on the floor. There is an armchair, a sofa in the living room. I must clean my house, make dinner.

(Увидев репку): What is that, my dear?

Grandpa: Help me to pull the turnip out!

Grandma: OK! One, two, three! One, two, three! We can not pull it out. Let's call Granddaughter! Children, help us!

(Все зовут внучку) Granddaughter! Granddaughter! Come here!

                                       (Звучит музыка. Выходит внучка)  

.Granddaughter: Hello, my friends! Oh, it's sunny and hot today. I like summer because it's nice in summer. And today is my birthday.

Grandma: Help us to pull the turnip out!

Granddaughter: OK! I have friends and they will help us.

Friends: Рассказывают стих.

              You have a date to celebrate

              Which comes but once a year

             And so today we’d like to say

             From all of us to you:

             Happy birthday! Happy birthday!

             Happy birthday to you!

Granddaughter: Thank you! 1,2,3! 1,2,3! We can't pull it out! Let's call the Dog! Children, help us! Dog! Dog! Come here!

                                             (Под музыку выходит собачка)

Dog: Hello! Bow- bow! I am Rex- the dog! What's up? I can run! I can jump! I can swim! I am brave and big! What must I do?

All: Help us to pull the turnip out! Dog: OK! 1,2,3! 1,2,3! Who can help us? The Cat will help us. Let's call him. Cat! Cat!

                                            (Под музыку выходит кошка)

Cat: Hello! I'm Pussy- the Cat! I have dinner twice a day. I like sweets, ice- cream, jam, I have a sweet tooth. I like neither dogs nor wolves. May I help you? But I can neither swim nor fly.

All: Dear Cat! Help us to pull the turnip out!

Cat: With great pleasure! 1,2,3! 1,2,3! We can not pull it out! Let's call my friend Betsy!                                                              (Все зовут мышку. Звучит музыка и выходит мышка)


Mouse: Hello! I'm Betsy- the mouse. I'm small but I'm strong! May I help you?

All: Yes, please!

                       (Мышка и кот рассказывают стихотворение)

 Little Mouse, little mouse

Where is your house?

Little Cat, little Cat

I am a poor Mouse

I have no house.

Little Mouse, little Mouse

Come to my house.

Little Cat, little Cat

I can't do that,

You want to eat me.

All: 1,2,3! 1,2,3! Pull!

Turnip: I'm so big! I'm so sweet! Thank you my friends!


Cat: Our turnip is so big!

Dog: Our turnip is so sweet! We are very good friends! We are happy!

                                (Звучит музыка, все поют песенку If you are happy))

Открытое мероприятие по английскому языку «В гостях у сказки»

Открытое мероприятие по английскому языку «В гостях у сказки»

Grandma: OK! One, two, three!

Grandma: OK! One, two, three!
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