Я могу описать каждого
Оценка 4.8

Я могу описать каждого

Оценка 4.8
Я могу описать каждого
я могу описать каждого.docx

28.02.2021г                           Тема урокаI Can Describe Everyone

Класс:3                                                   Я могу описать каждого

Тип урока: урок совершенствования речевых навыков.

Цель урока: Способствовать развитию коммуникативных умений и навыков устной речи по теме «Внешность»

Аспекты урока:

 учебный аспект — совершенствование речевых навыков:

аудирования,  говорения, чтения  и    письма;

-  активизация ранее изученной лексики по теме «Внешность»;

развивающий аспект — развитие способности к догадке (по картинкам), имитации, развитие непроизвольной памяти, воображения, творческих способностей;

- развитие способностей к решению речемыслительных задач: антиципации, соотнесения, высказывания предположения.

воспитательный аспект содействовать повышению уровня мотивации, воспитанию культуры общения,воспитание умения работать в сотрудничестве с другими,воспитание потребности принимать участие в общении на английском языке

Речевой материал:

 продуктивный:  лексический — лексические единицы  цикла;

Речеваяфункцияdescribing people and toys.

Средства обучения:  презентация,компьютер, аудиосистемы, мультимедийный проектор, карточки с заданиями для парной и групповой работы, листы самооценки.

Продолжительность урока: 40 минут.

Ход урока

I. Introduction.

T. Good afternoon, boys and girls!

P. Good afternoon, teacher!

T. I’m glad to see you, sit down, please. Well, how are you today?

P. We are fine, thanks.

Oh, I see you look great today. You are so tidy and neat, your uniformssuityou very much.

 Today we are going to learn how to describe the appearance of different people.

The theme of our lesson is «We Can Describe Everyone». Today we are going to talk about appearance of people and fairy tale characters. You’ll get a diamond for every right answer. At the end of the lesson you’ll count them and get marks.

II. Phonetic drill.

-Look at the screen, please. Let poem “My Sister Is Pretty”. You know it very well.

My sister is pretty, my sister is nice.

She’s got a snub nose and beautiful eyes.

Her full lips are rosy,her cheeks are rosy too,

Her hair is curly, her eyesare blue.

Her little face is round, her ears are small.

I love my dear sister best of all, best of all.


- Who can translate the poem? Translate sentence by sentence, please.

- Work in pairs now. Read the poem to each other

Teacher:Well done.

III. Warming-up.

Children, look! We have a very funny guest at our lesson

What is his name?

You are right.  His name is Neznaika. He wants to describe this pretty girl from the poem “My Sister Is Pretty”, but he makes some mistakes. Let us correct him.

1.      I like this girl. She is ugly. (Oh, no! She is not ugly. She is pretty.)

2.      The girl’s nose is straight. (I disagree. She’s got a snub nose.)

3.      Her eyes are so small. (I disagree. She’s got beautiful eyes.)

4.      Her lips are red. (Oh, no. Her full lips are rosy.)

5.      Her face is oval. (I disagree. Her little face is round.)

6.      Her ears are big. (Oh, no. Her ears are small.)

 Teacher:  You did a great work. I am pleased with you.


IV. Checking homework.

-It’s time to check up your homework. Your home task was to describe Buratino.

Let us play the game “Snowball”. Everybody will say one sentence one by one. The student who doesn’t know what to say comes out of the game. The person who says the last sentence gets twodiamonds. Let’s start.

Buratino is a doll.

He has a big nose.

He is funny and kind.

B. likes to play.

He has many friends: Malvina, Artemon, Pyero.

He has a father.

His father’s name is Karlo.

He is very brave.

He is not very clever.

He doesn’t like to wash his hands. Etc.


Teacher: Thank you. I'm proud of you!


V. Writing activities.

Children, look at the screen, please. Some letters from these words are lost. Let’s find them.


VI. Listening.

  I‘ll describe some fairy tale characters. The task for you is to guess whom I described.

(Every description sounds twice)

T e x t 1

She is a very nice girl. She has a round face. Her eyes are large and blue. Her hair is blue. It is long. She has a blue ribbon in her hair. Her nice dress is blue too. She has nice shoes on. She is very kind and clever. She can read and write. She helps her friends.


Text 3

She is a very nice little girl. She loves her mother and her grandmother. She has a white skirt and a shirt on. She has a red hat on. She has a basket in her hand.

(Little Red Rid­ing Hood)

Text 4

She is beautiful. She is very kind. She has long fair hair. Her eyes are big. She has no nice dresses. She has no beautiful shoes. She sleeps in the kitchen.

She has no mother. Her sisters have beautiful dresses and shoes.



Teacher: You are special!  I respect you!


VII. Relaxing.

T. Are you tired? Let's have a rest and sing a song "Head, shoulders, knees and toes ".

Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.

Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.

Two eyes, two ears,  one mouth and a nose.

Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.

Teacher: Excellent!

VIII. Reading.


Now we are going to read the descriptions of these fairy tale characters.Mach the pictures with the texts. Do you know them? Name them. (Snow White, Ariel, Karlson)

1.      This girl is a princess. This girl is very beautiful. The girl’s hair is dark and her eyes are brown. She lives in a wood with seven dwarfs. All the animals and birds like her.

2.      This character likes to play tricks. He is very kind. He is fat. His friend is a little boy. This character can fly.

3.      This girl is good at swimming and singing. Her hair is red and her eyes are blue. She is a mermaid.

Look, children! What’s this? It’s an ad. (the teacher translates this word)


Who wrote the ad? I think Karabas-Barabas put up this ad. Let’s read it.



Buratino wanted!!! (the teacher translates this word)


Help to find Buratino. He is small. His nose is very long. His hair is fair. He’s got a hat on. He doesn’t like to go to school.  He is made of wood.




Children! Let us change the words in the description of Buratino. We must help Buratino to run away.

Use the words:

Big    short        dark       no       likes        glass



Teacher: Well done! Karabas-Barabas will not find our friend Buratino.

IX. Speaking.

Teacher:  Now we will work in groups. There will be three groups. Each group will get a photo of one teacherfrom our school. Describe this photo in your group. One student of each group will represents the work. Our task will be to guess who it is.

If it’s difficult for you to guess, you can ask me some questions:

               What colour is his/her hair?

What colour are his/her eyes?

What is his/her face like?

Is his/ her hair short or long?


Now, children.Let’s describe a boy or a girl of our class.Your task is to guess who it is?You may ask questions to clarify who this student is. Make use of the substitution table:


1.      He/ she     is                  tall.2.  He          has    got       an oval       face.

isn’t             short.                She   a round



3.    His    hair            is           fair              and             short.

Her           dark                                long.



   4.His      eyes          are           blue.

Her                  brown.




X. Summary of the lesson.

-Our lesson is coming to an end.Thank you for your work! I think now you can describe people’s appearance.So, your marks …



Choose the drawing that reflects your mood:



-Your home task: - bring a photo of your mum or your dad, your sister or your brother. And describe one of them.


Тема урока – I Can Describe

Тема урока – I Can Describe

III. Warming-up. Children, look!

III. Warming-up. Children, look!

Text 4 She is beautiful . She is very kind

Text 4 She is beautiful . She is very kind

If it’s difficult for you to guess, you can ask me some questions:

If it’s difficult for you to guess, you can ask me some questions:
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