Открытое внеклассное мероприятие
в 6 классе по теме: «Знатоки английского языка»
Цель: Совершенствование знаний и навыков полученных на уроках иностранного языка.
Образовательные: расширение эрудиции учащихся, их общего кругозора;
Развивающие: развитие языковых, интеллектуальных и познавательных способностей учащихся, их чувств и эмоций.
Воспитательные: формирование интереса у учащихся к изучению иностранного языка, формирование познавательной активности учащихся.
Форма проведения: урок - викторина.
Оснащение: распечатки кроссвордов, текста, компьютер, проектор, экран.
Ход мероприятия
Teacher: Good morning, children! Today we'll rest and play!
1. Draw.
Прослушайте стихотворение и нарисуйте то, что поняли.
Listen to the poem and draw a picture.
I have two eyes and I can see,
I have two ears and I can hear,
I have a mouth and I can talk,
I have two legs and I can walk.
2. Add the word:
Конкурс эрудитов.
Добавь необходимое слово в конце каждого предложения.
- The most popular book in the world is: (the Bible)
- The longest river in the world is: (the Nile)
- The highest mountain in the world is: (Everest)
- The biggest population in the world is: (China)
- The largest island in the world is: (Greenland)
- The city with the highest building in the world is: (New - York)
- The hottest planet is: (Venus)
- The second largest island in the world is: (New Guinea)
3. Tongue twisters.
Произнесите быстро и правильно скороговорки.
Cob is Dob's dog
Tob is Momb's dog.
A girl sees three big grey geese.
Fat Pat had a fat cat.
Pat's fat cat sat in Pat's hat.
4. Crossword puzzle.
Напишите в клеточки слова противоположного значения.
1.North, 2.near, 3.bad, 4.old, 5.last, 6.expensive, 7.false, 8.big;
Какое новое слово можно прочесть по вертикали?
5. Proverbs.
Дайте русские эквиваленты английским пословицам.
- It's never too late to learn.
- First think, then speak.
- Business before pleasure.
- Two heads are better than one.
- The appetite comes with eating.
- Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
- Well begun is half done.
- All is well that ends well.
- One man, no man.
- A friend in need is a friend indeed.
- They are rich who have true friends.
- East or West, home is best.
6. Riddles.
- What has a face but no head, and hands but no fingers? (A clock)
- What can fly but has no wings? (Time)
- They stand next to each other and yet they cannot see each other? (Eyes)
- What has feet but cannot run? (A chair)
- It is running night and day, but it never runs away? (A clock)
- It hears everything and says nothing? (An ear)
- What has a hundred teeth but cannot eat? (A saw)
- What has arms and legs but no head? (An arm-chair)
7. Opposite words.
Внимательно прочитайте слова, затем подберите к словам первых двух колонок слова противоположного значения из двух последних колонок.
1. morning 1. black 1. dog 1. cold
2. night 2. bad 2. day 2. uncle
3. tall 3. big 3. son 3.white
4. aunt 4. daughter 4. low 4. evening
5. cat 5. hot 5.small 5. Good
8. Name the color.
Художник собрался написать картину. Назови краски, которые он будет использовать в своей работе. Для этого нужно правильно сложить каждое слово из двух разрозненных частей.
wh low nge
vio ue ack
ora gr ite
let yee be
pe ey gre
en nk
9. What did Alice buy?
Mary, Jane, Sue and Alice went into a shop.
One girl bought a pen and a pencil.
One girl bought a pen and a book.
One girl bought a pencil and a book.
One girl bought two pencils.
Mary bought a pen and one other thing.
Jane bought a book and one other thing.
Sue did not buy a book or a pen.
Alice did not buy a pen.
What did she buy?
10. Singing songs
11.The results of the competition
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