Carefully: Clothing Speaking English
Оценка 4.9

Carefully: Clothing Speaking English

Оценка 4.9
Научно-исследовательская работа
английский язык
7 кл—8 кл
Carefully: Clothing   Speaking English
The Object of Research: The inscriptions in English language on the students’ clothes of our school became the object of my research. The Aim of My Work : the establishment of dependence of the semantic loading of inscriptions on the clothes from the level of the English language’s proficiency.

Carefully: Clothing Speaking English

Carefully: Clothing   Speaking English
Carefully: Carefully: Clothing Clothing Speaking English Speaking English

Carefully: Clothing Speaking English

Carefully: Clothing   Speaking English
The Object of Research: The inscriptions in English language on the students’ clothes of our school became the object of my research.

Carefully: Clothing Speaking English

Carefully: Clothing   Speaking English
The Aim of My Work : proficiency. the establishment of dependence of the semantic loading of inscriptions on the clothes from the level of the English language’s

Carefully: Clothing Speaking English

Carefully: Clothing   Speaking English
The Tasks of Research: 1. to study the history of inscriptions’ appearance and the reasons of their penetration in the man’s clothes. 2. 3. to conduct the analysis of the collected inscriptions from the different points of view. to analyze the dependence of the semantic loading of inscriptions on the clothes from the level of the English language proficiency on the example of our school’s students.

Carefully: Clothing Speaking English

Carefully: Clothing   Speaking English
Hypothesis: investigating the maintenance of English inscriptions on T-shirts, teenagers will more seriously think about the choice of clothing with inscriptions in foreign languages.

Carefully: Clothing Speaking English

Carefully: Clothing   Speaking English
Working Methods 1) searching method, supposing analysis of language factors; 2) experimental method for realization of questionnaire; 3) analytical method, supposing the analysis of the selected inscriptions.

Carefully: Clothing Speaking English

Carefully: Clothing   Speaking English

Carefully: Clothing Speaking English

Carefully: Clothing   Speaking English

Carefully: Clothing Speaking English

Carefully: Clothing   Speaking English

Carefully: Clothing Speaking English

Carefully: Clothing   Speaking English
Наступили перемены!

Carefully: Clothing Speaking English

Carefully: Clothing   Speaking English
Д а в а й т е   у л у ч ш и м   н а ш у   п л а н е т у   р а д и   п о к о л е н и й ,   и з м е н и в   н а ш   о б р а з   ж и з н и   б у д у щ и х   с е г о д н я .

Carefully: Clothing Speaking English

Carefully: Clothing   Speaking English
Остановим насилие  над женщинами.  (Susan A. Barnett)

Carefully: Clothing Speaking English

Carefully: Clothing   Speaking English
должен стоять на  своей земле  Именно ты  (отстаивать свою  точку зрения).

Carefully: Clothing Speaking English

Carefully: Clothing   Speaking English
Если бы мы не были  так ленивы,  мы бы боролись  за исцеление.

Carefully: Clothing Speaking English

Carefully: Clothing   Speaking English

Carefully: Clothing Speaking English

Carefully: Clothing   Speaking English

Carefully: Clothing Speaking English

Carefully: Clothing   Speaking English
We are responsible for what is written on our clothing

Carefully: Clothing Speaking English

Carefully: Clothing   Speaking English
Присоединяйся к империи.  Поддерживай  революцию!

Carefully: Clothing Speaking English

Carefully: Clothing   Speaking English
"My Speaking T- shirt" 1. The age of a respondent; 2. Do you carry T-shirts with inscriptions in English language? 3. Do you know the translation of the text on your T-shirts? 4. Write down the text, presented on your T-shirts.

Carefully: Clothing Speaking English

Carefully: Clothing   Speaking English
to  18  years,  We  interviewed  45  people  aged  from  13  they  study  English. According to our survey, 99%  of the students have garments in their  wardrobe which contain inscriptions in  English. Of  all respondents, only 37%  of  students  know  the  translation  of  inscriptions which are on their clothes,  24% of them find it difficult to translate  their inscriptions.

Carefully: Clothing Speaking English

Carefully: Clothing   Speaking English
Do you know the translation of the text on your T- shirts ?

Carefully: Clothing Speaking English

Carefully: Clothing   Speaking English
Inscriptions on the T-shirts of students can be divided into the following topics: romantic­love creed (beliefs, world) slogan grammatical mistakes different designers and companies cities love, Just for you,  Love forever Forever young,  Best friends,  Boy,  Free,  Super star,  Happy every day Let me be,  Lok at me, Don't forget me,  light up,  Don't touch me I can to fly Mega dance Adidas,  Nike,  D & G Paris,  Russia,  London

Carefully: Clothing Speaking English

Carefully: Clothing   Speaking English
Conclusion: The research showed that it is extremely urgent and important to know that we are responsible for the information carrying on ourselves, we are in solidarity with it becoming its bearers to the masses, and we should not hope that all people around us do not know a foreign language and do not understand what is written on your clothes. The level of English proficiency, students in our school, allows to focus in inscriptions and to use a written information properly.
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