Департамент Образования мэрии города НовосибирскДворец творчества детей и учащейся молодежи «Юниор»Городской конкурс проектов учащихся 5-8-х классов
Scottish dance – the ceremony, the competition or the conversation
Автор проекта:
Клюкина Анастасия Дмитриевна
Картополова Юлия Константиновна
МБОУ СОШ№142, 6 «В» класс
Консультант проекта:
Дорош Юлия Николаевна
Учитель английского языка
высшей квалификационной категории
Subject: Scottish dance
Goal of the study: to learn about Scottish dance and find out about the event of the ceremony, competition or conversation
To find the answer to this statement, the following tasks were implemented:
• Find out the history about Scottish dance and it performance
• Tell others about Scottish dance
• Study the movements of the dance and create full performance
• Take a video of the dance and show it to others
Relevance: practicing Scottish dancing increases physical activity, which has a beneficial effect on human health
Hypothesis: many people today are unaware of the existence and conduct of Scottish dance
Used literature:
1. The history of Scottish dance
2. Scottish dance as a ceremony
3. Scottish dance as a competition
4. Scottish dance as a conversation
5. Pictures and the main resource of information
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