Factors of the English language functioning.
Оценка 5

Factors of the English language functioning.

Оценка 5
Научно-исследовательская работа
английский язык
Factors of the English language functioning.
В данной статье представлена конкретная информация о факторах функционирования английского языка.
Factors of the language functioning.docx

                      Factors of the language functioning .

From the very start ,  it should be said that the levels of grammatical organization in their functioning are based on principles of integration , the investigation of which is considered to be the widest and therefore the most complicated problem of modern linguistics . The complexity of their revealing lies in a large volume of such factors as :

1)     Logical (defining the main points of connectionof language and thinking);

2)     Psychological perceiving reality as being divided into separate meaningful fragments common to all the representatives  a definite language community ;

3)     Sociological  (discovering some channels  of connecting language with the productive activities of people) .

Cutting to the chase , I want to introduce the hierarchy of factors in the English language :

Logical                                Psychological                               Sociological



Let’s come to the analysis of these factors precisely.

1 . The logical factor presupposes the splitting of the informational contents into two unequal centres known as its theme and rheme . The first gives the initial platform which the process of correlation is fixed from . The second centre contains the main logical meaning for the sake of which the line of correlation is established. It is high time to pay attention to speech complex .

,Syntagmatic aspect



Paradigmatic aspect                                                                                                                                                    






The semantic aspect is based on the universally constant meanings ( UCMs ) which are equal in representing the concept in any grammatical type . This equality is explained by their function  to express generalized meanings common to all people.The meanings are characterized by:

a ) their universal nature ;

b ) their constant notional essence ;

c )their meaningful character .

The paradigmatic aspect is based on the constants ( Cs ) which group together the grammatical categories to form the definite paradigmatic classes or parts of speech ( like the class of substantives that may be represented by different grammatical categories the set of which varies essentially in different languages and different historical periods of one and the same language ).It means that the main opposition of substance , process and quality which exists in man’s consciousness is of logic nature . It helps to create the initial paradigmatic representation of reality fixed in a relatively stable network of oppositional parts of speech .

The syntagmatic aspect is based on the paradigmatic one which depends on  the position. The latter may be either centripetal ( SPbeO ) or centrifugal ( SPhaveO ) . The position is governed by the functional syntactic dependence which establishes the main positional components ( its S and P like The lady is smiling).

2 . The psychological factor divides reality into definite fragments fixed by language units which are reproduced by any member of the same language community. Look at the diagram below :

Syntagmatic aspect Psychological factor ,Semantic aspect

Paradigmatic aspect                                                                                                                                   








The semantic aspect represents the way of the meaningful division of the word by the whole linguistic community of people. This division is fixed in semantico – phonetical complexes . Example : forget- me-not in English ( where the negation having the form of the particle occupies the last place; the form of the personal pronoun is used in the objective case ) and незабудка in Russian ( where the negation has the form of a prefix and the pronoun is not used whatsoever ).

The paradigmatic aspect is expressed in the specific representation of constants from the view - point of the specific set of grammatical categories inherent in each constant . Thus the psychological factor preserves its generally language quality in representation of any fragment of reality as substance , process or quality .

The syntagmatic aspect is also concentrated in the purely national way of word combination. For example : the idea of centrifugalness based on the meaning of possession which in English is expressed by the usage of the verb to have and the direct word-order while in Russian the same meaning is rendered by the verb to be and the indirect word order.The same may be said about the peculiarities of such constructions as Complex Object , Complex Subject and the like.

3. The sociological factor in its turn presupposes such an influence of the extralinguistic phenomena which leads both : to the change of the language structures and to accelerating the tempo of the language. The sociological factor is the stimulating one. It accelerates the action of the language inner laws.The change of the language type or expansion of its borders , interfering with the usual rhythm of the language changes , brings about an accelerating reaction within the language forms. Dead or obsolete forms give place to the new ones and the period of their passing into the language norm is much shorter in comparison with the period of functioning the stabilized elements .

Summing up this article , it is appropriate to mention that grammatical forms being created on the basis of lexically full units come gradually to the state of their simplification through the type of analytical development. The analytical type is the least stable and as a rule is substituted either by the flective type in one of its varieties : synthetic or agglutinative , or by the root and incorporating types. Being of the sociological character  ( as the meeting and coexistence of different language communities of people ) they lead to the change of language structure and therefore are transformed into the purely language phenomena.


                                                     The list of used literature .

 1 . Koshevaya I . G .  The theory of English grammar .  M. , 1982 .

2. Vorontsova G . N . The summary of English grammar. M. , 1956 .

3. Poutsma P . H . Grammar of Late Modern English ., 1926 .

4. Chafe V . Structures of English . N . Y . ., 1963 .

5. Sweet H . Language . N . Y . , 1931 .

6.Bonk N . A . , Lukyanova N . A . , Pamukhina L . G . , English language . B. , 2001.

7. Kachalova K . N . , Israilevich E . E .  English grammar ., T., 2015.




Factors of the language functioning

Factors of the language functioning

The semantic aspect is based on the universally constant meanings (

The semantic aspect is based on the universally constant meanings (

The semantic aspect represents the way of the meaningful division of the word by the whole linguistic community of people

The semantic aspect represents the way of the meaningful division of the word by the whole linguistic community of people

The list of used literature . 1

The list of used literature . 1
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