Исследовательская работа по английскому языку
Оценка 4.6

Исследовательская работа по английскому языку

Оценка 4.6
Научно-исследовательская работа
английский язык
6 кл
Исследовательская работа по английскому языку
Публикация является частью публикации:

Городская научно-практическая конференция

«Малые Ломоносовские чтения»
















«Loyal Dogs»




Моисеев Никита, Шарыпова Анастасия, 6 класс


МБОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 169»


Научный руководитель: Байрамова Ю.И.


















Казань, 2014



1.     Introduction

2.     The story about an English Setter

3.     The true story of the faithful Akita Hachikō.

4.     Conclusion

5.     Literature

6.     Supplement

















     In every country there are monuments to people. But in some countries there are also monuments to animals. People have built those monuments in order to express their gratitude to the animals.

     In a small town near St. Petersburg there is a monument to a dog, the ‘Pavlov’ dog. It was the dog that helped the famous physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov to make great discoveries.

     Another monument to a dog stands in Paris. It’s the monument to the dog, called Barri. Barri had saved forty men.

     When Barri was saving the forty-first man, the man killed Barri, thinking that it was a wolf.

     Not only dogs help people to make discoveries. Scientists as you probably know, also use frogs for their experiments. There are two monuments to the frog: one is in Paris and the other in Tokyo, Japan.

     Horses have always worked for man. Like dogs, horses are men’s best friends. People remember it, and build monuments to horses. Go to the Exhibition of Economic Achievements when you visit Moscow. There you will see two monuments: one is to the horse named Kvadrat and the other to Symvol, racehorses, the champions of many competitions.

     There is also an aluminium statue of a horse in Hungary. The people of Hungary made it to express their gratitude to many horses that perished during the Second World War. They wrote on the statue: “To the true friend-in-arms”.

     People did not forget about a donkey either. The donkey was the main means of transport of the Italian army during the First World War.

    Rome, the capital of Italy, has a statue of donkey, carrying a cannon muzzle on its back. The statues to a donkey are also in a small town in Switzerland and in Texas, USA.

    And at last we can tell you that there is a monument to the last wolf in Germany killed by a hunter.

     There are many monuments to animals in various countries, and many of the monuments to those animals which were true friends of people. 

     So, the aim of our project is to know more about two heroes, two loyal dogs: Japanese  “ Hachikō” and Russian  “White Bim Black Ear”

     The tasks are: to find out differences and common features  between two dogs, to reveal the meaning of the word Loyal, to learn the history of  two similar stories, what feelings and emotions they arouse.












The story about an English Setter


     If we were lucky and grew up in a happy and loving family, we probably have an inner program that makes it easy for us to lead a happy life. If, on the other hand, there was much worry, anger, resentment and other negativity in our childhood, chances are that we will have a hard time being happy and loving as adults. That probably applies to most of us; we are victims of negative programming, during childhood.

      If we really want to change, there is only one thing to do: we must change our subconscious programming from a negative outlook on life to a positive one. Unfortunately, we cannot simply decide that from now on we will be happy and loving. Such conscious decisions on their own have little influence on our subconscious programming. In fact, if there is a conflict between our subconscious programming and our conscious will, the subconscious will always win.

     Therefore, we must be clever and beat the subconscious at its own game. We must throw the old program out and devise a new one that allows us to be as we really want to be. However, it is not sufficient just to work with our feelings and emotions because these do not arise out of a vacuum. Our emotions are conditioned by our beliefs. We react more to our beliefs than to facts or anything else. Therefore, we must adopt an appropriate belief system.


White Bim Black Ear

    This is a story about a single man and a devoted dog. They were very attached to each other.  But once the owner was taken to the hospital. He managed to say to Bim only one word "Wait!". And the dog understood him, and he was waiting. But fortunately, there are kind and responsive people in this world in our world. And they tried to help the poor dog.

    This is a touching story about an English Setter with a black ear, who becomes homeless because of his master's illness. Ivan Ivanovich, an older man who is fond of hunting and nature, adopts a puppy despite the dog's improper coloration and black ear, which are considered faults in terms of its breed standard. The man names his dog Bim (diminutive form: Bimka), and often takes him hunting in the country.

      Ivan Ivanovich begins to develop heart problems, and when the disease becomes worse, he is taken to a hospital. His dog can't bear waiting for the only person that ever cared for him, and sets out to find his master. Thus begins the story of a stray dog and his many adventures and encounters with many people, both kind and cruel. Ultimately, he is unable to find a permanent home. His owner returns home only to discover that Bim has been betrayed by a neighbor and killed.

     The man always took his dog, whom he called Bim or Bimka, to hunting in country. Later, however Ivan Ivanovich began to have problems with heart and when the disease became worse was taken to a hospital. His dog couldn't bear waiting for the only person that ever cared for him and set out to find his master. Thus began the story of a homeless dog and his many breathtaking and exciting adventures, encounters of many people, kind and evil, and leads to an unexpected and heart-rending end.

     In the world there are a lot of modest monuments that stop the passers-by and make them feel the excitement, tenderness and anxiety. We’d like to tell you about one of them which is loved citizens  very much.

      In the very centre of Voronezh in the square just in front of the Puppet Theatre a dog has settled. He is sitting on the roadway and watching the people very trustingly because he is their friend; he trusts them and is waiting for his master to come. That is the monument to Bim from the book White Bim Black Ear, written by Gavriil Troyepolsky.

     The famous Voronezh architects E.Pak and I. Dikunov put the monument just on the roadway, without a pedestal, for children to pet and hug the dog, tug him for his bronze ear. You can read on his collar,” His name is Bim. He is waiting for his master. People, don’t offend him.” The monument was opened in 1998. Since that time the square in front of the Puppet Theatre with Bimka as children tenderly call it has become the favorite place among the citizens. There are always many cheerful and noisy kids near the monument. They hug the dog, take pictures, and leave food for Bimka as if he is alive.

     All year round guests of city come to Bim. All schoolchildren and students in Voronezh know that if you want to pass the exam successfully you should scuff Bim’s nose before it. Unfortunately, Gavriil Troyepolsky didn’t see the monument to his Bim because he had died before its opening.

     The story of Gabriel Topolsky "White Bim Black Ear" teaches us to be kind and tolerant, faithful and loyal.  Good people took the most active part in Bim's fate. The story shows us that hatred and betrayal are the lowest traits of human.




Hachiko: A Dog’s Story- drama film based on the true story of the faithful Akita Hachikō.


  Hachikō was an Akita dog was  born on a farm near the city of Ōdate, remembered for his remarkable loyalty to his owner, even many years after his owner's death.

    In 1924, Hidesaburō Ueno, a professor in the agriculture department at the University of Tokyo, took in Hachikō, a golden brown Akita, as a pet. During his owner's life, Hachikō greeted him at the end of each day at the nearby Shibuya Station. The pair continued their daily routine until May 1925, when Professor Ueno did not return. The professor had suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and died, never returning to the train station where Hachikō was waiting. Each day for the next nine years Hachikō awaited Ueno's return, appearing precisely when the train was due at the station.

      Hachikō attracted the attention of other commuters. Many of the people who frequented the Shibuya train station had seen Hachikō and Professor Ueno together each day. Initial reactions from the people, especially from those working at the station, were not necessarily friendly. However, after the first appearance of the article about him on October 4, 1932 in Asahi Shimbun, people started to bring Hachikō treats and food to nourish him during his wait.

      His faithfulness to his master's memory impressed the people of Japan as a spirit of family loyalty all should strive to achieve. Teachers and parents used Hachikō's vigil as an example for children to follow. A well-known Japanese artist rendered a sculpture of the dog, and throughout the country a new awareness of the Akita breed grew.

       Eventually, Hachikō's legendary faithfulness became a national symbol of loyalty, particularly to the person and institution of the Emperor.

        Hachikō died on March 8, 1935, and was found on a street in Shibuya.[6] In March 2011, scientists settled the cause of death of Hachikō: the dog had terminal cancer and a filaria infection (worms). There were also four yakitori skewers in Hachikō's stomach, but the skewers did not damage his stomach or cause his death.

        Hachikō's stuffed and mounted remains are kept at the National Science Museum of Japan in Ueno, Tokyo. His monument is in Aoyama cemetery in Minatoku, Tokyo.

         In April 1934, a bronze statue in his likeness was erected at Shibuya Station, and Hachikō himself was present at its unveiling. The statue was recycled for the war effort during World War II. In 1948 The Society for Recreating the Hachikō Statue commissionedTakeshi Ando, son of the original artist, to make a second statue. When the new statue appeared, a dedication ceremony occurred. The new statue, which was erected in August 1948, still stands and is an extremely popular meeting spot. The station entrance near this statue is named "Hachikō-guchi", meaning "The Hachikō Entrance/Exit", and is one of Shibuya Station's five exits.

     A similar statue stands in Hachikō's hometown, in front of Ōdate Station. In 2004, a new statue of Hachikō was erected on the original stone pedestal from Shibuya in front of the Akita Dog Museum in Odate.

       Each year on April 8, Hachikō's devotion is honored with a solemn ceremony of remembrance at Tokyo's Shibuya railroad station. Hundreds of dog lovers often turn out to honor his memory and loyalty.


















       'Feelings' in a general sense, are what we may feel in any part of our body. These may be simple body sensations, such as hot or cold, pain, a touch or else they may be feelings associated with emotions, such as love or hate, joy or anger.

With our feelings and emotions we experience ourselves in this world. They are the driving force, the power, and the motor of our life. Without feelings and emotions we would be like robots, a computer operating a body with the help of electric signals.

        It is the feelings and emotions, our likes and dislikes, that give our life meaning, that make us happy or unhappy, fulfilled or dissatisfied and that to a large degree decide our course of action and even our health. Diseases not only make us feel unwell, but negative and suppressed emotions and feelings are a major contributing factor in causing our diseases.

       When we are young, we are full of feelings and emotions, we experience them strongly, we are sensitive and react immediately and directly to our social and physical environment. When we are old, our emotions are only a distant memory and even our feelings are greatly diminished, pain is often the only feeling left.

This is not just a movie-it's a life story, in which no lies, deception, war, and there is only devotion, true friendship and love. The BIM’s story  is not a legend, but it's filled with feelings and emotions that exist in the real history with Hachiko.

In both stories we can observe owners but they didn’t come in time, neighbours, and different people.

After watching these films, we come to the conclusion that this is the life in where someone always gives and the other only get. We  were crying when watched these films, because you don't understand, how is it possible that the animal can be so faithful to man, and man is not.

«If you only write about happiness, people will cease to see the unfortunate and in the end will not to notice them. If you only write about the serious and sad, the people will laugh at ugly...» ...And in the quietness of autumn, covered her gentle slumber, in the days short of oblivion coming winter, you start to understand: only the truth, and only the honor only a pure conscience, and about all that the word.

A word to the young people, which will then be older, word to adults who have not forgotten that were once children.

Maybe that's why I write about the fate of the dog, her loyalty, honor and loyalty.

...No dog in the world does not consider ordinary devotion to something unusual. But people come up with to extol this feeling dogs as a feat only because not all of them, and do not often have the dedication to a friend and faithfulness to the extent that was the root of life, the natural basis for the very essence, when the nobility of soul for granted status.

...Here among us, men are humble people with a pure heart, «invisible» and «small», but with a huge soul. They decorate life, containing in itself all that is best in humanity, kindness, simplicity, trust. And snowdrop seems a bit of heaven on earth...»


















1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hachik%C5%8D



4.Книга "Белый Бим черное ухо" - Гавриил Николаевич Троепольский


























Hachiko was my grandfather Wilson’s dog.

Хачико – пес моего дедушки Вильсона.

Everyone calls Hachi a mystery dog, ’cause they never really knew where he came from.

Все называли Хачи загадочным псом, потому что никто по-настояшему никогда не знали, откуда он взялся.

everyone calls - обратите внимание на 3-е лицо единственное число
mystery ['mɪst(ə)rɪ] –
тайна, загадка
Обратите внимание на использование they:
You can use they, them, and their to refer to a single person when you do not want to show that the person is male or female. People do this because they want to avoid suggesting that the person can only be male, or using longer expressions such as ‘he or she’, ‘him or her’ etc
If anyone doesn’t like it, they can leave.

And that’s where their story begin.

С этого история и начинается.

Hey, buddy… you lost?

Эй, дружище. Ты потерялся?

One chance encounter …

Одна случайная встреча…

encounter [ɪn'kauntə] – (formal) to meet someone without planning to (случайная встреча):
I first encountered him when studying at Cambridge.

He was at the train station.

Он был на вокзале.

You just thought you bring him home and talk me intokeeping him?

Ты думал, что просто принесешь его домой и уговоришь меня оставить его?

talk somebody into something – (phrasal verb) to persuade someone to do something
My husband talked me into going skiing.

Tomorrow morning I’ll find exactly where he belongs.

Завтра же утром я найду его настоящих хозяев.

… became …


Dad, I love him.

Папа, я люблю его.

… a miraculous story.

…поразительной историей.

miraculous [mɪ'rækjuləs] – very good, completely unexpected, and often very lucky (поразительный, также: чудодейственный):
She made a miraculous recovery from her injuries.

Does he have a name yet?

У него уже есть имя?

Yes, he does.

Да, есть.

Temporary guest!

Временный гость!

- Go get it! No, no, no, the ball. He has lost it.
- The dog’s already been taken.

- Принеси мне его! Да нет, мяч! Он его потерял.
- Собаку уже забрали.

-… so go ahead, go home.
- Hachi! What are you doing here? He’s been here all day?
- No… no, he’s just rode up 2 minutes ago.

- давай, иди домой.
- Хатико? Что ты здесь делаешь? Он был здесь весь день?
- Нет.. нет, он пришел 2 минуты назад.

ride / rode / ridden – ехать

That’s amazing, everyday.

Это невообразимо, каждый день

You don’t have to wait anymore. He’s not coming back.

Ты не должен ждать дольше. Он не придет.

Based on a true story. One dog’s loyalty … inspired a town … to discover friendship can last forever.

Основано на реальной истории. Собачья преданность … вдохновила город …чтобы обнаружить, что дружба может длиться вечно.

Starred Richard Gere…

В ролях: Ричард Гир …

loyalty ['lɔɪəltɪ] – the quality of remaining faithful to your friends, principles, country etc (верность, преданность)
Elizabeth understood her husband’s loyalty to his sister.
inspire [ɪn'spaɪə] – to encourage someone by making them feel confident and eager to do something (
We need someone who can inspire the team.
discover [dɪ'skʌvə] – to find out something that you did not know about before (
She discovered that she was pregnant.
last (
глагол) – to continue for a particular length of time:
The hot weather lasted for the whole month of June.

When I hear about my grandfather and Hachi, I feel like I know him. They taught me the meaning of loyalty, and you should never forget anyone that you love.

Когда я слышу о моем дедушке и Хачи, я чувствую, что я знаю его. Они научили меня преданности, и что ты не должен никогда забывать о тех, кого любил.
















Скачано с www.znanio.ru

Городская научно-практическая конференция «Малые

Городская научно-практическая конференция «Малые

Content 1. Introduction 2

Content 1. Introduction 2

Introduction In every country there are monuments to people

Introduction In every country there are monuments to people

Rome, the capital of Italy, has a statue of donkey, carrying a cannon muzzle on its back

Rome, the capital of Italy, has a statue of donkey, carrying a cannon muzzle on its back

The story about an English Setter

The story about an English Setter

This is a touching story about an

This is a touching story about an

The famous Voronezh architects

The famous Voronezh architects

Hachikō greeted him at the end of each day at the nearby

Hachikō greeted him at the end of each day at the nearby

In April 1934, a bronze statue in his likeness was erected at

In April 1934, a bronze statue in his likeness was erected at

С onclusion 'Feelings' in a general sense, are what we may feel in any part of our body

С onclusion 'Feelings' in a general sense, are what we may feel in any part of our body

A word to the young people, which will then be older, word to adults who have not forgotten that were once children

A word to the young people, which will then be older, word to adults who have not forgotten that were once children

Literature 1. http://en

Literature 1. http://en

Supplement Hachiko was my grandfather

Supplement Hachiko was my grandfather

Temporary guest! Временный гость! -

Temporary guest! Временный гость! -

Исследовательская работа по английскому языку

Исследовательская работа по английскому языку
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