· How to describe pain?
· What is abdominal pain?
· What can be the reasons of abdominal pain?
abdominal pain |
боль в животе |
mixture |
микстура |
epigastric |
подложечный |
resolve |
устранить |
intermittent |
эпизодический |
blood count |
анализ крови |
indigestion |
расстройство пищеварения |
on occasions |
иногда |
retail pharmacy |
розничная аптека |
medication |
лекарство |
Read the text
Abdominal Pain
A 38-year-old man has a 2-month history of abdominal pain. The pain is epigastric or central and is intermittent. He had a similar episode a year before. On that occasion he took some indigestion mixture obtained from a retail pharmacy, and the symptoms resolved after 10 weeks. The pain usually lasts for 30–60 min. It often occurs at night, when it can wake him up, and seems to improve after meals. Some foods such as curries and other spicy foods seem to bring on the pain on occasions. He has smoked 10–15 cigarettes per day for 25 years and drinks around 30 units of alcohol each week. He is not taking any medication at present. There is no other relevant medical history. He works as a financial broker in the City. He has been feeling more tired recently and had put this down to pressure of work. A blood count was sent.
URL: https://www.moscmm.org/pdf/100_Cases_in_Clinical_Medicine.pdf
Answer the questions
1. What is the man’s history?
2. What is the pain in nature?
3. Did he have similar episodes before?
4. How long does the pain usually last?
5. When does it usually occur?
6. What improves and worsen he pain?
7. What are his bad habits?
8. Does he take medications?
9. What is his lifestyle?
10. What analysis were taken?
· What examination and investigation should be provided?
· Скачано с www.znanio.ru
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