«Отражение национального характера и менталитета аварского и английского народов в пословицах и поговорках» Научное направление: Английский язык
Оценка 5

«Отражение национального характера и менталитета аварского и английского народов в пословицах и поговорках» Научное направление: Английский язык

Оценка 5
Научно-исследовательская работа
английский язык
9 кл
«Отражение национального характера и менталитета аварского и английского народов в пословицах и поговорках» Научное направление: Английский язык
исследовательская работа.docx








Theme urgency………………………………………………    2



II.The main part

                2.1 What is the proverbs and sayings?...................................   3-4

                 2.2 Similarity that of proverbs and sayings at two people:…  4-6

a) A family, family relations and values;

b) The Native land, the native house;

c) Work, time;

d) A healthy way of life;

e) Study, to mind, ability;

f)  Troubles;

g) Norms of behaviour in a society;

h) Friendship, love.

2.3 Character traits of the person in proverbs and sayings………………7



III. The Conclusion……………………………………………………….8


IV. Literature……………………………………………………………..9








Theme urgency


The foreign language is an element of culture of these or those people. It opens direct access to huge spiritual riches of these people, serves as the important means of mutual understanding and interaction of people.

Through language there is a contact with mentality and a way of life of the people, the country of studied language, character of thinking, its attitude is transferred.

We consider, that in one of forms of language creativity of the people with such force and so its mind, its national history, a social order, a life, outlook as in proverbs and sayings many-sided is not shown.

The same thought is underlined also by M.M.Dubravin:

“Wisdom and spirit of the people is brightly shown in its proverbs and sayings, and the knowledge of proverbs and sayings of these or those people promotes not only to the best knowledge of language, but also the best understanding of a views and character of the people.»

For this reason a theme of our work is studying of such language phenomenon, as proverbs and sayings, and reflexion of national character of the Avar and English people in the given phenomenon.

In the work we mention a problem of similarity and distinction in mentality of the people of villige's Avar and the Great Britain. Aspect of comparison we have chosen semantic models of proverbs and sayings the Avar and Englishmen.

It would be desirable to notice, that studying of proverbs and the sayings reflecting lines of national character of the people of the country of studied language promote:

- To removal of a cultural urological barrier;

- To understanding of values and people ideals;

- To increase of interest to foreign language studying.

Object of research - some features of mentality of the Avar and English people, shown in national proverbs and sayings.

Research objective:

To reveal features of mentality of the Avar and English nations, in the course of comparison of semantic models of proverbs and sayings.

Research problems:

1. To study a theoretical material on a theme: “Proverbs and sayings - national creativity”.

2. To select and study English proverbs and sayings. To give a literal translation to English proverbs and sayings.

3. To classify proverbs and sayings on subjects of their formation.

4. To reveal semantic models of the studied proverbs and sayings.

5. To carry out the comparative analysis of their semantic maintenance. To reveal similarity and distinction in mentality of two people.

6. To expand the lexicon.

7. Reception of new knowledge.

 Research hypothesis:

Under the semantic maintenance of proverbs and sayings it is possible to judge mentality of the nation.



II. The main part:

What is the proverbs and sayings?

2.1. Where it is possible to find the answer for all occasions, when at you a grief or when pleasure? You are young, is old, sick, healthy, the two at school have received, on the affairs have reflected - on any your experience, on any news at once will respond, will give reasonable advice, manual, will console, will amuse - a proverb. The proverb knows about all! A proverb (we will add here still its relative - a saying) names short sayings; people use them almost as easily and easy, as words of own speech.

I can tell: Жинцаго  букъаралъуве живго кколев”! Nobody names this verbal construction a proverb, though on thought it correct. And here expressions: Дурго мацI - дурго тушман - it is doubtless, proverbs.

The thought generally expresses here not directly, and is as though allegoric, figurative, that is by means of any images, examples. And each this image, an example suits not only the given case, and has also wider value, approaches and for many other things cases.

Proverbs and sayings are one of expressive language means. The people of any country with pleasure use them in the speech. Short the proverb, it all the same the finished work of art would not be what. It pleases us not only well-aimed supervision, but also to how it is dexterous, beautiful is expressed. And to remember them is much easier.

Proverbs differ the steady art form. Quite often they have a rhyme, sometimes very intricate, repeatedly repeating:

      Ригьда вега, ригьда вахьа.

      No news is good news.

Proverbs differ from daily informal conversation by a special warehouse, a rhythm. And as in verses, words steal up here not only on sense, but also on sounding.


       Haste makes waste.

If short to speak, in what a difference between a proverb and a saying, perhaps, completeness and is property of a proverb. The proverb - the finished judgement, and a saying is less independent, has narrower, concrete sense:

To search for yesterday;

Between two fires.

But, in general - that they are very close to each other, them always print and study together.

Proverbs and sayings in an extreme antiquity were born.

         НацIие гIоло цIаха бухIуге;

         Гьудуласдаса хIинкъа, тушманасдаса хIинкъуге.

Instead of  forgotten, there live these sayings connected with quite certain events only because can be used and today, in absolutely other historical circumstances, in other occasion.

The literature also gives the most part of proverbs and sayings, is more exact than proverbial judgements.

Set of such expressions has presented to Avar people  by Маgomed Magomedhanov:[1]

Къалмица хъвараб гIоштIоца къотIуларо;

Гьерсиль хIатIал хIедул;

ГIорухъ щвечIого хьитал рахъуге;

Рукъалъул кIалтIa хIелекоги багьула;

Мискинлъи рогьо гуро.



      But the great bulk, a fixed capital of proverbs and sayings is all the same the radical national creativity closely connected with a way of life of the people where national experience is expressed, supervision over a life, over the person, wisdom of the people.

During work I have collected and have studied set of proverbs and sayings in Avar and English languages. The collected proverbs and sayings in many respects differ from each other, have a various origin, give various shades to statements. But I have revealed also that fact, that proverbs and sayings of the different people often happen are very similar. Anything surprising in this similarity is not present: all people, observing, catch the same laws of a life, the nature.

All people, in what language they would not express, love the native land, the native earth, grieve about it, being in the distance.

All people equally respect, glorify the best human qualities: the boldness, honesty, diligence, all equally laugh at the coward, the idler, the envious person, a fool.

Having systematised the collected information, we have allocated some the basic semantic models of the studied proverbs and sayings.


2.2Proverbs and sayings:

 Connected with a family, family relations and values:


       In English                                   In Russian


1. A tree is known by its fruit.          1. "Дерево узнаются по его  плодам " 

2.As the bakers-so the buns, as the  2 " Какой отец,такой и сын"

father-so the    son.  

3.There is a black sheep in every    3."В каждой стаде есть черная овца"


        In Avar language

1. гьт1араб т1илъалъул бит1араб    1."От кривой палки прямой тени не

 раг1ад бук1унаро                            получится"

2.Мег1ер мег1ералда кколареб,        2."Гора с горой не сходятся, а челове

г1адам г1адамасда кколев            с человеком сойдутся"

3.Абурасе гуро йик1уней,           3." Не тому достанется, кто засватает, а                            ячарасейин.                                  тому, кто женится"[2].




Connected with the native house, the Native land


 1.East or West - home is best    1. "В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше".

 2.My home is my castle.             2."Мой дом – моя крепость".

 3.The early bird catches the      3."Кто рано встаёт – тому Бог подаёт" .[3]


 4.Measure twice and cut once.  4."Отмерь дважды, отрежь один раз".

5.Actions speak louder than       5."Дела говорят громче, чем  слова".



        In Avar language

1.Абураб раг1и  рехараб ч1ор 1."Сказанное слово выпущенная стрела".

2. Лъик1аб хабараль мег1ер    2. " Доброе слово горы свернет".


3. К1удия  чиясул хабар         3."Слово мудреца дороже золото".

раг1 ц1ураб месед.

4.Сабур алжаналъул к1ул        4. "Терпение -ключ от рая ".

5.Ригьда вега, ригьда вахъа     5. "Вовремя ложись, вовремя вставай".

6. Анц1ул борце, цин кьот1е   6. "Десять раз отмерь - один раз отрежь"



Reflecting the relation to work, time:

Calling for a healthy way of life:



1.The first health is wealth.          1. «Здоровьеглавное богатство»

2.An hour in the morning is          2.  «Час утром полезнее двух  вечером».

  worth two in the evening.

3.A sound mind in a sound body   3. «Здоровое тело – здоровый дух».



In Avar language

1.     ХIалтIарасда лъала хинкIазул тIагIам. 1. «Только трудившийся поймет вкус   



Reflecting the relation to study, mind, abilities:


 1.  Live and learn.                  1. «Век жививек учись»

2. It is never too late to learn   2. « Никогда не поздно учиться»


        In Avar language

1.Бет1ералъул г1акълу             1. «Ум головы - красное золото»

- баг1араб месед


2. гIакъиласе ишаI, гIабдаласе 2. «Умному – знак, дураку – плеть» [9]



Showing the attitude to troubles:


1.When it rains it pours            1.   "Идёт дождьбудет ливень"

2.He laughs best who laughs     2."  Смеётся тот, кто смеётся последним".



        In Avar language

1.Дурго мац1 - дурго тушман  1.  " Язык твой- враг твой"[8]

2.Жинцаго букъаралъуве         2.  " Не рой другому яму, сам в нее                     

живго кколев                                    попадешь"


Connected with norms of behaviour in a society:


 1.Tastes differ                          1 «О вкусах не спорят»

 2.Eggs cannot teach a ban      2. «Яйца курицу не учат»[4]


        In Avar language

1. гъот1одаса г1еч гъоркье          1. "Яблоко от яблони недалеко падает"

гурони бортуларо

2.Араб батуларо, тараб щоларо   2."Что пропало, то пропало"


Reflecting the relation to friendship, love:


1. A friend in need is a friend  1."Друг познается в беде".


2. A man is known by the        2. "Скажи мне кто твой друг, и

   company he keeps              скажу кто ты"

3.Love conquers all.               3."Любовь всё побеждает"


        In Avar language


1.Вокьулевгун цадах ноходаги   1. "С любимым и рай в шалаше"


2.Гьудуласдаса хIинкъа,             2."Бойся друга, не бойся врага"

тушманасдаса хIинкъуге


3.Гьудул къо ккедал лъала         3. "Друг познается в беде"


2.3 Character traits of the person in proverbs and sayings.

In conversation Englishmen often resort to excessive respect to show the respect for the interlocutor, they are very tactful.

English politeness is embodied in following proverbs:

A good word is as soon said as a bad one.( Ласковое слово не трудно, а скоро) " ЛЪик1аб хабаралъ мег1ер бихила

Diligence is expressed in following proverbs:

Strike white the iron is hot. (Куй железо, пока горячо).

At conducting business negotiations such lines, as care and cunning are peculiar to Englishmen.

Second thoughts are best. (Вторые мысли лучше.)

It is necessary to notice, that the high norm of sincerity and an openness are characteristic for Аvar culture. The Avar speech etiquette hardly recognises necessity “lie in rescue”. About it speak following proverbs and sayings

“The truth is more expensive some gold” Правда дороже золота.

Avar can convict Englishmen of avarice. Actually at Englishmen it is not accepted to give expensive gifts. For Englishmen, in turn, the Avar generosity is wastefulness. In Avar to proverbs and sayings as in a mirror, there is a reflexion of hospitality and generosity of each Avar - it be poor or rich:   

AVAR VARIANT:  Хоть не богат, а гостю рад”.

 “Though it is not rich, and to the visitor it is glad”.








The conclusion.

Comparison of proverbs and sayings of the different people shows, how much in common have these people.

At the same time the nature, the historical past, household way and ways of extraction of means of a life, labour skills, psychology of the different people - all the same have the differences. These differences also lead to that one and alike thought in sayings and proverbs is expressed unequally. Via different images, comparisons.

We have compared proverbs and sayings, and have paid attention to what lexicon is used in proverbs and sayings for expression of the same thought in English and Avar languages.




On the basis of the studied and systematised material we can tell, that

Proverbs and sayings have the big informative value.

They reproduce pictures of a life and a life of people, in them popular wisdom which passes from father to son is concluded.

In them national character of the certain people, its mentality is reflected.

And sayings of the different people have Proverbs much in common, that promotes their best mutual understanding and rapprochement.

Differences in psychology, household way, mentality are reflected in a choice of different images, comparisons, accordingly lexical filling for expression of the same thought.

Work with proverbs and sayings not only develops memory, but also allows to learn adequately, to select lexical units; develops emotional expressiveness of speech; expands knowledge of language and features of its functioning; promotes the best mastering by a foreign language; acquaints with culture the countries of studied language.











1.Очерки по фразеологии аварского языка .

М.М Магомедханов,г Махачкала,1972.

2.Аварские пословицы и поговорки. З.Алиханова, г.Махачкала,1972

3.English Language in proverbs and sayings.Стефанович.М:Education,1980.

4.500 English proverbs and sayings. Vladikavkaz “Project-press”,1996

5.Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. Oxford University Press.Oxford,1982

6. In the world of proverbs and saying.M:Education,1975

7.Kosta Khetagurov.Poems.

8. https://infourok.ru/avarskie-poslovici-s-russkim-perevodom-2478117.html

9. Немецко-русско-аварский фразеологический словарь. Махачкала, 1992. 4. Магомедханов М. М. Очерки по фразеологии аварского языка. Махачкала, 1972.

10. https://dynalib.ru/narody-rf/na-avarskom-yazyke-poslovicy.html


Скачано с www.znanio.ru

Content I.Introduction

Content I.Introduction

I.Introduction. Theme urgency

I.Introduction. Theme urgency

To expand the lexicon. 7. Reception of new knowledge

To expand the lexicon. 7. Reception of new knowledge

Гьудуласдаса х I инкъа , тушманасдаса х

Гьудуласдаса х I инкъа , тушманасдаса х

Мег1ер мег1ералда кколареб, 2

Мег1ер мег1ералда кколареб, 2

Reflecting the relation to study, mind, abilities: 1

Reflecting the relation to study, mind, abilities: 1

In Avar language 1. Вокьулевгун цадах ноходаги 1

In Avar language 1. Вокьулевгун цадах ноходаги 1

The conclusion. Comparison of proverbs and sayings of the different people shows, how much in common have these people

The conclusion. Comparison of proverbs and sayings of the different people shows, how much in common have these people

Literature 1.Очерки по фразеологии аварского языка

Literature 1.Очерки по фразеологии аварского языка
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