Поурочное планирование урока по английскому языку с презентаций
Оценка 4.9

Поурочное планирование урока по английскому языку с презентаций

Оценка 4.9
Поурочное планирование урока по английскому языку с презентаций
Unit 8 lesson 3 Use of English.docx

LESSON: Module 8 Lesson 3

School: 28




Number present:


Learning objectives(s)

5 UE3 use articles, pronouns on a limited range of general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

      All learners will be able to:

Understand the formation of articles, pronouns

Most learners will be able to:

Complete the sentences and answer the questions with teacher’s support

Some learners will be able to:

Give feedback about lesson and answer the questions on the rule of the grammar

ICT skills


Value links

Grammar a/an, some/any, many/much, a lot of.

Cross curricular links

Self-knowledge, Psychology

Intercultural awareness

Students will be able to understand the rule.

Pastoral Care

Students will be able to use regular verbs in sentences


Planned timings

Planned activities


Teacher Notes

Beginning the lesson


1 min






3 min








3 min



























4 min




1 min














2 min




Teacher names the lesson objective.



New grammar

Teacher explains:


Article is…

Pronoun is…

Numeral is…





   Let’s practice

Learning activity

Form the sentences:

 ex 2, 3, 5 page 100

(Excel 5  Student’s book)






PPT 1, 2







PPT 3-5








PPT 6-15


























PPT 16-18

































page 100 (Excel 5  Student’s book)
















1 min


At the end of the lesson Ss answer the questions

The lesson is over!



PPT 19-20

























Health and safety


Differentiation by task:

The learners give their own examples according to their abilities.

SS do the task from the SB and then check themselves.



FA: students exchange their ideas; teacher corrects if necessary.

SS make up their own sentences using regular verbs in written form or record the video and sent teacher.

SS make exercises in written form and take a photo of their work.


Respect others and their thoughts.

Use soft voice while speaking.

Everyone follows the direction




Скачано с www.znanio.ru

LESSON: Module 8 Lesson 3School: 28

LESSON: Module 8 Lesson 3School: 28

Greeting Teacher names the lesson objective

Greeting Teacher names the lesson objective

End 1 min Feedback

End 1 min Feedback
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