Презентация к уроку по английскому языку тема Спорт 5 класс
Оценка 4.7

Презентация к уроку по английскому языку тема Спорт 5 класс

Оценка 4.7
Презентация к уроку по английскому языку  тема  Спорт 5 класс
Presentation Sport in Kazakhstan.pptx

Unit 8. Sports Lesson 5.

Unit 8. Sports Lesson 5.

Unit 8. Sports Lesson 5.

Презентация к уроку по английскому языку тема Спорт 5 класс

Презентация к уроку по английскому языку  тема  Спорт 5 класс

Learning objective - You know the most popular sports and sportsmen in our country -

Learning objective - You know the most popular sports and sportsmen in our country -

Learning objective

- You know the most popular sports and sportsmen in our country
- You revise Present Simple Tense

Pre-reading task Remember what kind of sports do you know?

Pre-reading task Remember what kind of sports do you know?

Pre-reading task

Remember what kind of sports do you know?
How do you think what sports are popular in Kazakhstan?
What sportsmen do you know in our country?

Reading Look through the new words and read the texts “Sports in

Reading Look through the new words and read the texts “Sports in


Look through the new words and read the texts “Sports in Kazakhstan”
SB p. 103

Post-reading task SB p. 102 ex

Post-reading task SB p. 102 ex

Post-reading task

SB p. 102 ex. 4 . Complete the sentences (1-3), then answer the questions (4-5)

Speaking Revise how we ask the questions in

Speaking Revise how we ask the questions in


Revise how we ask the questions in Present Simple
SB p. 103 ex. 7

Learning Task Complete an email to you

Learning Task Complete an email to you

Learning Task

Complete an email to you English pen-friend about sport, using Present Simple (60-80 words.)

Feedback Send me your written task for checking

Feedback Send me your written task for checking


Send me your written task for checking.

Were the tasks easy or difficult?
What was difficult for you?

Презентация к уроку по английскому языку тема Спорт 5 класс

Презентация к уроку по английскому языку  тема  Спорт 5 класс
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