There are many customs and some of them are very old. There is, for example, the Marble Championship, where the British Champion is crowned; he wins a silver cup known among folk dancers as Morris Dancing. Morris Dancing is an event where people, worn in beautiful clothes with ribbons and bells, dance with handkerchiefs or big sticks in their hands, while traditional music- sounds.
“Традиции Англии”
Change of guard
Every nation becomes special by means of its own
traditions and customs. There is no other nation that
clings to the past with the tenacity of the British. They
are really proud of their traditions, they cherish them.
When we think of Britain we often think of people
drinking white tea, eating fish and chips, sitting by the
fireplace or wearing bowler hats, but there is much
more in Britain than just those things. Some British
traditions are royal, such as the Changing of the
Guard which takes place every day at Buckingham
Palace. The Trooping of the Colour happens on the
Queen’s official birthday. It’s a big colouful parade
with hundreds of soldiers and brass bands.
British holidays
British holidays (Christmas, Easter, Guy Fawkes
Night, Remembrance Day) are especially rich in
old traditions and customs. A traditional Christmas
dinner consists of roast turkey and potatoes,
cranberry sauce, sweet mince pies and Christmas
pudding. On Christmas Eve children hang up their
stockings around the fireplace for Father
Christmas to fill with presents. At Easter chocolate
eggs are given as presents symbolizing new life.
Guy Fawkes Night is also known as Bonfire Night
because English people burn stuffed figures on
bonfires. On Remembrance Day red poppies are
traditionally worn in memory of servicemen who
lost their lives in wars. National Morris Dancing
can be seen throughout the month of May in most
of English villages. Groups of men and women
wear coloured costumes, carry white
handkerchiefs and perform their lively folkdance.
Love for animals
One of Englishmen’s
traditions is their tender
love for animals. Pets
are members of English
families and are
protected by law. There
are even special
cemeteries for animals
in Great Britain. Most
English people love their
gardens too. They enjoy
gardening and
decorating their houses
with beautiful flowers
and plants.
Sports play an
essential part in
the life of Britain
and it is a popular
leisure activity.
Rugby, golf,
cricket, polo and
horse-racing are
British national
sports and they are
played on village
greens and in
towns on Sundays.
Food in England
Having a meal is also a tradition for the English. For
breakfast they usually eat porridge with milk and sugar
and drink tea. Breakfast time in England is between
seven and nine, and the time between 12 and 2 is
lunchtime. For lunch they usually have fruit, pudding,
sometimes vegetables and meat or fish. For some
people it is the biggest meal of the day. When tea-time
comes, the English have a cup of tea or milk.
Dinner is usually late in the evening. There is usually
soup, meat or fish and fruit or pudding. They rarely
have supper, and it usually consists of a sandwich and
a cup of tea or a glass of milk and a piece of cake.
Tea tradition
The most famous
tradition in England is
drinking tea many times
a day. Some families
have “high tea” or big
tea instead of supper.
There is a lot of tea with
cakes, bread, butter and
sometimes cold meat.
The Englishmen never
drink their tea out of
glasses, they always
use teacups.
For most British families, this is the most important
festival of the year. This is the day when many people
are travelling home to be with their families on
Christmas Day. If you try to catch a train on 24th
December you may have difficulty in finding a seat.
There are a lot of traditions connected with Christmas
but the most important one is the giving of presents.
Family members wrap up their gifts and leave them at
the bottom of the Christmas tree to be «bound on
Christmas morning.
At some time on Christmas Day the family will sit down
to a big turkey dinner followed by Christmas pudding.
The Marble Championship
There are many customs and some of
them are very old. There is, for example,
the Marble Championship, where the
British Champion is crowned; he wins a
silver cup known among folk dancers as
Morris Dancing. Morris Dancing is an
event where people, worn in beautiful
clothes with ribbons and bells, dance
with handkerchiefs or big sticks in their
hands, while traditional music- sounds.