В научно-практической работе по английскому языку "Путешествие по Чебоксарам" описывается история , достопримечательности города. Исследуется как проводится год культуры и литературы в Чебоксарах, где наши талантливые дети не только принимают участие, также сами являются главными героями торжества. Работа на английском языке, помогает не только развить коммуникативные навыки, также расширить знания о культуре и традициях города.
X школьная научнопрактическая конференция обучающихся
«Мы дети XXI века!»
Направление общественногуманитарные науки
Смелова Анастасия, Угольников Евгений,
ученики 5 а класса
МБОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 12»
города Чебоксары
Научный руководитель:
Заботина Людмила Алексеевна,
Учитель английского языка
Чебоксары – 2016
1Table of contents
2. The year of Culture………………………………………………………..5
3. The year of Literature……………………………………………………..6
4. Conclusion………………………………………………………………....7
Cheboksary is our motherland. We admire, that we were born here. We are going to start with
the poem «Cheboksary».
The aim of our work is to tell a little about Cheboksary and our travel dedicated to the year of
culture and literature in Cheboksary.
31. Cheboksary
Cheboksary a city in Russia, the administrative scientific, industrial and cultural center of
Chuvashia. The city is located on the right bank of the Volga. Population 460,700 people
(2001). Among the leading industries: machinery, instrumentation, electronics, metalworking,
light industry, food industry, building materials, hydropower. In Cheboksary, Chuvash are the
Drama Theatre, the Chuvash Opera and Ballet, which is held annually Opera Festival Mikhailov
(was born in Cheboksary), Russian Drama Theatre, Young Audiences, a puppet, a philharmonic,
Chuvash chapel. In Cheboksary are beer museum, art gallery, local history and literary museums,
museum of VI Chapaev (Budayka born in the village, now in the city.) A native of the city is the
ballerina Nadezhda Pavlova.
The city center is situated on the slopes of the seven hills. It cuts through the artificial channel,
separated from the bulk of the Volga dam centered around the most important architectural
monuments: Trinity Monastery (17th c.) Vvedensky Cathedral (1651), Church of the
Resurrection (1702), the Church of the Assumption (1763), Chuvash Theatre, the monument of
Mother Protecting (2002), Theatre of Opera and Ballet, the Song Festival Grounds.
From an architectural point of view the house Zeleyschikova (17.), Solovtsova (mid17th c.).
42. The Year of Culture
The year of Culture was. In Cheboksary in 2014.According this we took part in many events,
which were held in our city. Now, we are going to tell and show about how we spent the year of
Culture. We participated in the book trailer contest. Zhenya with his work of literature
Nastya with works of Konstantin Simonov "the Death of a friend".
We participated in the annual competition, which was at the National library "Russian
word". Nastya has got 3rd place. Nastay took part in the competition of Poems about nature,hold
in the Culturalexhibition center "rainbow".
We visited the Cultural exhibition center "rainbow" at the excursion of «History of India».
We learned a lot of interesting about culture, that the Central place in ancient Indian culture
belongs to the monuments of religious literature.With the class we took participation in many
events dedicated to the Day of City. We sang the song "My City", "Sunny circle" and many
We actively participated in the activities of our district "The Day of Bogdanci!".
We visited the National library, preparing to the scientific conference, we learned a lot of
books, newspapers, and the history of our city. We visited the Museum of V. I. Chapaev. Where
Chapaev was born. There we rocked the cradle, lifted buckets of water on a yoke. We went to the
Theatre of Opera and Ballet on play "Sleeping beauty". Anastasiay became the winner in the
competition of poems about cabbage in the Center of Culture and also in nomination. "Miss
sincerity". Nastya took part in the city project "Singing Cheboksary".
At the end of 2014 our dance group performed in the house of children's creativity of
Huzangaya and with our performance we opened the concert of stars of the Chuvash music.
We went to the Christmastree in kindergarten. We well prepared for the Christmas Tree. We got
dressed up costumes of Snow Maiden and Snowman.
In March we went to the Museum. There were many exhibits of the characters of fairytales:
the Princess, BabaYaga, Koshcheiand others. In the summer of 2014 Zhenya visited Moscow by
the invitation, as the winner of the International photo contest "FestPhoto", the exhibition of
photographs was dedicated to the "Day of Victory".
5We sang the song by Beatles "Yesterday", even made a cardboard guitar. We participated in
charity. Nastya performed at the charity concert "the Rainbow of Good. But Zhenya was a
spectator. All funds for tickets were given to the Republican hospital.
3. The Year of Literature
The Year of literature began on the 1st of January, in 2015 in Russia. In 2015 year, Chuvashia
was devoted to literature and Konstantin Ivanov.
According this in 2015 year many events have been held that contributed to the improvement
of the cultural potential of the inhabitants of Chuvashia, increasing interest in reading, especially
among the younger population.
We participated in competition of poems about the city.We became the winner of the city
contest "New Old Cheboksary".We met with folk singer Marina Ninth. She went to the musical
We closer studied the culture of our Republic. At the beginning of the school year we went to
the exhibition "Rainbow. "We were told about Sweden, visited the class of drawing by sand. In
October we went in Kazan. We learned a little about the history of this city and saw places of
The most unusual and unexpected for us was travel to the place of Russian father Frost. We
went to Velikiy Ustyugon the 18th of November. We visited the home of father Frost. And we
learned a lot of interesting and useful information about flax, visiting the Museum of flax.
We can say that there are many interesting places in our city where you can spent your time
with use and pleasure. Also learnt more interesting information about our wonderful city.We
love Cheboksary. We are going to continue our travel this year.
71. https
:// ru . wikipedia
. org
2. http
:// cheboksary
. ru /
3. http
:// project
.1 september
. ru /
«Город Чебоксары»
Светлый город Чебоксары
Он над Волгою рекой!
Я живу здесь и довольна
Это город мой родной!
Лишь согреет его солнце,
Полюбуйтесь там и тут..
В каждом парке, всюду…всюду..
Цветы яркие цветут.
Купола церквей сверкают,
Птичьи слышны голоса,
Словно искорки мерцает
На траве с утра роса.
Охраняет весь наш город
Покровительница – Мать!
Смотритв даль,раскинув руки,
Словно хочет всех обнять.
9С каждым годом, с каждым часом
В городе растут дома.
Целые микрорайоны
Школы, парки, гастрономы.
Будет город наш просторный!
Жить легко в нем и привольно,
Пусть стоит он сотни лет…..Чебоксары – град (город) побед!
The bright city Cheboksary
It is over the Volga river!
I live here and I am glad
This city is my home!
Only sun will warm it,
Admire here and there
In every Park, everywhere...everywhere
Bright flowers are blooming.
The domes of the churches are shining
Bird voices are heard,
As if a spark is flickering
On the grass with the morning dew.
The Patroness – Mother!
Protects all of our city
Looking into the distance, outstretched its arms,
If it wants to hug everyone.
With every year, every hour
In the city are grown new homes.
Entire neighborhoods
Schools, parks.
Our city will be spacious!
To live here will be easily and free,
Let it is stood for hundreds of years...
Cheboksary – the city of wins!