The codifying nature of the semantico-phonetical complex.
Оценка 4.8

The codifying nature of the semantico-phonetical complex.

Оценка 4.8
Научно-исследовательская работа
английский язык
The codifying nature of the semantico-phonetical complex.
Статья содержит в себе краткую информацию о семантико-фонетическом комплексе.


                                                                                                           Rajabova Kamilla Zavkiddinovna:

                                                                                                           a sophomore of Uzbek State World

                                                                                                           Languages university. UzSWLU.

                                                                                                          Academic adviser: a dean of the                 

                                                                                                          faculty of  translation as well as

                                                                                                          a senior  lecturer  Omonov.P.X.                                                                                                                                              

Annotation: the codifying nature of the semantico-phonetical complex is scrutinized in this scientific paper and its connection with the whole grammatical organization is illustrated.

Key words:  the codifying nature of the semantico-phonetical complex , the positionally-directive level , substantiveness , the structural units , the materialized statics , the  materialized dynamics ,  processually-static traits ,  correlation , paradigmatic and syntagmatic types ,  the processual class , the qualifying class.

Within the limits of the positionally-directive level there exists a definite fixed opposition of substantiveness , process and quality on the base of which one and the same notion may be differently distributed. Being decomposed it gives rise to the structural units which serve to express either the materialized statics ( home ) ,or the materialized dynamics ( to home ) or at last the qualifying characteristics of these processually-static traits ( homelife ). Thus the process of splitting the notion in all the cases is represented by some semantico-phonetical complexes.

 Semantico-phonetical complex ( SPhC ) is a special codifying unit which is formed by the structure of consonants put in the fixed order of their following. SPhC revealed in such codifying units as: wr(i)t(er), wr(i)t(e), wr(i)t(ing).

Such complex being freely used in the positionally-directive level characterize it as a compressive one.Due to this compressiveness man can reflect reality with ease using the same codifying units no matter what structural elements are represented by them.

Correlation is characterized by momentary audio , visual or any other sensuous reaction tonthe object. This is one of the reasons why the inner speech based on the semantico-phonetical complex is much quicker in comparison with the outer speech.

Each semantico-phonetical complex represents the initial foundation of correlating our thought and the object of reality. Its structure has reprinted the codifying language significance of the object psychologically common to the whole language community of people. Any further distribution of the codifying units into the paradigmatic and syntagmatic types depends on their combination with the constant. For instance one and the same semantico-phonetical complex lv being combined with the constant of substantivity gives the structural element belonging to the substantival class (  l (o)v(e) as a noun or a static unit ). Its combination with the constant of action gives  the structural element of the processual class ( l (o)v(e) as a dynamic unit ). Its combination with the constant of action gives the structural element of the processual class. Its combination with the constant of quality represents the structural element of the qualifying class.





    SPhC                         C

          Codifying units



l(o) v (e)                       +Cv

                                      + Cql

the substantival class

the processual class

the qualifying class

love  (noun)

to love (verb)

love , loving

lovely (adverb)


Dealing with the first level one can hardly speak about the words because the latter originate as the units of the second level where they are :

1)      widened by the system of vowel

2)      corrected by the grammatical form of the concrete historical period.

Nouns in the process of correctivity acquire the system of articles and lose the system of gender and case forms in Modern English. Verbs besides the particle TO can manifest the complex system of aspect and tense indicators not used in Old and even Middle English. Adjectives preserving the forms of the degrees of comparison have no indicator of numbers , etc.

Conclusion:   semantico-phonetical complexes are the basic units of the first or positionally-directive level. Being connected with the constants they create the elements of paradigmatics and being used in the definite positional place they are changed into the elements of syntagmatics. But their functioning within the sphere of the first level is marked by the purely consonantial structure and the lack of grammatical indicators. The lack of vowels and grammatical inventory reduces the period of inner speech activities making it short.

 The list of used literature :

1 . Koshevaya I . G .  The theory of English grammar .  M. , 1982 .

2. Vorontsova G . N . The summary of English grammar. M. , 1956 .

3. Poutsma P . H . Grammar of Late Modern English ., 1926 .

4. Chafe V . Structures of English . N . Y . ., 1963 .

5. Sweet H . Language . N . Y . , 1931 .

6.Bonk N . A . , Lukyanova N . A . , Pamukhina L . G . , English language . B. , 2001.

7. Kachalova K . N . , Israilevich E . E .  English grammar ., T., 2015.






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