Hello, this is AJ, welcome to the next lesson. Here we go. This one is called “Be a Champion.”
Now champion has a couple different meanings. One meaning of champion is winner, a winner. So a champion is someone who wins a game or wins a fight or is number one, number one. So we talk about a champion team, so they’re the number one team. But we’re not using that meaning in this lesson; we’re using a different meaning.
Another meaning of champion is somebody that fights for a good cause; someone who fights for something good, someone who defends something good. And that’s what we’re talking about here, be a champion. Be somebody that fights for good things, that’s not afraid, that you will fight for what is right, you will fight for what is good. That’s the idea here, be a champion.
Be a Champion Main Text
Hello, this is AJ, welcome to the next lesson. Here we go. This one is called “Be a
Now champion has a couple different meanings. One meaning of champion is
winner, a winner. So a champion is someone who wins a game or wins a fight or is
number one, number one. So we talk about a champion team, so they’re the
number one team. But we’re not using that meaning in this lesson; we’re using a
different meaning.
Another meaning of champion is somebody that fights for a good cause; someone
who fights for something good, someone who defends something good. And that’s
what we’re talking about here, be a champion. Be somebody that fights for good
things, that’s not afraid, that you will fight for what is right, you will fight for what is
good. That’s the idea here, be a champion.
And I’m going to read a small section from a book called Free Prize Inside and it’s by
Seth Godin. Seth Godin is an Internet Marketing expert. He was a member of
Yahoo, the Internet Company. Back in the beginning, when Yahoo was first starting,
he helped their marketing. And then, later, he sold his own company, he made a lot
of money and now he just writes about Internet Marketing and he’s got a lot of great
books about business.
But, you know he also talks about just life in general. A lot of his advice about
careers, about business, is just good advice, in general. It’s good advice for life, in
general. And this is one of the nicest sections of his book, where he talks about
being a champion in your career, in your job.
And what he means is that in your job you should fight for what is right, what is
good, what is interesting, what will help the company most and, usually, you have
to break rules to do that. Usually you have to be different. Usually you have to be
kind of strong to do that. You can’t just be the same as everybody else.
So let me read this section and then we’ll talk about it more. Here we go, be a
“Go ahead, do something great! Champion an innovation, I dare you! Because the
choice is between following the rules or doing the right thing. Everyone’s got great
ideas. You have great ideas. The difference between success and failure, most
definitely, is not about a shortage of ideas that are good. Instead, success is about
overcoming the status quo and inertia and working within your organization to make
things happen.
“The good news is that this is exactly what your company wants you to do, it’s fun,
it’s rewarding and once you learn how to do it you are guaranteed a good job for the
rest of your life. The bad news is that it’s difficult and it’s sometimes lonely.
“Whoever you wish to be you have to make a choice, a conscious decision to be
that person. Will you be a champion? Will you be remarkable? Will you be
outstanding in your career, in your life or will you be careful and normal and
mediocre? Choose. And by embracing this choice, by announcing your choice to
yourself and, eventually, to other people, you will make this process far more likely
to succeed.”
Okay, interesting, interesting. Nice section from Seth Godin. I really like him. And,
of course, again, this advice is great for all of your life, not just your career, but he
specifically writes about business and career.So here’s what he’s saying, he says you have a choice. You have two choices,
really, in your career. You can decide to be normal, follow the rules, be mediocre,
do the same thing that everyone else is doing or you can decide to be a champion,
to fight for new things, to fight for innovations, to fight for improvement, to fight for
what is right, to fight for creative, interesting projects, to go against what is normal
and boring. That’s your choice.
And he’s right; it’s scary in the beginning because we all went through normal
schools. And in normal schools, in almost every country in the world, you’re taught
to be normal, average, follow the rules. That’s what you learned in school. Follow
the rules. Do what you are told.
That is great advice for succeeding in school. It’s terrible advice for succeeding in
your career or life. Seth Godin is correct, the people with the best careers, with the
best jobs, with the most money, are champions. They don’t just follow the rules,
they do new interesting things. They innovate in their companies. They find new
ideas that will benefit the company. If they find something that’s wrong they fix it.
They don’t wait to ask permission. These are the people who have the best
Now I went through this process myself. So, you know, I’m not yelling at you
because I also, one time in the past, I was just, ah, following the rules, doing what
everyone else was doing as a teacher.
So in my first few jobs I just did the same thing as every other teacher. I used the
textbooks that the school required and I used the same drills, the same activities.
And I thought, well, this is the smart way to improve my career. Right? Follow the
rules. Do what you’re told to do, what everyone else is doing.
It didn’t work. I continued to get paid very badly, made very little money…ha-ha…
and I didn’t enjoy my job. And the worse thing, for me, was that my students didn’t
improve and this bothered me a lot. And, in fact, I focused a lot more on my
students and the more I focused on my students the less I cared about my boss or
my school.
And I became a champion for my students. I decided I’m going to fight for my
students. I will do anything and everything to help them. I will break the rules. I
will use different methods. I will throw away the textbooks. I don’t care. My job is
to be a champion for my students, my customers, my real customers, right?
And so that’s what I did. I stopped using the normal textbooks. I started to find
different methods. I went back to school and got a Masters Degree and I learned a
lot of incredibly cool, interesting teaching methods and I began to use those. And
every job I got I was always a champion for my students.
As a result, I became more and more popular with my students, with the real
customers. They really started to like my class. I got more attention. I started to
get more money and better positions. My career improved.
Now sometimes I got in trouble because I broke the rules, right? I was a champion,
not a rule follower. I got fired from one job because I didn’t use the required
textbooks and I didn’t follow the required procedures and rules and I refused to use
the same grading system that every other teacher used, so I got fired. And many
people think, “Oh, that’s terrible. It was terrible.” I was not terrible! It was
fantastic! Because the next job I got was even better.
And as a result of getting fired I began to think about starting my own company. I
began to realize if I really want to be a champion and do what is right then I need to
be in control. I need to be the boss. Because I’m always going to have problems if I
am just fighting against traditional schools all the time.
And so I started my own company and my company has grown and I’m making
more money than I ever did as a teacher and I’m happier than I ever was as anemployee. And so my career has gotten better and better and better because I
have been a champion for my customers, for my students.
By focusing on being a champion I have made much, much more money, I have
improved my position, I am now the owner of my own company, everything is
better. I’m a better teacher, my students are even happier, everything improved
because of that. That has been the key.
Even if I decided to close my business and just look for jobs I could get a job very
fast, very easily. Why? Because now I am a much, much, much better teacher. I’m
very confident. I have a lot of experience now as the owner of my own business.
So as Seth Godin says, “You’re guaranteed a good job for the rest of your life if you
learn how to be a champion.” Because there are always companies who are looking
for champions, even when the economy is bad, even when times are tough, there’s
always a job for a true champion.
The people who lose their jobs are the people who are normal and average. They
can be replaced easily. You can cut their job and hire a new person and pay them
less or just cut their job because they’re not doing anything interesting or new or
different, they’re replaceable. Normal people are replaceable. People who follow
the rules are replaceable. They’re easy to cut.
Champions are unique. Champions are special. They’re remarkable, they’re
outstanding. Companies don’t usually cut them. And if you do get fired, if you do
get cut, another company will hire you very quickly.
When I got fired from my job in Thailand I easily found a job in San Francisco. I
could have gotten another job in Thailand very easily, no problem, because at that
point I was a champion. I had a passion. I had a mission. I had my own unique
methods. I was not the same as every other teacher. I made myself a champion. I
made myself different, special and because of that it was very easy for me to get
another job, very, very, easy.
It’s the same with you in your career. It doesn’t matter what you do in life, if you
become a champion, if you fight for what is good, what is interesting, what is new, if
you’re always trying to innovate, you’re going to have a much better career then if
you just follow the rules and do what everyone else does.
So that’s my mission to you, be a champion. Try new things. Fight for new ideas.
Fight for creative, cool, interesting projects at your job and in your life. Do this,
you’re guaranteed to always have a good job, with your same company or with a
new company.
All right, well I will see you next time.