Обобщающий урок "School" 6 класс
Оценка 4.8

Обобщающий урок "School" 6 класс

Оценка 4.8
Разработки уроков
английский язык
6 кл
Обобщающий урок "School" 6 класс
Обобщающий урок по теме "School" 6 класс 2 четверть. Обобщение по темам "School" , "School rules", модальный глагол must, have to, c чтением на поиск необходимой информации, с аудированием. Предварительная подготовка к уроку - создание кластеров на темы: Школьный кабинет, Школьное расписание, Школьные правила, Школьная форма, Школьные клубы (факультативы), Столовая. Итогом и рефлексией урока является написание кластера "School"Обобщающий урок "School" 6 класс

Обобщающий урок по теме  "School" 6 класс 2 четверть.

Цель урока: Обобщение по темам "School" , "School rules", модальный глагол must, have to.

На уроке используется все виды речевой деятельности: монологические высказывания, чтение-поиск необходимой информации, аудирование и письмо.

Предварительная подготовка к уроку - создание кластеров по темам: Школьный кабинет, Школьное расписание, Школьные правила, Школьная форма, Школьные клубы (факультативы), Столовая. Итогом и рефлексией урока является написание кластера  "School".


Ход урока

Hello? I’m glad to see you. How are you? I’m OK too. Let’s start our lesson with the poem.

Learning English… It is easy!

Try to learn it, Liz and Kate!

I like reading, writing, spelling.

Is it boring? No, it’s great.


What is the poem about? Lets read and translate.  Lets prove it. давайте докажем, что учить английский не скучно

Let’s start with warming up and the words, we have learned начнем с разминки

(Выходит ученик – остальные предлагают ему перевести слова с русского на английский)


OK.  So, we are going to speak today about English, learning and school.

Do you like our school ? Masha likes it too. Let’s listen to her


(Выходит ученик и рассказывает о школе, сопровождая рассказ презентацией)

Thank you, Masha.

So, what is SCHOOL?  (Subjects, Uniform, Rules, Classrooms, Clubs Canteen)

(Cоставление кластера)

Let’s start with the first point  Subjects.  What subjects do you study?

(ученик  называет  школьные предметы)

Now, the 1-st variant will work with the test, and the 2-d variant will match the subjects and their description


Вариант 1

1)       We ... at Art lesson

a)    count; b) read; c) paint.

2) We ... at Literature.

a)  sing songs  b) run and jump    c)read.

3) They ... at Maths.

a)  count; b) cook; c) draw.

4) He ... at English.

a)  jumps b) speaks c) paints.

5) She ... at Music.

a) cooks b) sings songs  c) dances.


1)        2)      3)      4)      5)


Вариант 2

















1.    At this lesson you read English texts, speak, ask and answer questions, play games.

2.    At this lesson you draw and paint. You have pa­pers and pencils, a brush and an eraser.

3.    At this lesson you write in your exercise-books and count.

4.    At this lesson you read, write, do exercises, ask and answer questions. We speak Russian.

5.    At this lesson you do not read and write. You run, jump in the Gym.

Let’s check. Read the sentences. Very well. At our school we have nice Classrooms.  What do we have in a class?


 (ученик  называет  предметы школьной мебели)

Let’s describe our classroom.

There is  a …   There are  …    I can see

(ученики составляют  предложения, описывающие класс)


At every school has its rules. Let’s remember them

(ученик  называет  школьные предметы)

You have a task in tour lists, underline the right verb    must   or  mustn’t

Выбери     подходящий  по смыслу глагол   must/ mustnt

1.           We    must/ mustn’t     do our  homework.

2.           We   must/ mustn’t   take  pets to school.

3.           We   must/ mustn’t     run  in  class.

4.           We   must/ mustn’t  talk  loudly.

5.           We   must/ mustn’t   wear  a  uniform.

6.           We   must/ mustn’t    come  to  school  on  time.

Let’s check. Read the sentences. Very well. Let’s turn to School Uniform. What is it?


 (ученик  называет  предметы школьной формы)

Now let’s read the texts about schoolboys and answer the question “Who has to wear a uniform?”

(ученики  читают  тексты)

Прочитай тексты про двух школьников и ответь на вопрос:


1. Who has to wear a uniform?

A Steven        B Thomas


My parents sent me to drama school when I was eight.

 It is the biggest drama school in the country. The school day begins at eight o’clock. We do dance, music, theatre or project work in the morning. After lunch, we change into our school uniform and have normal school lessons until 4.30 pm. Sometimes at the weekend we put on shows or have sports competitions with other schools. I love it!


I live in my school and I go home to see my parents in the holidays. They live in France, so sometimes I miss them.

We wake up early – at 6.45 am, have breakfast and start the first lesson at 8.40 am. There are six lessons every weekday. We also have two lessons on Saturday morning. There is no uniform, but we have to wear smart clothes.

I am not great at studying, but I win a lot of prizes for football and tennis.


3.  Who is good at sports?

A Steven        B Thomas


After lessons some studens stay at school and attend clubs. What clubs are there at our school?

(ученик  называет  школьные кружки и факультативы)

Now let’s listen to the dialogues and find out where they are taking place

Прослушайте диалоги и определите, где происходит действие

А) In the zoo   B) In a shop   C) In a sports club   D)In the street    E) At school










The most favorite place at school for many pupils is a canteen. What do we eat there?

(1-ый ученик  называет  меню школьной  столовой)

(2-oй ученик выполняет тест онлайн   на компьютере some\any)

OK. We see our school live is so interesting. Let’s sum everything up and write a cinquain «School»


1)    School

2)    noisy, funny

3)    work, play, learn

4)    I love my school!

5)    Great!

So, present your cinquains.

Very well.  Thank you for  your work.  I hope we’ve remembered everything and proved that studying English is not boring.


1.     We    must/ mustn’t     do our homework.

2.     We   must/ mustn’t   take  pets to school.

3.     We   must/ mustn’t     run  in  class.

4.     We   must/ mustn’t  talk  loudly.

5.     We   must/ mustn’t   wear  a  uniform.

6.     We   must/ mustn’t    come  to  school  on  time.


А) In the zoo   B) In a shop   C) In a sports club   D)In the street    E) At school





























Лист заданий к обобщающему уроку «School» 6 класс

1.     Subjects

Вариант 1

2)       We ... at Art lesson

b)    count; b) read; c) paint.

2) We ... at Literature.

a)  sing songs  b) run and jump    c)read.

3) They ... at Maths.

a)  count; b) cook; c) draw.

4) He ... at English.

a)  jumps b) speaks c) paints.

5) She ... at Music.

a) cooks b) sings songs  c) dances.


2)        2)      3)      4)      5)

















Вариант 2


6.    At this lesson you read English texts, speak, ask and answer questions, play games.

7.    At this lesson you draw and paint. You have pa­pers and pencils, a brush and an eraser.

8.    At this lesson you write in your exercise-books and count.

9.    At this lesson you read, write, do exercises, ask and answer questions. We speak Russian.

10. At this lesson you do not read and write. You run, jump in the Gym.

2.     Classroom


There is  a …            There are  …               I can see …


3.     Uniform

Прочитай тексты про двух школьников и ответь на вопрос:

1. Who has to wear a uniform?

A Steven        B Thomas


My parents sent me to drama school when I was eight.

 It is the biggest drama school in the country. The school day begins at eight o’clock. We do dance, music, theatre or project work in the morning. After lunch, we put on our school uniform and have normal school lessons until 4.30 pm. Sometimes at the weekend we perform shows or have sports competitions with other schools. I love it!


I live in my school and I go home to see my parents in the holidays. They live in France, so sometimes I miss them.

We wake up early – at 6.45 am, have breakfast and start the first lesson at 8.40 am. There are six lessons every weekday. We also have two lessons on Saturday morning. There is no uniform, but we have to wear smart clothes.

I am not great at studying, but I win a lot of prizes for football and tennis.



Выбери     подходящий  по смыслу глагол   must/ mustnt

1.           We    must/ mustn’t     do our  homework.

2.           We   must/ mustn’t   take  pets to school.

3.           We   must/ mustn’t     run  in  class.

4.           We   must/ mustn’t  talk  loudly.

5.           We   must/ mustn’t   wear  a  uniform.

6.           We   must/ mustn’t    come  to  school  on  time.


Прослушайте диалоги и определите, где происходит действие

А) In the zoo   B) In a shop   C) In a sports club   D)In the street    E) At school











6)    School

7)    noisy, funny

8)    work, play, learn

9)    I love my school!

10)                       Great!



1.     School





Thank you!













Обобщающий урок по теме "School" 6 класс 2 четверть

Обобщающий урок по теме "School" 6 класс 2 четверть

We ... at Art lesson a) count; b) read; c) paint

We ... at Art lesson a) count; b) read; c) paint

Now let’s read the texts about schoolboys and answer the question “Who has to wear a uniform?” (ученики читают тексты)

Now let’s read the texts about schoolboys and answer the question “Who has to wear a uniform?” (ученики читают тексты)

OK. We see our school live is so interesting

OK. We see our school live is so interesting

Лист заданий к обобщающему уроку «

Лист заданий к обобщающему уроку «

My parents sent me to drama school when

My parents sent me to drama school when

Обобщающий урок "School" 6 класс

Обобщающий урок "School" 6 класс
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