Оценка 4.7


Оценка 4.7
Научно-исследовательская работа
This article talks about the organization of innovative activities of teachers of multidisciplinary preschool education in an educational cluster.




Karimova Zulfiya Abduraxmanovna

Tvchdpi 1 Year Master's Degree



This article talks about the organization of innovative activities of teachers of multidisciplinary preschool education in an educational cluster.


Keywords: Correction, dyslalia, dysarthria, alalia, aphasia, nutkining tulik rivozhlanmaganlik, classster, rehabilitation.



Today, preschoolers with speech disorders, mental retardation, and basic motor analyzer are brought up in a multidisciplinary preschool institution.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 30, 2018 No. PP-3955 “On measures to improve the management of preschool education”, as well as to further improve preschool education, a number of decisions were made. the Cabinet of Ministers in order to create favorable conditions for the education, upbringing and integration of children, as well as children in need of rehabilitation and rehabilitation.

1.    This Regulation defines the goals and objectives, rights, duties and responsibilities of multidisciplinary specialized preschool educational organizations (hereinafter referred to as specialized preschool organizations) and preschool educational organizations of a combined type (hereinafter referred to as a combined preschool organization), as well as the procedure for organizing their activities.

2.   Specialized preschool organizations and preschool organizations of a combined type carry out their activities in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On preschool education and upbringing" and other laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions of the chambers of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees, resolutions and orders of the President of the Republic Uzbekistan, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, State requirements for the development of children of early and preschool age, this Regulation and its charter.

3.   The activities of specialized preschool organizations are aimed at obtaining preschool education for children with physical or mental developmental disabilities, as well as their upbringing and rehabilitation.

4.   The activity of preschool organizations of a combined type is aimed at organizing joint education and upbringing in one organization in separate groups of children with physical or mental developmental disorders and children without developmental disorders.

5.   In a preschool organization of a combined type, inclusive groups can be organized.

6.   The state specialized preschool organization and the preschool organization of the combined type are legal entities, have a seal with the image of the State Emblem of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its name in the state language and a stamp, an independent balance sheet, budgetary and non-budgetary treasury personal accounts.

7.   A non-state specialized preschool organization and a combined type preschool organization are legal entities, have separate property, have an independent balance sheet, are liable for their obligations with the property at their disposal, may have a seal and a stamp with their name.

8.  A non-state specialized preschool organization and a preschool organization of a combined type carry out educational activities from the moment of obtaining a license in the manner prescribed by law.

9.   The goals of a specialized preschool organization and a preschool organization of a combined type are:

10.             Ensuring the realization of the child's right to education;creating favorable conditions for the education and upbringing of children, their social adaptation, as well as the correction of developmental disorders; ensuring the further physical, mental and spiritual development of children in

accordance with their age and individual capabilities, abilities and needs; the formation of the personality of the child, the development of his creative abilities, the acquisition of social experience by him.

The tasks of a specialized preschool organization and a preschool organization of a combined type are:

Providing educational, correctional and pedagogical assistance to pupils in accordance with the State requirements for the development of children of early and preschool age, as well as programs developed on their basis for organizing educational, educational and correctional activities; instilling in children a sense of love for the Motherland, a respectful attitude towards the family, respect for national traditions and customs, a conscious attitude towards oneself and the environment; medical habilitation and rehabilitation, compensation and correction of violations in the development of children; creation of conditions allowing children to receive high-quality preschool education and upbringing;

ensuring social adaptation of children and readiness to continue education and upbringing; preparing children for education in general educational institutions;

introduction of modern educational programs and technologies in the educational process.

The introduction of innovations in the field requires new approaches to existing methods of work. The laws of social development, on the contrary, have common aspects and natural patterns, and in many cases it is better to get ready-made templates in developed countries and use them creatively than to look for specific new ways. Therefore, today in the sectors of the economy, serious attention is paid to the application of innovative practices that have been tested in world practice and play an important role in the development of industrial sectors of the economy.

One of these innovations is the “cluster model”, which is now widely used in Uzbekistan in agriculture, textile and light industry. In the short term, the cluster model is recognized as a promising innovative direction in the economy, and experiments are being carried out to apply this model in other areas.

On the basis of the educational cluster in multidisciplinary special preschool educational institutions, tasks are set to enrich the educational cluster based on the organization of work in close cooperation with preschool educational institutions, general education schools, and higher educational institutions.

Within the framework of the educational cluster, a number of activities are currently being carried out to organize the innovative activities of teachers of multidisciplinary preschool education. All this work is manifested in the practice of preschool education and general education schools. The work is organized jointly with organizations of preschool education and methodological recommendations of school teachers. The use of visual aids, didactic materials, guidelines that can be applied in practice, gives good results in the organization of innovative activities of teachers.

Dyslalia, dysarthria, stuttering, alalia, aphasia, incomplete speech is observed in multidisciplinary special preschool institutions.In this speech, the tasks of each case in the organization of correctional and speech therapy work to overcome shortcomings are clearly defined.As a result of the elimination of speech defects, the preparation of children for school is determined.Speech is the basis of human thinking. Mental operations - analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, abstraction - develop in a situation related to the degree of speech development of the child.

The integrity of speech is important in the overall development of the child's personality. Speech performs important mental functions in the process of human communication, thinking and activity. Human speech is a set of actions that can express sounds or words performed in understandable and precise actions.

Speech, on the one hand, reflects the human psyche as a mirror of his national and individual characteristics, on the other hand, reflects the painful side of his psyche.

Speech manifests itself in articulation and dictation as an independent process. In articulation, sounds, joints and words are formed as a result of the formation of internal and external movements with the help of the external apparatus of speech and the apparatus of the peripheral nervous system. Dyslalia is a violation of sound pronunciation with preserved innervation of the normal auditory and speech apparatus. Synonyms: sweetness of the language (outdated), pronunciation defects, phonetic defects, phoneme pronunciation disorders.

In the wrong phonemic variation of speech: manifested in the distorted pronunciation of sounds, the exchange of sounds or their absence. The defect may be due to the fact that at such a time the articular base is not formed in the child (not all aspects of the articular side are necessary for sound pronunciation) or the articular side is not formed correctly. This results in inconsistent sounds. A separate group consists of diseases associated with anatomical defects of the articulatory apparatus.

Pronunciation disorders are considered psychologically or as a result of the unformed operations of isolating and understanding phonemes (i.e., a violation of normal production conditions. In the process of identifying each speech defect, the work of a speech therapist takes into account the age of the child, individual characteristics and all the mental processes of the child. It is known that in children with speech defects, the development of such operations as memory, attention, imagination, thinking is carried out by specialists.


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The activity of preschool organizations of a combined type is aimed at organizing joint education and upbringing in one organization in separate groups of children…

The activity of preschool organizations of a combined type is aimed at organizing joint education and upbringing in one organization in separate groups of children…

The introduction of innovations in the field requires new approaches to existing methods of work

The introduction of innovations in the field requires new approaches to existing methods of work

Speech manifests itself in articulation and dictation as an independent process

Speech manifests itself in articulation and dictation as an independent process

Achilova, S. (2020). Phonetic and

Achilova, S. (2020). Phonetic and
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